Pyro pistol is all or nothing - if enemy is immune to burn he also sports good fire resistance so pyrogun does nothing. Many human enemies wear fireproof armors.
Definitely, but in a game that is mostly about ambushing (IMO) and with the visual cue of fireproof armor, you can choose your weapon accordingly. Most critters aren't fireproof and in my first "dominating" run, i'm a lot more killed by groups of titan azuridae or death stalker than by humans (might be because i'm not used to figthing them) The boulder throwing mutant got me a few time too (they are immune to the fear of burning)
- PSIker wants WIL while chem pistols want PER and especially DEX. Fortunately both builds want some INT but attribute requirements are still pretty harsh. Not to mention AGI and CON.
You're probably right, spreading too much won't work (at least in dominating)

I said cooked shot in particular because I expect to use mostly it, with low perception, hitting a target with a direct shot is unlikely, but cooked shot seems to behave like a grenade throw, enemies are always hit in the area, so it's an easy Aoe CC (root or fear)and dmg buff more than a source of direct damage.
Now that I think about it, does cooked shot depend on your throwing skill for the accuracy of the shot or your Gun skill ?
- Fire and ice don't mix well.
It's a shame, in my opinion robotic enemies and metal armor should be more susceptible to extreme thermal gradient, cold makes metal more brittle (lower mechanical threshold/resistance) and extreme heat cause thermal dilation or overheating (a science-lore friendly debuff is less obvious in this case, let's say it lower action points a bit)