Author Topic: Feats and items improvements  (Read 8453 times)


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2019, 08:36:58 pm »
Disassemble: Hardly worth a feat. At best worth an expensive blueprint.
Again, better than you're giving it credit for.  If you don't play on Dominating then you probably have infinity moneys, at all times; but if you do play on Dominating, you likely find your finances a bit more cramped.  Disassemble is worth an enormous lot of potential money, and there's also a meta for it that results in you getting free repairs for any gear you're using that you could also craft.  Ending up with a way to avoid repair costs while also pulling expensive components off found/looted items so you can fill up the optional slots in crafted items?  That's quite useful, and well worth a single feat slot for a crafter build.


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2019, 11:31:16 pm »
Sheeeit, Sure Step is awesome. Caltrops are awesome (if you can afford to carry them).

I don't think I've ever taken Dirty Kick, but I could at least imagine doing so. Barely misses the cut. Yes, I'd usually prefer a taser, but I could imagine not having the utility slot, or wanting both together.

I doubt I'll ever take Disassemble, although I can believe what TAG says about $ on Dominating. I am curious about the meta repair process TAG is talking about, also.


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2019, 06:12:18 am »
Disassemble: Hardly worth a feat. At best worth an expensive blueprint.
Again, better than you're giving it credit for.  If you don't play on Dominating then you probably have infinity moneys, at all times; but if you do play on Dominating, you likely find your finances a bit more cramped.  Disassemble is worth an enormous lot of potential money, and there's also a meta for it that results in you getting free repairs for any gear you're using that you could also craft.  Ending up with a way to avoid repair costs while also pulling expensive components off found/looted items so you can fill up the optional slots in crafted items?  That's quite useful, and well worth a single feat slot for a crafter build.

Since this is beta I am still testing out stuff on Autistic, therefore playing it exclusively though it is an obnoxious and tedious difficulty increase. Even on Autistic you can get quite a bit of money, it just takes longer. Furthermore the only part you really want from Disassemble are things which are rare to buy like Rapid Reloaders but that is not worth a feat slot and you will usually get 2-3 at least if you are diligently checking merchants. Otherwise you want higher quality parts, not lower quality parts and you can find copious amounts of parts anyway if you scour every corner of the game.
As to repair costs, seriously? If you are a "crafter", who actually is not, you can buy the repair kit blueprint dirt cheap and the materials are dirt cheap as well.
So no, Disassemble, even on Autistic is not worth a feat slot. Paying good money might be worth thinking about it, wasting feat on something so.... exceedingly situationally useful is not worth such a steep price.

Sheeeit, Sure Step is awesome. Caltrops are awesome (if you can afford to carry them).

I don't think I've ever taken Dirty Kick, but I could at least imagine doing so. Barely misses the cut. Yes, I'd usually prefer a taser, but I could imagine not having the utility slot, or wanting both together.

I doubt I'll ever take Disassemble, although I can believe what TAG says about $ on Dominating. I am curious about the meta repair process TAG is talking about, also.

To this day regardless how bad a feat/perk/trait was in many other games there was always someone defending it. Fact is that during combat you want to use Caldrops to keep enemies at bay, not slowing them down while they surround you. Even if, you can just as easily run and throw it then.
I have several hundreds of hours and a dozen builds/variants tested and not once did I feel the need for Sure Step. It is at best a convinience/luxury feat if there is nothing else you need. Such feats usually come around 20 when you just want some stuff to round out your build or maybe cover something you find somewhat annoying but not vital. Sure Step is a tough sell, again at best, for taking at crucial early levels when combat is at its hardest.
As to cash, he is wrong. The cash problem is only really a problem at start. Well maybe if you want to smelt copious amounts of cash into supersteel but I rarely play metal armor wearing characters since stealth is so much fun in this game.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 06:33:29 am by Sykar »


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2019, 08:20:24 am »
As a result, it turned out that everyone plays differently and therefore each Feat is necessary and important)


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2019, 08:49:44 am »
Furthermore the only part you really want from Disassemble are things which are rare to buy like Rapid Reloaders but that is not worth a feat slot and you will usually get 2-3 at least if you are diligently checking merchants. Otherwise you want higher quality parts, not lower quality parts and you can find copious amounts of parts anyway if you scour every corner of the game.
As to repair costs, seriously? If you are a "crafter", who actually is not, you can buy the repair kit blueprint dirt cheap and the materials are dirt cheap as well.
What you're describing tells me that you don't optimize heavily, and that's fine.  But that doesn't change the fact that there's a ton of potential money from Disassemble.  If you did want a top of the line jet ski, if you did want to sink money into super steel, and also fully kit out your house in Core City, Disassemble would be the way to make that happen on Dominating without farming for cash.

Got a mod on a 5mm pistol? Pull it off and put it on a crafted .44 or something.  And remember, the base cost multiplier rises with more mods, so you didn't just pull a mod off a cheaper weapon, you increased its potential value by putting it on a fully-modded  frame.  Plus, when you re-craft the 5mm pistol you took apart, it'll be at full durability, meaning it'll sell for more; or if you plan to recycle it for repair kit scraps, you'll get more of those.

Like I said, better than you give it credit for.  There's no need to use it on any build, of course - but it's worth more cash than any feat except maybe Salesman, and if that matters to someone, they'll get good mileage from Disassemble.  Especially if their build has room for QoL feats.


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2019, 10:11:14 am »
Better yet, quite a few rare/semi-rare mods do not have quality, and are unaffected by Disassemble.

That being said, the fact it reduces quality pushes it solidly into QoL-tier.


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2019, 10:53:31 am »
As a result, it turned out that everyone plays differently and therefore each Feat is necessary and important)

No. There are probably a dozen or so feats which are build defining. Feats like Snipe, Aimed Shot, Premeditation, Blitz, etc. Then there are feats which are good complements to those, like Interloper, Paranoia, Suppressive Fire, Opportunist, etc.
But then there are feats which make so little impact that you could miss out on them and you would barely if ever notice it, like the ones I mentioned unless you are a try hard who wants to "prove" that these terrible feats can be justified in some hilariously niche application, even though you could just ignore it and won't miss it at all.

Furthermore the only part you really want from Disassemble are things which are rare to buy like Rapid Reloaders but that is not worth a feat slot and you will usually get 2-3 at least if you are diligently checking merchants. Otherwise you want higher quality parts, not lower quality parts and you can find copious amounts of parts anyway if you scour every corner of the game.
As to repair costs, seriously? If you are a "crafter", who actually is not, you can buy the repair kit blueprint dirt cheap and the materials are dirt cheap as well.
What you're describing tells me that you don't optimize heavily, and that's fine.  But that doesn't change the fact that there's a ton of potential money from Disassemble.  If you did want a top of the line jet ski, if you did want to sink money into super steel, and also fully kit out your house in Core City, Disassemble would be the way to make that happen on Dominating without farming for cash.

Got a mod on a 5mm pistol? Pull it off and put it on a crafted .44 or something.  And remember, the base cost multiplier rises with more mods, so you didn't just pull a mod off a cheaper weapon, you increased its potential value by putting it on a fully-modded  frame.  Plus, when you re-craft the 5mm pistol you took apart, it'll be at full durability, meaning it'll sell for more; or if you plan to recycle it for repair kit scraps, you'll get more of those.

Like I said, better than you give it credit for.  There's no need to use it on any build, of course - but it's worth more cash than any feat except maybe Salesman, and if that matters to someone, they'll get good mileage from Disassemble.  Especially if their build has room for QoL feats.

My main build, a PSI/Sniper hybrid, went through 7 iterations so far, almost each better than the previous one so the notion that I do not "optimize" heavily is so laughably stupid and ignorant I do not even know if I should bother to continue to reply. Nothing you said disprove the fact that Disassemble is at best a niche feat. It is not build defining. It is not a great complement to anything. It might help if you are REALLY unlucky and just cannot get your hands on a second Rapid Reloader or
As to selling shit for more, what a pointless endeavor considering the overabundance of loot and still you can make repair kits for almost no cost. The blue prine for them costs like 200 SGS iirc. The components are found all over the place. So there is little to no investment to be able to craft your own. Yet here I have to read such utter nonsense how Disassemble "saves" money by wasting a precious feat slot. The only time I have problems with money is at the beginning and if I really want to stuff every damn luxury crap into my residence, even though technically all you need are the work benches and maybe the shelves. That's it.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 11:11:14 am by Sykar »


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2019, 01:28:26 pm »
Disassemble not giving 100% quality out of the box is really bad, this shouldn't even be up for discussion.
Trading a combat feat for something that doesn't even work properly? No. End of story.


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2019, 04:41:53 pm »
As a result, it turned out that everyone plays differently and therefore each Feat is necessary and important)

No. There are probably a dozen or so feats which are build defining. Feats like Snipe, Aimed Shot, Premeditation, Blitz, etc. Then there are feats which are good complements to those, like Interloper, Paranoia, Suppressive Fire, Opportunist, etc.
But then there are feats which make so little impact that you could miss out on them and you would barely if ever notice it, like the ones I mentioned unless you are a try hard who wants to "prove" that these terrible feats can be justified in some hilariously niche application, even though you could just ignore it and won't miss it at all.

Terrible feats?... Funny))) You are too dramatized...
I understand that Are you the person who actively uses these "useless" feats? No? Well then, no one bothers you not to take them.

If you are about the equivalence of all feats - yes, there are feats of the first category, minor feats and feats that slightly facilitate some situations. I think that was the principle on which the game was made. Ask Styg)


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #24 on: February 06, 2019, 08:35:57 am »
As a result, it turned out that everyone plays differently and therefore each Feat is necessary and important)

No. There are probably a dozen or so feats which are build defining. Feats like Snipe, Aimed Shot, Premeditation, Blitz, etc. Then there are feats which are good complements to those, like Interloper, Paranoia, Suppressive Fire, Opportunist, etc.
But then there are feats which make so little impact that you could miss out on them and you would barely if ever notice it, like the ones I mentioned unless you are a try hard who wants to "prove" that these terrible feats can be justified in some hilariously niche application, even though you could just ignore it and won't miss it at all.

Terrible feats?... Funny))) You are too dramatized...
I understand that Are you the person who actively uses these "useless" feats? No? Well then, no one bothers you not to take them.

If you are about the equivalence of all feats - yes, there are feats of the first category, minor feats and feats that slightly facilitate some situations. I think that was the principle on which the game was made. Ask Styg)

I sincerely doubt that any sane developer would want feats which are so bad that you to go deep into rationalizations and make up some hyper-theoretical scenario just to justify lackluster, at best, feats.

I mean now that I think about it, Snooping could for example could also apply the perception bonus to finding traps. Oh wow, problem solved, now it is an optional feat which helps with one of the two the biggest weaknesses low perception characters have, though it would not be the only solution to the problem of finding traps in time.


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2019, 09:44:05 am »
As a result, it turned out that everyone plays differently and therefore each Feat is necessary and important)

No. There are probably a dozen or so feats which are build defining. Feats like Snipe, Aimed Shot, Premeditation, Blitz, etc. Then there are feats which are good complements to those, like Interloper, Paranoia, Suppressive Fire, Opportunist, etc.
But then there are feats which make so little impact that you could miss out on them and you would barely if ever notice it, like the ones I mentioned unless you are a try hard who wants to "prove" that these terrible feats can be justified in some hilariously niche application, even though you could just ignore it and won't miss it at all.

Terrible feats?... Funny))) You are too dramatized...
I understand that Are you the person who actively uses these "useless" feats? No? Well then, no one bothers you not to take them.

If you are about the equivalence of all feats - yes, there are feats of the first category, minor feats and feats that slightly facilitate some situations. I think that was the principle on which the game was made. Ask Styg)

I sincerely doubt that any sane developer would want feats which are so bad that you to go deep into rationalizations and make up some hyper-theoretical scenario just to justify lackluster, at best, feats.

I mean now that I think about it, Snooping could for example could also apply the perception bonus to finding traps. Oh wow, problem solved, now it is an optional feat which helps with one of the two the biggest weaknesses low perception characters have, though it would not be the only solution to the problem of finding traps in time.

You know, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it. So it is here. If there are such feats, then there are people who like it. Everyone has their own tastes and preferences, and each will remain with his opinion.


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2019, 11:56:47 am »
As a result, it turned out that everyone plays differently and therefore each Feat is necessary and important)

No. There are probably a dozen or so feats which are build defining. Feats like Snipe, Aimed Shot, Premeditation, Blitz, etc. Then there are feats which are good complements to those, like Interloper, Paranoia, Suppressive Fire, Opportunist, etc.
But then there are feats which make so little impact that you could miss out on them and you would barely if ever notice it, like the ones I mentioned unless you are a try hard who wants to "prove" that these terrible feats can be justified in some hilariously niche application, even though you could just ignore it and won't miss it at all.

Terrible feats?... Funny))) You are too dramatized...
I understand that Are you the person who actively uses these "useless" feats? No? Well then, no one bothers you not to take them.

If you are about the equivalence of all feats - yes, there are feats of the first category, minor feats and feats that slightly facilitate some situations. I think that was the principle on which the game was made. Ask Styg)

I sincerely doubt that any sane developer would want feats which are so bad that you to go deep into rationalizations and make up some hyper-theoretical scenario just to justify lackluster, at best, feats.

I mean now that I think about it, Snooping could for example could also apply the perception bonus to finding traps. Oh wow, problem solved, now it is an optional feat which helps with one of the two the biggest weaknesses low perception characters have, though it would not be the only solution to the problem of finding traps in time.

You know, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it. So it is here. If there are such feats, then there are people who like it. Everyone has their own tastes and preferences, and each will remain with his opinion.

Nothing but hollow, empty drivel that does not address the simple fact that some feats are basically useless outside of extremely niche builds and even there they are at best in the category of "nice to have" and that is putting mildly. The matter of fact is that most builds are deceptively feat starved and just getting in QoL feats like Burglar and Ninja Looter either impacts your combat performance or delays your maximum potential by another two levels, at least.


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2019, 07:30:25 pm »
So uh, anyone actually use the Clothier feat?

Seems to me like the ability to make an extra pretty pink dress is somewhat wasted in Underrail.


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2019, 10:14:21 pm »
So uh, anyone actually use the Clothier feat?

Seems to me like the ability to make an extra pretty pink dress is somewhat wasted in Underrail.
I have in the past, for a stealth character.  With all three - ninja tabis, balaclava, and the cloth layer on an overcoat - it amounts to like 20 points of stealth over using the same gear without Clothier.  Can also use it to get more cloth scraps if you have a repair kit economy going.  Can't really say it's a very compelling choice, but it provides enough benefit that you can see the effect, which I guess is really all a QoL feat needs.

Personally, I'd roll Skinner and Clothier together into one feat, but it's been suggested before.


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Re: Feats and items improvements
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2019, 11:14:43 am »
Oh about burglar, it has a better use now (or rather is not completely useless), because security cameras react to stealing and hacking.

Tested in SGS, hacking the doors in the private quarter is impossible without the Burglar feat, you got to do it in one second or camera will spot you.

Granted the usefulness is not exactly mindblowing, but it is something.