Would you be willing to share the build you use? Wasn't really sure what to go with but this sounds like a blast.
Sure, but if I could rebuild him I would, but I'll talk about that after.
At 1st lvl: S8/D7/A10/C3/P3/W3/I6, extra points go to strength, throwing/melee/dodge/evasion/temp psi all maxed, and crafting. I can't mention the new feats, but there are several that I took; pretty much all the ones for machetes, plus one for temp psi and one general one. Until level 10, I maxed crafting and ignored dodge/evasion because I was using riot gear and they suck until later anyway. Then, I maxed dodge and then evasion. Throwing goes up to effective 120. Then you can start putting more points in crafting.
Feats were: Sprint, (new feat), Nimble, Grenadier, Cheap Shots, Escape Artist (gotta fit in 30 dodge from your craft points), Blitz, Expose Weakness, (new feat), (new feat), Critical Power, then several more new feats with premeditation at some point probably (haven't taken it yet at lvl 20).
Now, if I could start over, I think I'd leave Int at 5, and have 7 strength and 9 dex at first level and level dex instead. You get somewhat less damage (like 1/7th or 1/8th less or something), but you get higher initiative and crit chance and later on can put some points in lockpicking and traps or whatever. I'm also not really needing premeditation so far with temp psi.
If you want a more pure melee machine, drop grenadier and premeditation and go with reckless and opportunist. You could also use the premeditation slot for three-pointer and spend whatever points you have left in throwing (as I built it, you could max throwing and still get your craft skills where you want them). Also my feat order is built around how I figured I'd progress through the game; if you want to focus on killing shit with swords earlier, pick those feats earlier, obviously.
Edit: Also, fancy footwork is good for reasons I can't disclose; consider taking that instead of sprint if you can work that in
Machetes might not seem so great at first, but you can really tear shit up later on.
Also there are
reasons to use riot gear with shields now, so you might consider that when building a new character.
edit: "better reasons"