Author Topic: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)  (Read 44689 times)


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #30 on: November 28, 2019, 01:30:48 pm »
I ends up doing oligarch quest first and skipped Foundry and rail crossing. Level 16 atm, and goddamn it's good against non-tanky dudes. I ran out of poisons quite often whenever I met tanky dudes. although at this point, I think acid bolts would works better. I still can't find Cyclone bow, though :m


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #31 on: November 28, 2019, 08:38:05 pm »
You move really fast... You will finish before I am done. Deadly snare/Ambush + Critical Power + Elemental bolts + Bowyer > The rest is not that critical and can change depending on how you want to play. You ll be surprised how much damage you pack to tin can, the only threat are industrial bots until expedition.


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #32 on: November 29, 2019, 01:02:49 am »
Imo deadly snares is a game changer. Having guaranteed crit AND nullifies evasion makes an actual legitimate stealth kill possible. I'm surprised how effective it is, that I managed to kill all Ironheads without alerting anyone, even on balor's map, thanks to their stupid goons who walk around on orange-eyed detection and got trapped and killed around corner. I'm tempted to make Super Zephyr AA just to makes sure that the enemy is really dead in 3 hit, at least before I found Cyclone (Jkk secret shop doesn't sell it, haven't done Free Drones though)


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2020, 01:11:57 pm »
Hi! Could anyone help me out with an advice. How do i progress with investing in skills throughtout the game? Obviously maxing crossbow first, but what about whole rest  the skills? :)


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2020, 04:44:14 pm »
Max crossbow at start, max stealth for convenience until level 12-14 (or you can stop earlier for raising crafting faster), 25 traps at level 4 for quick tinkering a bit more later when you have room, 30 throwing at level 8. You do not need to raise psi from level 1, it is very useful to raise temporal manipulation near/just after the end of depot a to 45/55 and psychokinesis to follow as well. Chemistry and biology at 20 effective from level 1 then when you can afford it.
Lockpicking and hacking max to your desired threshold from level 1. Crafting > first and fast mechanics for cyclon and kits, electronics at least 25 for AA scope and tailoring if you have space...
Pickpocket and mercantile are also very worth the investment on early levels.

Crossbow are not crazy demanding on skill points, you have room for mistakes if you focus on relevant skills.

Hope it will help.


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #35 on: January 10, 2020, 12:12:13 am »
Thanks for the answer! Can i ask you, why Psychokinesis? (25 for force field)? I mean it is not in the build. Also, which psi skills would i need from Temporal Manipulation, and potentially from Psychokinesis?

Also, why would i need exactly 20 biology and chemistry at start? Which posion would i put to craft the trap from biology, and what bolts from chemistry? (I guess for Gasoline and burrower posion bolts?)

Also, why exactly 30 throwing at level 8?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2020, 01:46:56 am by lajsu »


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #36 on: January 10, 2020, 09:46:30 pm »
Electrokinetic Imprint, Force Field and Electrokinesis (45) are very useful. Metathermic school not very, it is for backup if you can (Cryostasis, Cryokinesis have their use)  .
From Temporal Manipulation, Psycho-temporal Dilation, Limited Temporal Increment, Entropic Recurrence, Psycho-temporal Contraction (The best obviously, 55) and Stasis (70) if you can afford the points.

Biology/Chemistry are for gas grenade/bear trap/molotov  as you have limited ways of killing enemies on Dominating at early levels.

Throwing is for Grenadier, but it is not on Kiruha build as well... 30 is enough for up to level 10, more would help on accuracy of course, but it will delay other stats too much.
I used a slightly different interpretation of the initial build with chemical pistol and with aimed shot :)
Do not copy it as Kiruha build may be better for your playstyle.


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #37 on: January 10, 2020, 11:34:11 pm »
Thanks again. Ye although i think from temporal manipulation, only Psycho temporal contraction is good, actually super good, worth losing 25% hp. But the rest is kinda meh, maybe cooldown reduction is decent. But its just my opinion and I'm probably wrong lol

Actually it doesn't matter, since i probably take the hit to hp only when I'm eligible to buy psycho temporal contraction, and rest of the spells are just super situational
« Last Edit: January 10, 2020, 11:44:10 pm by lajsu »


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #38 on: January 11, 2020, 08:08:59 am »
LTI is very useful if you want to spam grenades and mototovs or gain some time for other cooldowns. Dilation has some benefits against melee enemies that cant reach you. Entropic reccurence will not be used alot with that low point investment of 55 or 70. Contraction is 1-2 shots more per round for 3 rounds, it is a game changer as you mention.

On crossbow, Force Field and Imprint are very useful. It help to choke enemies on a door for longer time while waiting for quick tinkering cooldown or when you start a fight with not enough preparation. It is also consuming low ap. Electrokinesis is a free stun on premed, also quite convenient.

All these abilities are quality of life. Like pack rathound or aimed shot from level 1, not mandatory for finishing the game but necessary for more fun on dominating.


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #39 on: October 22, 2020, 03:25:29 am »
Since Critical Power feat got nerfed, should i use Crossbow Super String (+20% damage)  instead of Anatomically Aware scope (+50% critical damage) on my Cyclone Crossbow?

grug man

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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #40 on: November 29, 2020, 08:57:06 pm »
It seems as if the original link to the character sheet has been... depracated, as the site put it. In conclusion, im unable to acess the finished sheet
grug lov wife


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #42 on: November 30, 2020, 08:22:27 pm »
destroyor, thx for fixing link - I edited my post

This build was created for older version. I would like to update it because there is room for improvement. It will be better to change some feats (take Strafe and Premeditation for example), revise distrubiton of specialization points, add more psi abilities (Electrokinetic Imprint, Electrokinesis, Force field. Keep in mind  new psi-balance and number of maximal psi-abilites). Maybe it will be better to not drop Tailoring and craft you own infused armor and boots. If I only had some free time to replay this game again....
« Last Edit: November 30, 2020, 08:28:39 pm by Kiruha »


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #43 on: December 04, 2020, 01:26:05 am »
Since Critical Power feat got nerfed, should i use Crossbow Super String (+20% damage)  instead of Anatomically Aware scope (+50% critical damage) on my Cyclone Crossbow?

Since critical power still relies on crit damage % it's generally better to keep using AA scope over the string.


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Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« Reply #44 on: June 15, 2021, 11:11:53 am »
but how do you kill the bladelings?
In the quest Kill the beast there are 50 bladelings waiting for you and they are immune to critical hit.