Craft 30 medical items - Breaking Bad (copyright? Breaking Brad?)Craft 30 firearms - Armsdealer
Craft 30 pieces of armor - Can't be too carefulCraft 30 repair kits - If it's broken, fix it!
Kill 100 rathounds - Ratsquisher
Kill 75 insectoids - Pest Control
Kill 50 robots - Terminator
Kill 100 humans - Genocide
Kill 50 enemies unarmed or with fist weapons - Meet my fist
Kill 50 enemies with a knife - Cutter
Kill 50 enemies with firearms - DesperadoKill 50 enemies with grenades - Oh look at him go!Steal 50 items - Kleptomania
Pick 50 mechanical locks - Lock Breaker
Hack 50 electronic locks - HackerUse 30 adrenaline shots - Pump it up!
Use 15 morphine shots - Addict
Discover 30 secret passages - Can't hide nothing from me
Pick 100 mushrooms - Shroomhead
Miss 20 aimed shots - Go back to the shooting rangeExecute 10 humans - Hitman
Ignite 30 enemies - PyromaniacFreeze 30 enemies - Mr. FreezeIncapacitate 30 enemies - And stay down!Successfully restealth during combat - Shadowstep
Kill 3 enemies with a single burst attack - Lucky shotKill 5 enemies with a single psi ability - OverdriveSnipe down a full health enemy - Elite Sniper
Kill all your enemies in a turn you began stunned/incapacitated - Back in action!
Kill everyone with a grenade, including yourself - Whoops!Deal over 300 damage with a weapon attack - It's super effective!
Survive combat with 5 health or less - Tough nut
Survive combat with 1 health - AngelwatchSet yourself on fire - Ah! I'm cooked!Rid yourself of poison while below 10 health - Just in timeThose are the achievements i could think up a name for right now, some of them I a bit more happy with than others but oh well.

Some achievements that would be cool:
Evade 3(4?) or more attacks in a row - Can't touch this!
Reject 5 or more quest rewards (such as old Jonas and the fisher) - I'm just here to help
Kill 50 enemies with a sledgehammer - you'd better call the sledgehammer
Use all means of combat (melee, guns, crossbows, psi etc) in a single battle - All means necessary
Have a skill level of 50 or more on all combat skills (including psi) at the same time - Jack of all trades