Author Topic: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions  (Read 77822 times)


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Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« on: September 06, 2013, 07:29:30 pm »
I'm going to implement an uncertain number of achievements for the upcoming Steam Early Access release. What I need from you guys is to:

1) Name the achievements I've thought of so far
2) Suggest new achievements. I'm looking for both grindy "do something X times" ones, but specifically for the "special event" ones (e.g. "Kill everyone with a grenade, including yourself")

Anyway, here's what I've thought of so far:
Craft 30 medical items
Craft 30 firearms
Craft 30 pieces of armor
Craft 30 devices
Craft 30 cold weapons
Craft 30 chemical weapons
Craft 30 energy weapons
Craft 30 traps
Craft 50 grenades
Extract humors from 100 organs
Craft 100 special bolts
Craft 30 repair kits
Kill 100 rathounds
Kill 75 insectoids
Kill 50 robots
Kill 100 humans
Kill 50 enemies unarmed or with fist weapons
Kill 50 enemies with a knife
Kill 50 enemies with firearms
Kill 50 enemies with energy weapons
Kill 50 enemies with chemical weapons
Kill 50 enemies with grenades
Kill 50 enemies with crossbows
Kill 50 enemies with metathermic psi abilities
Kill 50 enemies with thought control psi abilities
Kill 50 enemies with psychokinetic psi abilities
Kill 50 enemies with traps
Steal 50 items
Pick 50 mechanical locks
Hack 50 electronic locks
Disarm 50 traps
Use 50 health hypos
Use 50 psi boosters
Use 30 adrenaline shots
Use 15 morphine shots
Discover 30 secret passages
Pick 100 mushrooms
Miss 20 aimed shots
Execute 10 humans
Ignite 30 enemies
Chill 30 enemies
Freeze 30 enemies
Stun 30 enemies
Incapacitate 30 enemies
Successfully restealth during combat
Kill 3 enemies with a single burst attack
Kill 5 enemies with a single grenade
Kill 5 enemies with a single psi ability
Stun/incapacitate 3 enemies in a single turn
Snipe down a full health enemy
Shatter an enemy
Kill all your enemies in a turn you began stunned/incapacitated
Kill everyone with a grenade, including yourself
Have 100 or more action and movement points combined
Deal over 300 damage with a weapon attack
Survive combat with 5 health or less
Survive combat with 1 health
Set yourself on fire
Rid yourself of poison while below 10 health


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2013, 09:01:12 pm »
Rodent Control - Kill 100 rathounds
Connor who? - Kill 50 robots
Pyromaniac - Ignite 30 enemies
Blaze of Glory! -  Set yourself on fire

Pop a mole - Kill 50 Cave Hoppers with a crowbar
Leather seats- Get leathers from 100 creatures
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - Have at least one skill at 100 in each Offence, Subterfuge, Tecnology, Social categoryes
Mental! - Have all the 3 the PSI skils at 100
Go fish - Catch   25 Fishes
Master Chef - Learn all the crafting recipes
Ouch! - Stomp   on a caltrop you deployed.
Citizen of the world - Have at least one of each currencies
« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 07:05:01 pm by mebahell »


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2013, 09:01:37 pm »
"Do you feel lucky, punk?"
Kill 6 enemies with the last bullet in a magazine.

"A Tale of Two Guns"
Kill an enemy with the exact same weapon they are wielding.

"Brass Carpet"
Fire 1,000 rounds.

"Not exactly an elegant weapon"
Kill an enemy with a sledgehammer type weapon where their damage threshold should have saved them.

Deal no damage with a knife type weapon because of an enemy's mechanical damage resistance.


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2013, 09:12:46 pm »
Craft 30 medical items - Breaking Bad (copyright? Breaking Brad?)
Craft 30 firearms - Armsdealer
Craft 30 pieces of armor - Can't be too careful

Craft 30 repair kits - If it's broken, fix it!
Kill 100 rathounds - Ratsquisher
Kill 75 insectoids - Pest Control
Kill 50 robots - Terminator
Kill 100 humans - Genocide
Kill 50 enemies unarmed or with fist weapons - Meet my fist
Kill 50 enemies with a knife - Cutter
Kill 50 enemies with firearms - Desperado

Kill 50 enemies with grenades - Oh look at him go!
Steal 50 items - Kleptomania
Pick 50 mechanical locks - Lock Breaker
Hack 50 electronic locks - Hacker

Use 30 adrenaline shots - Pump it up!
Use 15 morphine shots - Addict
Discover 30 secret passages - Can't hide nothing from me
Pick 100 mushrooms - Shroomhead
Miss 20 aimed shots - Go back to the shooting range

Execute 10 humans - Hitman
Ignite 30 enemies - Pyromaniac

Freeze 30 enemies - Mr. Freeze
Incapacitate 30 enemies - And stay down!
Successfully restealth during combat - Shadowstep
Kill 3 enemies with a single burst attack - Lucky shot

Kill 5 enemies with a single psi ability - Overdrive
Snipe down a full health enemy - Elite Sniper
Kill all your enemies in a turn you began stunned/incapacitated - Back in action!
Kill everyone with a grenade, including yourself - Whoops!

Deal over 300 damage with a weapon attack - It's super effective!
Survive combat with 5 health or less - Tough nut
Survive combat with 1 health - Angelwatch

Set yourself on fire - Ah! I'm cooked!
Rid yourself of poison while below 10 health - Just in time

Those are the achievements i could think up a name for right now, some of them I a bit more happy with than others but oh well. :P

Some achievements that would be cool:

Evade 3(4?) or more attacks in a row - Can't touch this!
Reject 5 or more quest rewards (such as old Jonas and the fisher) - I'm just here to help
Kill 50 enemies with a sledgehammer - you'd better call the sledgehammer
Use all means of combat (melee, guns, crossbows, psi etc) in a single battle - All means necessary
Have a skill level of 50 or more on all combat skills (including psi) at the same time - Jack of all trades


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2013, 10:05:04 pm »
Craft 30 medical items - "Lab Technician"
Craft 30 firearms - "We can't allow firearms in here"
Craft 30 pieces of armor - "Armored and Dangerous"
Craft 30 devices - "New Age Technocrat"
Craft 30 cold weapons - "Approaching Absolute Zero"
Craft 30 chemical weapons - "Hazmat"
Craft 30 energy weapons - "Danger: High Voltage"
Craft 30 traps - "Look, No Hands"
Craft 50 grenades - "High Explosive Hero"
Extract humors from 100 organs - "All Natural Ingredients"
Craft 100 special bolts - "Exotic Ammunition"
Craft 30 repair kits - "Spit and Polish"
Kill 100 rathounds - "Exterminator"
Kill 75 insectoids - "Hexapod Hater"
Kill 50 robots - "Haven't Found the Off Button"
Kill 100 humans - "Antisocial Tendency"
Kill 50 enemies unarmed or with fist weapons - "Knuckle Sandwich"
Kill 50 enemies with a knife - "Between the Ribs and Twist"
Kill 50 enemies with firearms - "Target Practice"
Kill 50 enemies with energy weapons - "Ashes to Ashes"
Kill 50 enemies with chemical weapons - "Acid Trip"
Kill 50 enemies with grenades - "That's Not An Egg"
Kill 50 enemies with crossbows - "Pinprick"
Kill 50 enemies with metathermic psi abilities - "Flame On"
Kill 50 enemies with thought control psi abilities - "Dreamcrusher"
Kill 50 enemies with psychokinetic psi abilities - "Don't Even Need to Lift A Finger"
Kill 50 enemies with traps - "This Side Toward Enemy"
Steal 50 items - "The Roguish Type"
Pick 50 mechanical locks - "Tumbler Technician"
Hack 50 electronic locks - "I can't let you do that, Dave"
Disarm 50 traps - "Light-Fingered"
Use 50 health hypos - "Ain't got time to bleed"
Use 50 psi boosters - "Artificial Intelligence"
Use 30 adrenaline shots - "EpiPen Extremist"
Use 15 morphine shots - "Painkilling Power"
Discover 30 secret passages - "Hello there, what's this?"
Pick 100 mushrooms - "Fungus Farmer"
Miss 20 aimed shots - "Unsteady Aim"
Execute 10 humans - "Coup de Gras"
Ignite 30 enemies - "Just Want To Watch the World Burn"
Chill 30 enemies - "Liquid Nitrogen Lockdown"
Freeze 30 enemies - "Hold That Pose"
Stun 30 enemies - "White Noise"
Incapacitate 30 enemies - "My Eyes!"
Successfully restealth during combat - "Now you see me..."
Kill 3 enemies with a single burst attack - "Pray andSpray"
Kill 5 enemies with a single grenade - "Area Denial"
Kill 5 enemies with a single psi ability - "Mind on Munder"
Stun/incapacitate 3 enemies in a single turn - "Don't Even Think About It"
Snipe down a full health enemy - "Not Exactly A Crazed Gunman"
Shatter an enemy - "One-Two Punch"
Kill all your enemies in a turn you began stunned/incapacitated - "Blind Man's Bluff"
Kill everyone with a grenade, including yourself - "It's Perfectly Safe"
Have 100 or more action and movement points combined - "Master Multitasker"
Deal over 300 damage with a weapon attack - "No Kill Like Overkill"
Survive combat with 5 health or less - "Near Death Experience"
Survive combat with 1 health - "Still Alive"
Set yourself on fire - "What is this I don't even-"
Rid yourself of poison while below 10 health - "Quick Fix"


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2013, 08:44:00 am »
Kill 50 enemies with psychokinetic psi abilities - "Reach out and touch somebody"
Kill 50 enemies with traps - "Watch your step"
Kill 50 enemies with chemical weapons - "Chemical Warfare"
Kill 50 enemies unarmed or with fist weapons - "Pugilist"
Kill 50 enemies with firearms - "Let'em eat lead"
Kill 50 enemies with crossbows - "Not exactly Robin Hood"
Kill 50 enemies with grenades - "Frag out!"
Kill 50 enemies with thought control psi abilities - "Mental Meltdown"
Snipe down a full health enemy - "One shot, one kill"
Kill 75 insectoids - "Bug Stomper"
Kill 50 robots - "Technophobia"
Kill 100 humans - "Not exactly a people person"
Steal 50 items - "Five finger discount"
Set yourself on fire - "Is it hot in here?"
Kill everyone with a grenade, including yourself - "Butterfingers"
Chill 30 enemies - "Giving them the cold shoulder"
Freeze 30 enemies - "Ice to see you"
Incapacitate 30 enemies - "Lights Out"
Survive combat with 1 health - "It's just a scratch"
Use 15 morphine shots - "No pain no gain"
Hack 50 electronic locks - "System Crasher"
Pick 50 mechanical locks - "Skeleton Key"
Successfully restealth during combat - "Vanishing Act"
Craft 30 firearms - "Locked and Loaded"
Deal over 300 damage with a weapon attack - "Don't know my own strength"
Extract humors from 100 organs - "Organ Donor"

An achievement for completing all the quests possible in a single playthrough might be good. - "Completionist"
How about a trigger x number of traps achievement?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 10:34:59 am by MetaSieg »


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2013, 07:35:01 pm »
Suggestion:  as an old man, I have no use for achievements and in fact find them really irritating.  Please include a way to disable them.

Jasper Byrne of Sole Survivor wrote recently that he was compelled to include achievements for his game when porting it to console.  He also hates them, but compromised by allowing the player to opt out.


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2013, 08:23:10 pm »
That would be a really cool feature, but as far as I'm concerned, there's no way to toggle steam achievements (from the player side) there are ways to disable them from popping up through the in-game tab in the steam options though.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 11:04:08 pm by nackidno »


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2013, 11:00:57 pm »
I would assume there's a way to disable them in the Steam client as it displays them, not the game.

Btw, guys, lots of good suggestions. Used some of the names for what they were suggested and some inspired me for other achievements.

I'm almost done with implementing the initial 50 achievements.


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2013, 03:31:28 am »
Suggestion:  as an old man, I have no use for achievements and in fact find them really irritating.  Please include a way to disable them.

Only the steam version will have achievements, right? ...right?



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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2013, 02:43:30 pm »
Might want to look at some long-term acheivments, eg: "Deal 100,000 points of damage", or "Heal heal yourself a total of 5,000 points".

Achievements must drive sales, surely. In the last 2 days I've had 3 co-workers ask me IRL what this Underrail game is that they've seen me gain achievements in the steam activity feed.

I'd suggest taking a look at Team Fortress 2. Some of that game's achievements would take years of play.


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2013, 03:01:14 am »
Craft 30 medical items: Home Remedies
Craft 30 firearms: Better Than A Zip Gun
Craft 30 pieces of armor: Underground Fashion Designer
Craft 30 devices: Avid Tinker
Craft 30 cold weapons: Frosty Firearms
Craft 30 chemical weapons: Weaponized Science
Craft 30 energy weapons: Manufactured lightning
Craft 30 traps: They Said build a better mouse trap...
Craft 50 grenades: Shrapnel Chef
Extract humors from 100 organs: Its Alive! Or was...
Craft 100 special bolts: Pricier than bullets 
Craft 30 repair kits: WD40 and Duct Tape
Kill 100 rathounds: Exterminator
Kill 75 insectoids: Big pair of boots
Kill 50 robots: Y2 nope
Kill 100 humans: Antisocial
Kill 50 enemies unarmed or with fist weapons: Subterranean fists
Kill 50 enemies with a knife: Tunnel slasher
Kill 50 enemies with firearms: Gunslinger
Kill 50 enemies with energy weapons: Shock and awe
Kill 50 enemies with chemical weapons: They're melting, melting!
Kill 50 enemies with grenades: Ka Boom
Kill 50 enemies with crossbows: High Strung
Kill 50 enemies with metathermic psi abilities: Hot and Cold
Kill 50 enemies with thought control psi abilities: Mind Over matter
Kill 50 enemies with psychokinetic psi abilities:
Kill 50 enemies with traps: Pitfall
Steal 50 items: Kleptomaniac
Pick 50 mechanical locks: Tumbler Whisperer
Hack 50 electronic locks: HaX0R
Disarm 50 traps: Reduce and reuse
Use 50 health hypos: Real Liquid Courage
Use 50 psi boosters: Brain Food
Use 30 adrenaline shots: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
Use 15 morphine shots: Come at me bro
Discover 30 secret passages: Open sesame
Pick 100 mushrooms: Fun diet
Miss 20 aimed shots: Maybe stand closer
Execute 10 humans: Hood Figure
Ignite 30 enemies: Someone smells like burning
Chill 30 enemies: Cold combat
Freeze 30 enemies: On Ice
Stun 30 enemies: Seeing Stars
Incapacitate 30 enemies: Nap time
Successfully restealth during combat: Vanshing act
Kill 3 enemies with a single burst attack: Spray and Pray
Kill 5 enemies with a single grenade: Great throw
Kill 5 enemies with a single psi ability: Mind Wipe
Stun/incapacitate 3 enemies in a single turn: Whammy
Snipe down a full health enemy: Cost effective
Shatter an enemy: Bits and pieces
Kill all your enemies in a turn you began stunned/incapacitated: Didn't have to lift a finger
Kill everyone with a grenade, including yourself: Horseshoes and...
Have 100 or more action and movement points combined: Lots of mileage
Deal over 300 damage with a weapon attack: The Big one
Survive combat with 5 health or less: Painful encounter
Survive combat with 1 health: Just dumb luck
Set yourself on fire: Danger flammable
Rid yourself of poison while below 10 health:Close call


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2013, 09:07:37 pm »
Craft 30 medical items
Craft 30 firearms
Gun runner
Craft 30 pieces of armor
I got you covered
Craft 30 devices
Craft 30 cold weapons
Mr/Mrs Freeze
Craft 30 chemical weapons
Mad Scientist
Craft 30 energy weapons
Batteries not included
Craft 30 traps
Craft 50 grenades
Bombs away
Extract humors from 100 organs
Craft 100 special bolts
Craft 30 repair kits
Kill 100 rathounds
Kill 75 insectoids
Kill 50 robots
Kill 100 humans
Kill 50 enemies unarmed or with fist weapons
Kung Fu Master
Kill 50 enemies with a knife
Green Beret
Kill 50 enemies with firearms
Spray and Pray
Kill 50 enemies with energy weapons
Electrifying Personality
Kill 50 enemies with chemical weapons
Eww Goo
Kill 50 enemies with grenades
fall to pieces
Kill 50 enemies with crossbows
Pin Cushion
Kill 50 enemies with metathermic psi abilities
Kill 50 enemies with thought control psi abilities
Kill 50 enemies with psychokinetic psi abilities
Kill 50 enemies with traps
Steal 50 items
Pick 50 mechanical locks
Light Touch
Hack 50 electronic locks
Mr Wizard
Disarm 50 traps
Use 50 health hypos
Use 50 psi boosters
Use 30 adrenaline shots
Can't touch this
Use 15 morphine shots
Discover 30 secret passages
Eagle Eye
Pick 100 mushrooms
Miss 20 aimed shots
Execute 10 humans
Ignite 30 enemies
Chill 30 enemies
Ice Veins
Freeze 30 enemies
Stun 30 enemies
Incapacitate 30 enemies
Successfully restealth during combat
Now you see me..
Kill 3 enemies with a single burst attack
Kill 5 enemies with a single grenade
Kill 5 enemies with a single psi ability
Stun/incapacitate 3 enemies in a single turn
Snipe down a full health enemy
Shatter an enemy
Kill all your enemies in a turn you began stunned/incapacitated
Kill everyone with a grenade, including yourself
Have 100 or more action and movement points combined
Deal over 300 damage with a weapon attack
Survive combat with 5 health or less:
Missed me
Survive combat with 1 health:
Its only a flesh wound!
Set yourself on fire:
Asbestos not included
Rid yourself of poison while below 10 health:
Nick of time


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2013, 08:41:22 pm »
Still accepting requests? :)

1. Kill 50 Mutants - No Mutants Allowed
2. Collect 5000 coins - Uncle Scrooge
Richard Moreau, Vault 8


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Re: Need achievement and achievement name suggestions
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2015, 11:58:49 pm »
Wow no one thought of this?

Blueprint library achievement

Studious Student: (15% of all blueprints downloaded)
Mechanic SGS Certified: ( 50% of all mechanic blueprints downloaded)
Biotech SGS Certified: ( 50% of all mechanic blueprints downloaded)

and the mushroom achievemnt seems easy
Pick 100 Mushrooms - Casual Diet achievement
Pick 50 Mindshrooms - Shroomhead achievement?
Exploration achievements, secret quest or moral choice achievements (persuading/initmidation)

I see way too many combat-specific achievement and to me, that's not the point of these isometric rpgs.

I can't think of good names really.

but here are some more