Well done, Infusion feels more and more like an Underrail 2 with all these graphic changes. And I'm quite sure it will somewhat give the game more attraction toward 2020 players that never knew Fallout and such RPG classics. And it's quite a good thing.
Also, it will help understand what gear our foes are currently wearing, wich is a very nice addition.
I'm currently inclined to make the pants a separate slot
However, on that point, I'm quite worried it will bring unecessary complexity. If a pants + Chest would just be a breakdown in two parts of the current armor, i'm not quite convinced it is usefull to add.
Boots as a seperate are nice because of all the movement things related to this item, head as a separate item, it's also very nice cause you can wear either google, mask, bataclava or helmet and all bring different bonus and some of them are kinda game changer (NVG for instance)
And belts, again, very nice, very specific and related to one specific gameplay element (Combat utility).
Pants, on the contrary seems to feel like a second torso (Unless you thought of something that is out of my reach now), and for that reason does not share the interest I found in all the former item slots. Crafting is already complex enough, do we really need to craft our main armor two times ?