Author Topic: Assorted suggestions for the final update  (Read 4854 times)


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Assorted suggestions for the final update
« on: August 22, 2021, 10:49:05 pm »
edit:  adding:  Some jetski combatants use pistols and smgs that are 5mm, sometimes even silenced.  These are almost literally worthless in jetski combat. 

Nerf W2C:  Have it do 90% base damage and only bypass 35%-50% of armor.

Have Tony show up at Ray's as an employee if the expedition is over and he/aegis survives. 

An mp-boosting food:  +5-10 mp, maybe a candy bar
also perhaps nerf root soda to +3 init +5 mp
also perhaps a very rare +2 AP food that can only be found, never bought

The faceless group you encounter after beating the last boss; they drop equipment with durabilities ranging from about 800-1500, yet I can find some elsewhere in DC up to about 2400; since this is the last real fight of the game and also one of the hardest, and the faceless are the most technologically advanced faction, why not give them the good shit?  2400+ durability items
Also, you could have them start the fight with infusions active, maybe food too, maybe only on DOM

I didn't see many enemies with food active; I expected to see more natives with bison milk in particular.  During invasions at least.
Maybe enemies of various factions could each have a chance to have a randomly selected food from a list that makes sense for their faction.

In the DC labrynth, there is a faceless tunneler with a corpse; maybe give that corpse a mask fragment oddity?

For your house, add the option to install a safe and give you the key. 

Perhaps Colton in junkyard wants to buy 0-2 random jet parts, seeing as how he's on the docks and the Eels are a naval faction.
Tying in to that, perhaps have jet parts be rarely found in the early game or else away from the waterways as random loot or in special locations.  Can't make use of them early but if you haul them to a merchant you can make some decent cash. 

On DOMINATING, hide the tags on special dialogue checks that let you know that option is a persuasion check or an intelligence check or whatever.  (I showed some people these suggestions before posting; this is the only one that got any real flak)

Reduce the bonus from the Beast tattoo to 5%; people currently seem to recognize it as the "best" option for most builds and I agree.  The next most common being the shadowlith fragment which I see as fine, especially considering how late it's requirement comes.

Reduce the AP-cost reduction of the doctor's pouch from 75% to 50%; the ability to take a bunch of drugs for 2 AP each is frankly broken.  I have made great use of that on many of my builds.

On silent isle, behind the perception check to get to the small island, there is a corpse with randomized leather armor.  Sometimes it's mutated dog leather which is great for Depot A.  Could it always be mutated dog?

The tunnel connecting the first two buildings in the outposts of the first quest is a good location for a small random dungeon fragment, imo. 

Someone told me that disassemble doesn't work on metal boots; I figure it should.  Also, if disassemble doesn't give you back a component (that is then lost), it should at least give you scraps (amount based on quality). 

Would it be too much trouble to add an overcoat sprite for greater siphoner leather at least?  Both siphoner leathers are great candidates for antithermic given that they are still light enough for nimble and they already have heat resistance. 

I think the game could use some oddity location swapping.  Many areas, mainly mainquest ones, are loaded with oddities, whereas many side areas (particularly those added later) are bare in comparison. 

As it stands, the protectorate questline gives less oddities than the free drones, and a couple can only be had through the free drones.  Also, there is no legal way to get a protectorate cruiser; what if there was a quest for protectorate characters at port zenith to go do something (perhaps in the waterways) that gives 2-3 oddity exp and a cruiser?  Maybe you need to be on good terms with Briggs before talking to somebody at Apogee or Zenith.  This also might be an easier way to handle Gorsky's shield emitters quest.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2021, 02:39:27 am by harperfan7 »
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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2021, 11:08:53 pm »
Nerf W2C:  Have it do 90% base damage and only bypass 35%-50% of armor.

Have Tony show up at Ray's as an employee if the expedition is over and he/aegis survives. 

An mp-boosting food:  +5-10 mp, maybe a candy bar
also perhaps nerf root soda to +3 init +5 mp
also perhaps a very rare +2 AP food that can only be found, never bought

The faceless group you encounter after beating the last boss; they drop equipment with durabilities ranging from about 800-1500, yet I can find some elsewhere in DC up to about 2400; since this is the last real fight of the game and also one of the hardest, and the faceless are the most technologically advanced faction, why not give them the good shit?  2400+ durability items
Also, you could have them start the fight with infusions active, maybe food too, maybe only on DOM

I didn't see many enemies with food active; I expected to see more natives with bison milk in particular.  During invasions at least.
Maybe enemies of various factions could each have a chance to have a randomly selected food from a list that makes sense for their faction.

In the DC labrynth, there is a faceless tunneler with a corpse; maybe give that corpse a mask fragment oddity?

For your house, add the option to install a safe and give you the key. 

Perhaps Colton in junkyard wants to buy 0-2 random jet parts, seeing as how he's on the docks and the Eels are a naval faction.
Tying in to that, perhaps have jet parts be rarely found in the early game or else away from the waterways as random loot or in special locations.  Can't make use of them early but if you haul them to a merchant you can make some decent cash. 

On DOMINATING, hide the tags on special dialogue checks that let you know that option is a persuasion check or an intelligence check or whatever.  (I showed some people these suggestions before posting; this is the only one that got any real flak)

Reduce the bonus from the Beast tattoo to 5%; people currently seem to recognize it as the "best" option for most builds and I agree.  The next most common being the shadowlith fragment which I see as fine, especially considering how late it's requirement comes.

Reduce the AP-cost reduction of the doctor's pouch from 75% to 50%; the ability to take a bunch of drugs for 2 AP each is frankly broken.  I have made great use of that on many of my builds.

On silent isle, behind the perception check to get to the small island, there is a corpse with randomized leather armor.  Sometimes it's mutated dog leather which is great for Depot A.  Could it always be mutated dog?

The tunnel connecting the first two buildings in the outposts of the first quest is a good location for a small random dungeon fragment, imo. 

Someone told me that disassemble doesn't work on metal boots; I figure it should.  Also, if disassemble doesn't give you back a component (that is then lost), it should at least give you scraps (amount based on quality). 

Would it be too much trouble to add an overcoat sprite for greater siphoner leather at least?  Both siphoner leathers are great candidates for antithermic given that they are still light enough for nimble and they already have heat resistance. 

I think the game could use some oddity location swapping.  Many areas, mainly mainquest ones, are loaded with oddities, whereas many side areas (particularly those added later) are bare in comparison. 

As it stands, the protectorate questline gives less oddities than the free drones, and a couple can only be had through the free drones.  Also, there is no legal way to get a protectorate cruiser; what if there was a quest for protectorate characters at port zenith to go do something (perhaps in the waterways) that gives 2-3 oddity exp and a cruiser?  Maybe you need to be on good terms with Briggs before talking to somebody at Apogee or Zenith.  This also might be an easier way to handle Gorsky's shield emitters quest.
A Mp boosting food already exists, coffee.


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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2021, 11:12:10 pm »
Everytime I bring it up, somebody says that.  There's only 3 coffees in the entire game, it's only +5, and it comes with a drawback.  Junkyard surprise can give +6mp, All-in gives +9.

I'm talking about a food that's just mp.
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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2021, 03:06:37 am »
I have loads of suggestions too and I was considering making a thread like this, here are the ones I have already posted, ill add more to this post when I think of more:

Ability to craft casings by unloading ammo or with metal plates

Be able to shoot a targeted tile to generate noise or trigger a trap, hell even just being able to trigger bear traps with grenades would be fine

Oddities for easily avoidable enemies like Goliaths and the Black Crawler

Kevlar tabis and balaclava scaling with quality instead of being fixed at 2 DT

A buff of some kind to riot shields, while they aren't bad they currently require too many feats compared to other arms, I would suggest either combining shield arm and bash into one feat or removing shield arm and adding its buffs to the base riot shield.

Buff the weaker psi abilities or change the psi slot system so that people might actually use the weaker ones

Tab should highlight zone transitions because some of them are hard to see

Flares should give enough light to trigger ambush no matter how dark the location is

Taser power should scale with quality

Some kind of armor percentage ignoring crossbow bolts, while I know shock bolts exist they aren't reliable due to requiring criticals to do real damage.

Im working on maknig a guide for new players on DOMINATING. Help needed. Do not PM me.


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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2021, 03:00:46 pm »
I think the only buff riot armor needs is having Iron Grip work will all weapons, not just spears. Melee weapons would get a 15% damage penalty, while ranged weapons would get a 15% accuracy penalty.


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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2021, 10:03:41 pm »
Nerf W2C:  Have it do 90% base damage and only bypass 35%-50% of armor.
The topic of armor-piercing bullets is iffy because it's already supposed to be rare, vendors sell them in bare quantities and you'll need to do a lot of crafting to craft enough ammo to last several encounters. I'd like to propose that the problem is instead the amount of mechanically-resistant enemies in the game and the lack of options in general other than the metaphorical silver bullet W2C, the melee Exposed Weakness, and overwhelming amounts of damage (or the few kinds of damage they are vulnerable to). W2C's value comes from how many resistant enemies there are (armored humans, bladelings, crabs, robots etc), usually the cases in which W2C is used is when the damage with conventional weaponry is so small that W2C is at least twice as damaging and at most dozens of times more damaging (in the case of DT). It highlights an issue of how abundant tough enemies become later in the game, and nerfing W2C just to try covering that isn't fun. I know there's probably a nerf already in the works but it's still something to consider. An enemy with 50% DR has effectively 2x the health in damage it takes to kill it, 75% DR has effectively 4x the health.
Have Tony show up at Ray's as an employee if the expedition is over and he/aegis survives. 
That would be dope
also perhaps a very rare +2 AP food that can only be found, never bought
Unless it's permanent then there's no point to it for just 2AP, if it's meant to be a limited find-only food it should be 10AP minimum
I didn't see many enemies with food active; I expected to see more natives with bison milk in particular.  During invasions at least.
It should be a DOMINATING feature, but I do worry about DOMINATING being even more difficult as is because it's already plenty of metagay where people try exploit everything they can get their grubby hands on, but I think Natives drinking Bison Milk would make a lot of sense.
On DOMINATING, hide the tags on special dialogue checks that let you know that option is a persuasion check or an intelligence check or whatever.  (I showed some people these suggestions before posting; this is the only one that got any real flak)
There's no useful point to this, I can see why it gets lots of flak. Sometimes you gotta ask yourself what such change is supposed to bring to the table, if it's supposed to be an "oh silly me, I thought this wasn't a skill check but it was and I messed up!" then what's fun about it?
Reduce the bonus from the Beast tattoo to 5%; people currently seem to recognize it as the "best" option for most builds and I agree.  The next most common being the shadowlith fragment which I see as fine, especially considering how late it's requirement comes.
I'd say go the other way around and buff every other tattoo instead, they're all borderline flavor text, even Coral's charms have more impact in the game than the tattoos, and you can switch the charms around freely too!
Reduce the AP-cost reduction of the doctor's pouch from 75% to 50%; the ability to take a bunch of drugs for 2 AP each is frankly broken.  I have made great use of that on many of my builds.
On one hand you got a point with how easy you can use drugs, on the other hand turning it into 5 AP costs instead of 2 will turn it into a relatively inferior option compared to nearly every other belt. If it really has to be nerfed I'd rather have it be rounded up instead of down so that it's 3AP instead of 2AP, or turn it into 60% cost reduction for 4AP drugs.
On silent isle, behind the perception check to get to the small island, there is a corpse with randomized leather armor.  Sometimes it's mutated dog leather which is great for Depot A.  Could it always be mutated dog?
I support this.


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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2021, 12:01:34 am »
Nerf W2C:  Have it do 90% base damage and only bypass 35%-50% of armor.
While I agree that W2C might be OP, I think special ammo in general needs a major rebalancing. Certain ammo such as acid and shock bullets feel too situational.

An mp-boosting food:  +5-10 mp, maybe a candy bar
I find this a little too OP. 35-40 mp is the absolute minimum to abuse LoS from my experience.
I know we already have jumping bean, but it must be used in combat and have to be maintained every four turns.

For your house, add the option to install a safe and give you the key.
I also want an option to have a pet in your house. My house feels incomplete without a crawler.
It might be also interesting if it were possible to pacify a unique critter (such as Black Crawler, Jookhela, and Fastso) and take it to your home.

Reduce the AP-cost reduction of the doctor's pouch from 75% to 50%; the ability to take a bunch of drugs for 2 AP each is frankly broken.
In that case, doctor feat should reduce ap cost of drugs by additional 15-25%. Even a tank build has difficulty finding a good reason to learn the feat imo.

Would it be too much trouble to add an overcoat sprite for greater siphoner leather at least? 
I second this. I was wondering why it doesn't have a unique sprite though all the other expedition leather armors do.

Apart from what is already mentioned, I have some suggestions:

Carnifex should use a meta equipment. For example, he should use an infused sea wyrm leather armor against melee user.
He should also have a special feat that reduces his armor penalty by 100%, and all his equipment should be disintegrated when he gets killed to avoid looting.
I think his true power comes from his investigation skill.

Katya's corrosive acid should be moved to Quinton or Octavia (as a special merchandise ofc) and available only in late game.
Having to join pirate feels too limiting from role-play point of view, and the acid feels too op if it is available as early as level 10.

Add an option to persuade Captain Herve to forget about the missing train on the condition that the player/SGS personally donates to Rail Crossing.
I often do not want to be involved in the whole questline as part of role-play but that reduces too much potential oddity xp (even though I know you can reach level 30 on dominating oddity without ever doing a single FD/Protectorate quest).
I want a better use of loads of guns and bullets and health hypos I looted other than selling them for pennies.

It should be impossible for Plasma Beam to crit.
Adding cool-down might be another option, but we already have LoC neural overload, Pyrokinesis, and Cryokinetic Orb as crittable AOE with cool-down, and I guess a variety would not hurt.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2021, 12:13:04 am by Egg »


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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2021, 12:10:17 am »
You can have a pet ninja in your house, though it isn't very friendly.  Remember to keep your keys on you!

I like the doctor feat having something to do with drugs; I've seen people suggest that it lower drug CDs, which I like.  It lowering drug AP costs by 2 or something would also be worthwhile.
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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2021, 04:27:16 pm »
Make special bullet types to be crafted regardless of caliber, so you will have freedom to craft whatever war crimes bullets you want for whatever caliber you want
To counter this, make crafting these special bullets harder


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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2021, 11:56:20 pm »
You can have a pet ninja in your house, though it isn't very friendly.  Remember to keep your keys on you!
That reminds me, it should be possible to clean your house.


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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2021, 03:22:41 am »
i hope they finally rebalance stuns int this game.Like what the fuck, i resisted all damage from tk, dk and still getting stunned.Or one hundred percent to stun bolts of electricity.Or poison that can technically be resisted but sadly it gets you 90% of times


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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2021, 12:39:44 am »
I think the nerfing Doctor's Pouch to five AP would be a little harsh, and I don't agree with disclaimers that certain dialogue checks are stat based (most people that play dominating probably already memorized all the stat checks in dialogue, and you can always save scum it), but the rest of the suggestions are solid.

Fingers crossed Waterways get integrated earlier into the game though, as I really feel like that would have a massive change into how the early-mid game plays out for everyone.


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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2021, 02:03:29 pm »
Nerf W2C:  Have it do 90% base damage and only bypass 35%-50% of armor.
Comparing it to Shotgun shells: 6p deals 90% of weapon damage, 3p only 75%, but has Daze, Stun attached. So yeah - 10-15% damage reduction should be there. You should have a reason to pick different ammo depending on encounter. Fallout did it. Real life it is the same - AP ammo overpens soft targets dealing minimal damage. JHP is done very right in this game.
also perhaps nerf root soda to +3 init +5 mp
Why? It is critical to some builds, the same way BBQ is to sledgehammers. That little extra Init is needed to be "reliable".
For your house, add the option to install a safe and give you the key.
For flavour? You can keep your shit in the streets and nobody will touch it 😆
On DOMINATING, hide the tags on special dialogue checks that let you know that option is a persuasion check or an intelligence check or whatever.  (I showed some people these suggestions before posting; this is the only one that got any real flak)
This is really silly. If anything, this should be an option in the Options menu. There is a reason it was done. And there is a reason mods do this for games that don't have it. Or are you flexing your meta knowledge to yourself in SP game? 😆😁
Buff the weaker psi abilities or change the psi slot system so that people might actually use the weaker ones
THIS - I posted it before. This is badly needed. After the Psi redesign, nobody uses less powerful/more-situational skills anymore. Nobody has the slots to, even if they wanted to.

I agree to elmost everything else posted here.

My suggestions:

Rebalance Shotguns:
They already have damage split between pellets. Armour Piercing shots dealing less damage. Reduced max hit chance. Only accept 3 mods, of which one has a negative - barrels don't count as they come with negatives and are core components. Have too short a range.
I would say, up the range to that of SMG's and Pistols - shotgun 'Effective' to their 'Max'. Why? The way shotguns work with 80% max accuracy, even within effective range they will almost never land all shots. Reduce the cone to 15, short barrel increases it to 25. Shotgun barrel is not a garden watering-hose attachment, it doesnt spray it in 45-55 degree radius. It would also make shotguns land more shots and still AOE in a way Pyrocinetic Stream does, meaning - you need to position yourself to put enemies between yourself and the target.

Rebalance Chem Pistols:
Very low damage. No Mods. Low range and accuracy. Advanced Catalyzing Belt comes in really late and is mandatory. Components are rare. Component Quality increases their effect proc chance, while damage barely changes.
All of this basicly means - Chem pistols don't scale linearly. They scale exponentially. Late game not only you will get a -4AP reduction belt, but will also have much more reliable procs.
I would suggest:
- Mods obviously. Could be just one slot, but a mod to: Up the range, Laser Sight +10% acc., +Crit Damage mod.
- Move -4 AP cost reduction to Mad Chemist. Advanced Catalyzing Belt could have 1 extra slot and maybe 5% higher damage bonus.
- At the moment the build that has highest chemistry, has to choose between Frags/Incendiary/Gas Grenades + Flashbangs and thats with Quick Pockets (which is mandatory).
- Change the effect proc chance to start higher, but have less growth with quality and damage to scale much more.
- Or add a feat that can be grabbed at level 4 (early) that ups the effect proc chance by 15% and has -4AP reduction. Then don't change the scaling and simply adjust Advanced Catalyzing Belt accordingly.

Temporal Ripple - Change it to have a part of Distortion damage (25% say, more if specced) to be dealt to nearby Enemies/Everyone with reduced damage the further away they are. At the moment, Temporal Distortion is used as single target assasination tool, and having 25% chance to propagate, but then 2 more turns to tick down is pointless in most scenarios and the reason almost nobody picks it up.

Ballistics - should increase Damage Resistance by 45% (up to 70% with 5 points invested), so that Reinforced Fabric Ballistic Panel would maybe have a place. As DT is pointless against everything, apart from 5mm later in the game.

Hyper Toxicity - I almost never see any Crossbow Builds using poisons, simply because it is so hard to stack them, and damage is measly and not immediate - meaning enemies are free to use Antidotes and to kill you. When NPC's attack you, you might have 2-3 or more shooting, but solo.. I believe, the feat should apply twice as many stacks per hit and proc effects faster when applicable - Heartbreak, (maybe Crawler), Spirit Mushroom procs in half the time rounded down. Remember - a ton of enemies are immune to poisons.

Hypothermia - it is pointless. It was designed to be used against Player Character it seems. In combat, you want enemies dead not to reduce their CON a bit. I haven't played Metathermics build for a while, but I never saw any builds take it either. It is also a debuff that is easy to get rid of - stand near/on fire and you are fine again. Maybe make it deal Damage Over Time, in a similar way Ignites work. Would scale with Metathermics skill and stacks. Would be a great tool to leave someone freezing to death in Cryostasis, as like bleed, it wouldn't break Incapacitation.

Perfect Scattering - pointless, miniscule damage, always ignored. It should maybe be a 30% chance for damaging pellet to hit another target. 5 spec points could up the chance to 45%? This would be an AOE supporting feat.

Pellet Mayhem - Stack the crit for a whole turn, instead of next shot. With suggested shotgun changes previously, you would have to still position yourself to grab as many as you can in AOE.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 02:07:54 pm by RewRatt »


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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2021, 12:32:33 am »
change escape artist dex requirement to agility
hypertoxicity now applies hyperimmune with poisons
spikes and blades on gear give intimidation bonus
armor sloping removes ap from spikes and blades
spikes and blades work against melee attackers
possibility to gain your name in arena in the first beast fight wearing certain armor
quick pockets give you once per round ability to equip weapon or utility for free
new native enemy:skaerdar crossbowman, he shoots serrated bolts and have vile weaponry, make tungsten tanks with regen vest suffer
deadly snares procs on net since it literally snare
unprojector gives +10 chance to hit
cruzer's grin is pickpocketable or he give you once you gain respect
you cant intimidate or be intimidated by yells someone who scarier/less scary than you
event for your house being robed by burglars, result may differ
« Last Edit: September 03, 2021, 04:36:04 pm by Tytyger »


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Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2021, 01:32:44 am »
change escape artist dex requirement to agility
hypertoxicity now applies hyperimmune with poisons
spikes and blades on gear give intimidation bonus
armor sloping removes ap from spikes and blades
spikes and blades work against melee attackers
possibility to gain your name in arena in the first beast fight wearing certain armor
quick pockets give you once per round ability to equip weapon or utility for free
new native enemy:skaerdar crossbowman, he shoots serrated bolts and have vile weaponry, make tungsten tanks with regen vest suffer
deadly snares procs on net since it literally snare
Deadly snares on nets might be a bit too overpowered, since then it’s just 10 ap for 100% crit chance for 1-2 turns against a single target every couple of turns. Deadly snares is balanced right now since you can use quick tinkering to set traps on demand.
Also, do you mean poisons apply hypoallergenic with hypertoxicity?