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== Location ==
== Location ==
Dropped by Aran in [[Core City]] slums.
Dropped by [[Aran]] in [[Core City]] slums.
== History ==
== History ==

Revision as of 13:06, 13 January 2020

This page contains content from Underrail: Expedition expansion.
Red Dragon.png
Red Dragon
Melee Weapon
An exquisitely made black and red katana, equipped with an energy edge emitter.
Damage: 30-40 (Mechanical)
Impact speed: Very Low
Base action points: 16 AP
Range: Melee
Critical chance: 2%
Critical damage bonus: 300%
Minimal strength: 5
On hit: Carves up a living target for 3 turns, reducing its action points by 2 and increasing the chance the target will get critically hit by 3%. Stacks 5 times.
On hit: Inflicts 75-100 energy damage to the target. Costs 20 energy.
Incurs 125% of mechanical damage resistance and threshold.

Damage increased by 7% for every point in strength above 6.
Equip: Decapitate critical chance increased by 20%
Equip: Dodge increased by 25
  • Intelligence 6
Energy: 140
Durability: 1770 / 1770 (electronic)
Weight: 2.50
Value: 30000

Red Dragon is a unique sword.


The Red Dragon is a sword used by Aran. It got a energy emitter which deals extra energy damage to its target if charged. This is pretty useful against targets with high mechanical resistance and low energy resistance.

With a high enough mercantile skill you can give Aran the Acorn in exchange for the Red Dragon.

It works with all sword feats.

Critical hit chance sources
Source Crit For Type Notes
Dexterity Varies Melee attacks Base Ability
Recklessness +7% Weapons, Unarmed Feat
Recklessness +10% Weapons, Unarmed Specialization
Psychosis +15% Psi Feat
Psychosis +10% Psi Specialization
Steadfast Aim Varies Pistols Feat
Survival Instincts +30% Weapons, Unarmed, Psi Feat Only when <30% HP
Survival Instincts: Critical Chance +10% Weapons, Unarmed, Psi Specialization Only when <30% HP
Scrutinous +7% Weapons, Unarmed Feat
Pellet Mayhem E Varies Shotgun attacks Feat
Body Horror E +3% Weapons, Unarmed Feat Only against fleshy foes
Ambush Varies Ranged weapons Feat Situational
Seeker Goggles Varies Ranged weapons Headwear
Neuroscopic Headband Varies Psi Headwear
Wizard Hat +10% Psi Headwear
Death's Grin E +2% All Headwear
Infused Rathound Leather Armor Varies Weapons, Unarmed Armor Suit
JKK Tactful Jacket +2% Ranged weapons Armor Suit
Coretech Energizing Vest +3% Energy pistol attacks Armor Suit
Phantom Dancer E +3% Sword attacks Armor Suit
Psychophract Exoskeleton HD +3% Psychokinesis and Metathermics psi attacks Armor Suit
Infused Rathound Leather Boots +2% Unarmed attacks and fist weapons Boots
Sørmirbæren Staff-spear E +3% Psi Spear
Høddurform E +5% Psi Spear
Red Dragon E +20% Decapitate Sword
Focus Stim +15% Weapons, Unarmed, Psi Drug Temporary
Absence +16,6% Psi Food Temporary
Core Chips +2% Weapons, Unarmed Food Temporary
Hardcore Chips +5% Weapons, Unarmed Food Temporary
Mystery Candy +5% Weapons, Unarmed, Psi Food Temporary
Tattoo: Anarchy +1% Weapons and Unarmed attacks Tattoo
Tattoo: Skulljacked HD +2% Psi Tattoo Only while wearing armor suit with (unmodified) armor penalty of 50% or higher
Escalated Psionic Innervation HD Varies Psychokinesis or Metathermics psi attacks Special ability Temporary


Dropped by Aran in Core City slums.


  • 1.1.0 (Expedition) - introduced