Red Dragon

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This page contains content from Underrail: Expedition expansion.
Red Dragon.png
Red Dragon
Melee Weapon
An exquisitely made black and red katana, equipped with an energy edge emitter.
Damage: 30-40 (Mechanical)
Impact speed: Very Low
Base action points: 16 AP
Range: Melee
Critical chance: 2%
Critical damage bonus: 300%
Minimal strength: 5
On hit: Carves up a living target for 3 turns, reducing its action points by 2 and increasing the chance the target will get critically hit by 3%. Stacks 5 times.
On hit: Inflicts 75-100 energy damage to the target. Costs 20 energy.
Incurs 125% of mechanical damage resistance and threshold.

Damage increased by 7% for every point in strength above 6.
Equip: Decapitate critical chance increased by 20%
Equip: Dodge increased by 25
  • Intelligence 6
Energy: 140
Durability: 1770 / 1770 (electronic)
Weight: 2.50
Value: 30000

Red Dragon is a unique sword.


The Red Dragon is a sword used by Aran. It has a built-in Energy Edge Emitter dealing additional energy damage to its target if the weapon is kept charged. It has an extremely high critical damage bonus and a significant critical chance increase when using Decapitate, offsetting its very low natural critical chance.

Critical hit chance sources
Source Crit For Type Notes
Dexterity Varies Melee attacks Base Ability
Recklessness +7% Weapons, Unarmed Feat
Recklessness +10% Weapons, Unarmed Specialization
Psychosis +15% Psi Feat
Psychosis +10% Psi Specialization
Steadfast Aim Varies Pistols Feat
Survival Instincts +30% Weapons, Unarmed, Psi Feat Only when <30% HP
Survival Instincts: Critical Chance +10% Weapons, Unarmed, Psi Specialization Only when <30% HP
Scrutinous +7% Weapons, Unarmed Feat
Pellet Mayhem E Varies Shotgun attacks Feat
Body Horror E +3% Weapons, Unarmed Feat Only against fleshy foes
Ambush Varies Ranged weapons Feat Situational
Seeker Goggles Varies Ranged weapons Headwear
Neuroscopic Headband Varies Psi Headwear
Wizard Hat +10% Psi Headwear
Death's Grin E +2% All Headwear
Infused Rathound Leather Armor Varies Weapons, Unarmed Armor Suit
JKK Tactful Jacket +2% Ranged weapons Armor Suit
Coretech Energizing Vest +3% Energy pistol attacks Armor Suit
Phantom Dancer E +3% Sword attacks Armor Suit
Psychophract Exoskeleton HD +3% Psychokinesis and Metathermics psi attacks Armor Suit
Infused Rathound Leather Boots +2% Unarmed attacks and fist weapons Boots
Sørmirbæren Staff-spear E +3% Psi Spear
Høddurform E +5% Psi Spear
Red Dragon E +20% Decapitate Sword
Focus Stim +15% Weapons, Unarmed, Psi Drug Temporary
Absence +16,6% Psi Food Temporary
Core Chips +2% Weapons, Unarmed Food Temporary
Hardcore Chips +5% Weapons, Unarmed Food Temporary
Mystery Candy +5% Weapons, Unarmed, Psi Food Temporary
Tattoo: Anarchy +1% Weapons and Unarmed attacks Tattoo
Tattoo: Skulljacked HD +2% Psi Tattoo Only while wearing armor suit with (unmodified) armor penalty of 50% or higher
Escalated Psionic Innervation HD Varies Psychokinesis or Metathermics psi attacks Special ability Temporary


Carried by Aran who can be encountered in a number of different places in Core City, such as the slums. The Red Dragon can be looted from his corpse after killing him. Alternatively, with a high enough mercantile skill the player can ask for it in exchange for the Acorn.


  • 1.1.0 (Expedition) - introduced