Fusion Cannon

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This page contains content from Underrail: Heavy Duty expansion.
Fusion Cannon.png
Fusion Cannon
Fusion Cannon
An experimental hand-held fusion cannon, maybe the sole representative of its portable kind. Functions by imploding a magnetically-confined plasmoid through laser-induced cavitation before accelerating it toward the target just as nuclear fusion between its compressed particles begin to occur.

Warning: Low in stray neutron radiation but not devoid of.
Damage: 192-246
Energy: 96-123
Electricity: 96-123
Impact speed: Very High
Base action points: 50 AP
Range: 14 (optimal: 10)
Close quarters precision: -34%
Move and shoot precision: -15%
Critical chance: 5%
Critical damage bonus: 100%
Minimal strength: 8
Minimal weapon skill: 120
Special abilities:

Attack Ground (Grenade Launcher).png Attack Ground (Fusion Cannon): Fire at the targeted spot on the ground with the currently equipped weapon.

Energy usage per shot: 30
Energy: 170
Durability: 1590 / 1590 (electronic)
Can be disassembled.
Weight: 13.85
Value: 100000
v · d · e

The Fusion Cannon is a unique one-of-a-kind heavy energy weapon.


Fusion Cannon works similar to a grenade launcher but uses Heavy Guns skill to determine precision and damage and for all purposes also counts as an energy weapon. Its attack deals normal weapon damage to everything in a radius of 3.

Unlike other unique items, it doesn't have fixed stats and its damage, durability and energy capacity is randomized to a small degree.


Found in The Compound.


Unlike all other uniques, Fusion Cannon is craftable. Its blueprint can be obtained by disassembling the weapon with Disassemble feat.

For more details see, see Blueprint: Fusion Cannon.

Fusion Cannon feats

Does not include general-purpose ranged weapon feats.
