Fast travel
Underrail has three modes of Fast travel available: Metro trains, ferries and riftwalking. Expedition
See Vehicles for player-pilotable and other vehicles.
Upper Underrail metro
Trains of the eponymous Underrail metro network.
The upper metro is the residential area of Underrail. It is divided into three main metro lines - blue, green and orange. The trains don't visit all the stations on the network, so some are accessible only on foot. Upper Underrail can be accessed via Core City's main elevator.
Upper metro routes
- Polemos Station (Fort Apogee) ↔ Epione Lab ↔ University Station (Institute of Tchort) ↔ Core City (25
Stygian Coin)
- For other upper metro stations, see Upper Underrail.
Lower Underrail metro
Trains of the eponymous Underrail metro network. Drivers manuals for the C2X train engine can be found scattered around Lower Underrail.
The lower metro is consists of cargo lines for the industrial and military complexes of Lower Underrail. The trains, powered by old-fashioned locomotives, have both cargo and passenger cars. Lower metro travel is initially unavailable due to an earthquake that collapsed south metro tunnel leading to SGS, but metro travel in Lower Underrail becomes accessible the next day after player finds drill parts for SGS and the tunnel is cleared.
Lower metro routes
- South Gate Station ↔ Rail Crossing ↔ Foundry ↔ Core City (25
Stygian Coin)
- Travel to North Underrail is available once the faceless blockade of north railroad tunnel is lifted. This ends the game.
Lower Caves ferry
The vehicle of choice for both cargo and personnel transfer via the natural underground streams and lakes in the Caves below Lower Underrail.
Ferry boat captains move cargo and personnel between major settlements of the caves for a fee, and the underground rivers are also common smuggling routes.
Ferry routes
- South Gate Station (25
SGS Credits or 8
Stygian Coin) ↔ Junkyard (10
Stygian Coin) ↔ Camp Hathor (10
Stygian Coin) ↔ Core City (20
Stygian Coin)
- Junkyard (10
Stygian Coin) ↔ Silent Isle
- South Gate Station (300
Stygian Coin) ↔ Forsaken Island (only once)
Available in Underrail: Expedition expansion, rifts allow teleporting from one rift to another, once the player has learned the secrets of Second Sight with Dude during Dude's other quest. The player must "attune" themselves to a rift before they are allowed to travel back to that rift at a later time. The rifts are only visible when the player is under the effects of Second Sight and in very close proximity. Thus, the player must be under its effects in order to travel via the rifts.
Rift locations
- Gray Army military base - inside of the storage rooms in the barracks
- Dude's cave home - near the campfire
- Camp Hathor — behind a broken fence south of the docks, behind Edgar's office
- Core City entrance — in shack near train
- Core City derelict warehouse — Black Crawlers / Silver Hand Base (in a shack south of the base)
- Core City merchant district — Hardcore City Bar (in a little room beneath the bar that is accessed by a ladder north of the Doctor's office)
- Your House — in the basement of player's Core City house
- South Gate Station — 8th floor, agronomy, in the NW storage room
- Junkyard — in the back alley past Grover's house
- Foundry — on the tower with the abandoned sniper rifle, SE of the Mayor
- Oculus — mainframe level, back wall
- University Station — in the metro underpassage near Institute of Tchort
- Lower Underrail passages — one zone south of the entrance to the Free Drones Base
- Rail Crossing — near Buzzer's shop, behind some boxes
- Deep Caverns elevator — lower caves south of Camp Hathor
- The Rig — 2nd floor, room 3, underneath Dude's rug
- Black Sea Expedition Camp — lighthouse in the western part
- The Pirate Bay — in Katya's Homestead, next to the glowing plant near the SE exit
- Fort Apogee — under the eastern part of the fort
- The Compound HD — one location to the north of the ambush site, in the NW corner