Lower Caves
Lower Caves![]() | |||||
There is an intricate network of cave tunnels below, above and all around the Underrail metro system.
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Major location information | |||||
Music | Subterra | ||||
Located in | Below Lower Underrail | ||||
Areas | Junkyard tunnels North caves (Omega) South caves East caves (Hathor) | ||||
Connections | Mushroom Cove Junkyard Gate Siphoner Pools Abandoned Building Battery Recycling Plant Camp Hathor Rathound King Lair GMS compound level 3 South Gate Outposts | ||||
Fast Travel | Rift (near deep caverns elevator) | ||||
NPCs | Cliff, Jenny, Ol' Chopper | ||||
Lower Caves are the natural caverns and tunnels that don't reach all the way up to Lower Underrail nor all the way down to Deep Caverns.
The only initially accessible part of caves is a nondescript cavernous area between Mushroom Cove and Junkyard. Consists of four zones; a waterfront tunnel, two cavernous areas with some ruined shacks and buildings to the west and Siphoner Pools. One more small area becomes accessible during Abram's quest Free Maura. Some azuridae and rathounds can be found lurking in the waterfront tunnel between Junkyard and Mushroom Cove. Further to west, hostile junkyard thugs can be found in a ruined shack and wounded Cliff in a ruined building further to south.
Once the player gets access to TNT Charges, cave passages blocked by rocks can be opened. This opens many new cave exploration possibilities, mainly Hathor caves east of Crossroad Watch. The cave tunnels between Mushroom Cove and Junkyard may contain entrances to random dungeons.
Junkyard tunnels
These caves are the tunnels leading to Junkyard, west of South Gate Station and northwest of Mushroom Cove.
Junkyard tunnels 1
- 5 patches of Lake Mushrooms
- 2 respawning Mindshrooms on an island. An underwater rock bridge leading to the island can be found with 8 Perception
- Pile of rubble west of the island containing a Trilobite Fossil oddity, 1 XP
- If your game includes the random dungeon Water Treatment Facility, the facility will be visible through a crevice on the west side of the area. However it cannotbe reached from this map
- Can be fished in this area: Pentapus, Minihead, Anglerfish, Walking Fish
Junkyard tunnels 2
- 1 respawning Mindshroom in the northwest part of the area
- Pile of rubble in the southeast corner containing a Trilobite Fossil oddity, 1 XP
- On the shelves in the thugs' shelter is a Marked Card Deck oddity, 2 XP
- During Abram's 3rd quest, Free Maura, a new exit will become available on the north wall
- Can be fished in this area: Yellow Puckerfish, Minihead
Junkyard tunnels 3
- Refer to Siphoner Pools for details, which is the name for this area
Junkyard tunnels 4
- Cliff is on the west side of the area and the quest giver for Save Jenny
- If your game includes the random dungeon Water Treatment Facility, the facility can be reached with the southeast exit
- In the southeast broken buiding, one of the lockers requires 40 Lockpicking to open
Junkyard tunnels 5
- Can be reached from the north side of Junkyard tunnels 2 during Abram's 3rd quest, Free Maura
- The pile of rubble contains a Trilobite Fossil oddity, 1 XP
Junkyard tunnels 1 with random dungeon fragment
Junkyard tunnels 3 (Siphoner Pools)
Junkyard tunnels 4, above Abandoned Building
Junkyard tunnels 4 with random dungeon fragment
Caves south of SGS
These caves are situated to the south of Mushroom Cove and Crossroad Caves. TNT Charges or Jackhammer are required to enter.
Caves 1
- The eastern exit leads to Mushroom Cove, area South
- The southern exit leads to area Caves 2
- Has 3 respawning Lake Mushroom patches
- Has 1 respawning Mindshroom
- Can be fished in this area: Blue Eel, Yellow Puckerfish, Black Dragon
Caves 2
- The northern exit leads to area Caves 1
- The eastern exit leads to area Caves 3
- There is a hidden (requires Perception to detect) underwater rock bridge linking the NW and NE parts
- In the SW corner is a hidden (requires Perception to detect) trap door leading to area Caves 2 underpassage
- In the SE corner (reachable from the underpassage) is a footlocker requiring 60 Lockpicking and containing a TNT Charge
- Has Siphoners that will ambush you, unless you are stealthy
- Has 5 respawning Lake Mushroom patches
- Has 2 respawning Mindshrooms (the west one is not reachable)
- Has 1 respawning Lake Poppy
- Can be fished in this area: Blue Eel, Minihead, Walking Fish
Caves 2 underpassage
- Has ladders linking the SW and SE corners of the area Caves 2
- Has a stealthy Crawler ready to ambush you
Caves 3
- The northern exit leads to area Caves 4
- The western exit leads to area Caves 2
- Has 5 respawning Lake Mushroom patches, often being eaten by Cave Hoppers
- Has 2 respawning Mindshrooms
- Can be fished in this area: nothing
- Cave hopper cemetery can be found here
- 1-2 high quality Cave Hopper Leather can be found on the unmarked remains of the dead cave hoppers here
Caves 4
- The southern exit leads to area Caves 3
- The northern exit leads to Crossroad Caves, area Crossroad Caves 2
- Has some stealthy Crawlers
- Has 2 respawning Red Dream Mushrooms
Caves north of SGS
The caves between South Gate Outposts and the bottom level of GMS compound. SGS's old rival Omega used to move through these caves. Part of the caves is accessible from the bottom level of GMS, but TNT Charges or Jackhammer are required to enter some of them.
Caves 10
- The southern exit leads to South Gate Outposts, area South outposts
- The northern exit leads to area Caves 11
- Has a few stealthy Crawlers
- There are 3 respawning Red Dream Mushroom : one in the SE corner, one in the SW corner and one on the northern wall
- There is a skeleton with a Robe and some United Stations Dollars
Caves 11
- The southern exit leads to area Caves 10
- The western exit leads to are Caves 12 (bridge)
- Has 2 respawning Lake Mushroom patches
- Has 1 respawning Lake Poppy
- Has some mushrooms on an island, but they cannot be reached
- Can be fished in this area: Minihead, Blue Eel, Black Dragon, Walking Fish
Caves 12 (bridge)
- The eastern exit leads to area Caves 11. It is blocked by some destructible rocks
- The western exit leads to area Caves 13
- The northern exits leads to are Caves 14 (raider base)
- On the ground south of the bridge are 4 Bear Traps (they can be recovered with 84 Traps, possibly less)
- The north side of the bridge is guarded by three Raiders
- In the NW corner next to the barrel is a secret crawlspace (requires Perception to spot). It leads to a second, more discreet exit to the area Caves 14 (raider base)
- Has a Lake Poppy on each side of the bridge, but they cannot be reached
- Can be fished in this area: Anglerfish, Blue Eel, Minihead, Shrimp
Caves 13
- The eastern exit leads to area Caves 12 (bridge)
- The western exit leads to GMS compound, area Level 3: Commons
- A dead man in the center carries an Encyclopedia Fragment oddity, 1 XP
Caves 14 (raider base)
- The southern exits leads to area Caves 12 (bridge)
- There are 6 Raiders (including their leader) guarding the base
- The eastern door of the fenced area to the southwest requires 55 Lockpicking
- The NW building:
- Is inhabited by the raider leader, Gerhard Page
- Has a desk containing a Border Guard Orders oddity, 1 XP
- Has a footlocker on the desk requiring 50 Lockpicking. It contains a Blueprint: W2C Bullets
Caves east of SGS
The largest section of caves. Located east of Crossroad Watch and Crossroad Caves, also connected to the northeast part of South Gate Outposts. TNT Charges or Jackhammer are required to enter. Notable locations in these caves include Camp Hathor, a battery recycling plant, Rathound King Lair, and a Deep Caverns elevator.
Caves 5
Caves 6
- The west entrances lead to Crossroad Watch and are initially blocked with breakable rocks.
- The old building to the south:
- Can be entered from the door with 65 Lockpicking or by destroying the weak wall.
- Has no creatures/enemies
Caves 8
- The southern exit leads to Battery Recycling Plant
- The eastern exit leads to Camp Hathor, area Caves 16 : Camp Hathor
- The western exit leads to area Caves 9
- Has a lone, stealthy and aggressive man called Ol' Chopper, carrying the unique Kukri
- Has 1 respawning Red Dream Mushroom
- Has 3 respawning Cave Ears
- In the footlocker in Ol' Chopper is a Human Brain
Caves 9
- The eastern exit leads to area Caves 8
- The southern exit lads to South Gate Outposts, area East outpost
- Has a pile of rubble containing a Trilobite Fossil oddity, 1 XP
- Has an unreachable Lake Poppy in the water to the north
- Lots of Rathounds and Rathound Alphas are roaming the area
- Can be fished in this area: nothing
Caves 19
- The northeast exit leads to Battery Recycling Plant
- The northwest exit leads to Camp Hathor, area Caves 15 : Mushroom farm
- The southern exit leads to area Caves 20
- The southeast corner is home to several Rathounds and Rathound Alpha
- Has 2 respawning Red Dream Mushrooms
- A pile of rubble in the southeast part contains an Obsidian Shard oddity, 1 XP
- Can be fished in this area: Pentapus
Caves 20
- The northern exit leads to area Caves 19
- The southern exit leads to area Caves 24
- There are many (around 8-10) Rathound Alphas roaming in this area
- There is also a stealthy Death Stalker in the eastern tunnnel
- A locker in the southwest corner contains an Old Lamp oddity, 2 XP
Caves 20, minefield
- The northern exit leads to area Caves 24
- The southern stairs lead to Rathound King Lair, area Labyrinth
- Has 1 respawning Mindshroom
- Has 1 respawning Red Dream Mushroom
- Has 3 respawning Lake Mushrooms
- The middle locker in the southern room contains a Warehouse Inventory List oddity, 2 XP
- Is trapped with many mines, all can be recovered with 91 Traps skill (possibly less):
- Can be fished in this area: nothing
Caves 22
- Has 1 respawning Lake Poppy
- Can be fished in this area: nothing
- Has no creatures/enemies
Caves 23
- Has no creatures/enemies
Caves 24
- The northern exit leads to area Caves 20
- The southern exit leads to area Caves 21, minefield
- Has 1 respawning Mindshroom
- Has 1 respawning Red Dream Mushroom
- In along the west wall is a pile of rubble containing an Obsidian Shard oddity, 1 XP
- Can be fished in this area: nothing
Deep Caverns elevator
- Has 2 respawning Red Dream Mushrooms
- Has a barrel containing a Marked Card Deck oddity, 2 XP
- Has no creatures/enemies
- Has unpowered Elevator Controls
Caves 22, new area in 1.0.3
Caves 23, new area in 1.0.3
- Cv23 meatway.png
Meatway under Caves 23
Caves 24, new area in 1.0.3
- Save Cliff's girlfriend: Cliff asks you to save Jenny from the Abandoned Building he barely escaped from.
- Mushroom Cove scavenger: potential quest, appearing only in playthroughs where the Water Treatment Facility random dungeon exists.