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Messages - ciox

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Bugs / Re: Impact speed of unique assault rifles
« on: June 14, 2017, 06:48:03 pm »
I would suggest looking at giving Jawbone some kind of buff to make up for the fix to precision penalties, it's pretty underwhelming for being the only unique crossbow you can find in the entire game. On the other hand if Expedition adds more well-balanced unique crossbows then you can disregard this.

Roughly 50 hours of play earlier I decided to clean up the Tchortists I mentioned, nobody cared much, there weren't any messages telling me that was a bad thing, and their loot was great. Well, now I've discovered the sequence to get into the Institute and Deep Caverns is broken as Efreitor Denzil will emerge after the cutscene and everyone in the hall is hostile to him and shooting him to death before I can give him the Reaching Man. Riveting stuff.

Now I like this game a lot, it's my favorite release in many years, but this is pretty bad. The game so far lets you clean up entire cities if you want and suggests freedom and so on, but for some reason killing 3 nondescript masked guys can break the main quest without a word of warning, up to 50 hours of gameplay later. Please tell me there's a way around with at least a hack or something to reach Deep Caverns and complete the main quest on a character that already has 115 hours racked up going from what Steam says.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #16: Pickpocketing and Feats Changes
« on: April 19, 2013, 12:19:18 pm »
That new pickpocketing sounds fantastic, some of the new feats seem a bit arbitrary but I guess that's bound to happen with so many of them, either way this game is going places.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #14: Taking from the Rich
« on: March 20, 2013, 12:22:37 pm »
static random where you cant reload to get other result is nice way to find fix this issue.
Yeah I can't believe I forgot about that, that is also a decent solution.
Right now you can also reload to get different items to spawn in lockers, with a huge potential difference in item quality between reloads.
It really would make a difference.

The random items are generated first time you enter the area.

Yeah, so if you have a save before the entrance to an area you can use it to walk in and see different items each time, individual areas can be pretty small. (not a bad thing)
What the other poster means by static random is you generate a seed for each new game, save it and use that one seed in the number generator of systems that shouldn't change their outcomes when you reload a save. Obviously you don't have to use the fixed seed for everything, you can exempt combat and other things easily.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #14: Taking from the Rich
« on: March 20, 2013, 07:25:13 am »
static random where you cant reload to get other result is nice way to find fix this issue.
Yeah I can't believe I forgot about that, that is also a decent solution.
Right now you can also reload to get different items to spawn in lockers, with a huge potential difference in item quality between reloads.
It really would make a difference.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #14: Taking from the Rich
« on: March 18, 2013, 11:58:38 am »
Hey there, I just want to make a small suggestion for pickpocketing, which works in a very traditional way right now, meaning you try and fail and immediately want to reload your save, this feels grindy and it can be done differently to remove the reloading impetus.
Basically just make it so you either can or can't pickpocket someone without chances, and your perception lets you know if you can. No more grinding.

That eliminates all consequences of a failed pickpocket attempt, I don't know if I agree with that.

But the consequence is usually being shot at by an important NPC, or starting a fight that 20 NPCs participate in, that's not a consequence it's a game over screen.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #14: Taking from the Rich
« on: March 18, 2013, 11:51:45 am »
Hey there, I just want to make a small suggestion for pickpocketing, which works in a very traditional way right now, meaning you try and fail and immediately want to reload your save, this feels grindy and it can be done differently to remove the reloading impetus.
Basically just make it so you either can or can't pickpocket someone without chances, and your perception lets you know if you can. No more grinding.

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