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Messages - ciox

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 23
General / Re: Make a monster for Infusion
« on: February 07, 2025, 10:10:09 am »
Sounds cool. But why just spit fireballs? Make them fire something like blobs that explode with a delay to make it more interesting.

Also let them pick up and use fist weapons like Fallout 2 geckos.

Bugs / Re: I can't find Reflex Sight in all stores
« on: February 03, 2025, 04:58:43 pm »
It doesn't seem to show up at all at least on a game that was already started before the patch. ARs with scopes do have 10% move and shoot penalty like the patch says.

Builds / Re: All crafting / Leather glove / Non-psi Build
« on: January 12, 2025, 03:27:58 pm »
Looks pretty good, but I don't think you need INT to be higher than 6-7 or so even with a crafting focus, you don't use it for any feats, and for crafting requirements you can get a workbench or chems. You can probably use those points to make your starting DEX/AGI higher.
For feats Expertise may be useful if you're not sure what feats to get at later levels.
As for spec points, if i'm not wrong Unarmed/Fist will get more crit damage bonus from the Cheap Shots spec than from the Critical Power spec, worth checking anyway.

Bugs / Re: Razor lost his knife
« on: January 11, 2025, 03:19:23 pm »
Was it in a different area? I think every time you encounter a named NPC in a different area, its properties and inventory may be completely different.

General / Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« on: December 31, 2024, 11:39:08 pm »
1. That's the TM problem (which everyone knows is too OP even for psi), not the combat system problem.
2. No, unless you play exclusively glass cannons. Most builds will be able to survive Carnifex turn if they prepare properly.
3. So now you gonna watch enemies taking turns after every action you do. Don't see how it's any better. Game already had 500% actions speed, there never was any need for "time hack apps" for combat.
4. It's not more "immersion breaking" than anything else in turn based. Or rtwp based for that matter.

Do you really think the same devs who made Underrail and Expedition will release something unfun, or that lacks strategic depth?

Yes. If you want blind faith, go preorder some AAA crap. Or join a cult.
Abilities like Bullet Time can also be really OP in combination with a long player turn, so it's really not just TM.
And enemies will definitely not be taking turns, they will all move at once, which would be a massive improvement in speed. It would also lead to some funny moments where say 20 Expedition locusts all spit at once and instagib you, but that just comes with the territory.

Bullet time is ok and not really too OP. It affects single target shots from a pistol after all. So yeah, it's mostly psi that had a problem. in this one breh (Eidein) didn't even need Temporal Contraction, he had like 35 AP left. in this breh (Paposik) only used like 5 AP from Temporal Contraction

I used fists and had a great time. They synergize well with shield bash because you can very quickly build stacks of Boarding Up and Combo, and then use the Shield Bash on armored enemies to deliver all the accumulated power. This makes up for the weakness of fists against armor. It's possible to use a Tungsten shield with Lightning Punches also.

General / Re: New PSI ability's or type for infusion?
« on: December 30, 2024, 11:05:32 pm »
Give the Parabiosis psi-mutie school a chance! (and some balance)

General / Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« on: December 30, 2024, 10:55:15 pm »
1. That's the TM problem (which everyone knows is too OP even for psi), not the combat system problem.
2. No, unless you play exclusively glass cannons. Most builds will be able to survive Carnifex turn if they prepare properly.
3. So now you gonna watch enemies taking turns after every action you do. Don't see how it's any better. Game already had 500% actions speed, there never was any need for "time hack apps" for combat.
4. It's not more "immersion breaking" than anything else in turn based. Or rtwp based for that matter.

Do you really think the same devs who made Underrail and Expedition will release something unfun, or that lacks strategic depth?

Yes. If you want blind faith, go preorder some AAA crap. Or join a cult.
Abilities like Bullet Time can also be really OP in combination with a long player turn, so it's really not just TM.
And enemies will definitely not be taking turns, they will all move at once, which would be a massive improvement in speed. It would also lead to some funny moments where say 20 Expedition locusts all spit at once and instagib you, but that just comes with the territory.

General / Re: Differences vs first game
« on: December 28, 2024, 01:59:22 pm »
Combat is different and does not use action points anymore.
Armor and resistances work completely differently.
XP system will be different and will combine the old XP systems.
Psi has not been talked about but Infusion has the same UI button for innervating psi abilities, that you had in the old game (the brain button in the top right)

General / Re: Video discussion
« on: December 26, 2024, 02:21:36 pm »
It's a little scary but also too early to say for sure. I am very curious to see more about this system, especially what length player actions can be, if you are properly rewarded for undertaking a very long action or shortest actions will always be the most optimal, etc.

Bugs / Re: Spiked Chrome Brass Knuckles cannot be laced with poisons
« on: November 23, 2024, 08:20:54 pm »

Suggestions / Re: Disarm as Feat
« on: September 01, 2024, 09:10:02 pm »
I like the idea but it seems the Underrail NPCs are totally unprepared for this move. They're not like the NPCs in Fallout 2 who can pick up items from the ground and then equip and use them. Would be a good suggestion for Infusion though where AI is being built from the ground up.

It's not a bad suggestion at all, but it doesn't do anything to address very serious issues with miniguns.

1. Opening fire with an unwinded minigun in any serious fight is a deathwish, as it consumes all your AP while barely doing anything.
2. Crafting options for recent gun additions like shotguns, miniguns and grenade launchers are pretty dismal and the guns basically feel the same whichever way you craft them.

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