Author Topic: My thoughts on the new combat system  (Read 7537 times)


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My thoughts on the new combat system
« on: December 29, 2024, 10:39:56 pm »
I truly loved the old system, however, let's be honest:

- Using TM or various perks allowed you to do massive damage to formidable groups of enemies without taking any hits at all. The many, highly effective 3 con builds were pretty obscene.
- Conversely, losing the first turn often meant instant death on dominating, e.g., versus Carnifex.
- Watching a screen of enemies each taking full turns one by one was boring, and necessitated time hack apps.
- Being able to run past a whole pack of rathounds all in one fell swoop, while they sit there doing nothing, was immersion breaking and silly. I quite enjoyed watching how the rathounds closed in around the player.

Have some faith! Do you really think the same devs who made Underrail and Expedition will release something unfun, or that lacks strategic depth?


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2024, 09:20:54 am »
1. That's the TM problem (which everyone knows is too OP even for psi), not the combat system problem.
2. No, unless you play exclusively glass cannons. Most builds will be able to survive Carnifex turn if they prepare properly.
3. So now you gonna watch enemies taking turns after every action you do. Don't see how it's any better. Game already had 500% actions speed, there never was any need for "time hack apps" for combat.
4. It's not more "immersion breaking" than anything else in turn based. Or rtwp based for that matter.

Do you really think the same devs who made Underrail and Expedition will release something unfun, or that lacks strategic depth?

Yes. If you want blind faith, go preorder some AAA crap. Or join a cult.


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2024, 01:54:41 pm »
The new system is just terrible. This is directly demonstrated at the end of the video when the enemies stop running away for no reason.

I think the developer listened to those for whom the game was too "slow" and made a big mistake.

Have some faith! Do you really think the same devs who made Underrail and Expedition will release something unfun, or that lacks strategic depth?

But it was a good turn-based game. And I believe they could make a turn-based game even better. But not this.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2024, 02:04:20 pm by SQ1 »


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #3 on: December 30, 2024, 03:49:40 pm »
The new system is just terrible. This is directly demonstrated at the end of the video when the enemies stop running away for no reason.

Insects don't run if they weren't inclined to run to begin with. 
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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #4 on: December 30, 2024, 04:01:21 pm »
- Using TM or various perks allowed you to do massive damage to formidable groups of enemies without taking any hits at all. The many, highly effective 3 con builds were pretty obscene.
- Conversely, losing the first turn often meant instant death on dominating, e.g., versus Carnifex.
- Watching a screen of enemies each taking full turns one by one was boring, and necessitated time hack apps.
- Being able to run past a whole pack of rathounds all in one fell swoop, while they sit there doing nothing, was immersion breaking and silly. I quite enjoyed watching how the rathounds closed in around the player.

I suggested a shorter/smaller turns system a long time ago because yes, it's pretty damn silly that I can make literally 30 sword attacks before anybody else can lift a finger.  TM adds to that, but only somewhat; it isn't the whole problem.  I have no problem with 3 con builds being effective alpha strikers or Hit'n'Run-ers, but in underrail it was too much and too easy. 
Waiting on your turn is only bad in expedition where theres often 20 enemies at a time. If the new system is harder/more realistic, we won't be seeing so many combatants in a fight.  There won't be any successful fights against fort apogee for instance.

So many people are dooming about the new system; it feels a lot like how the psi players got mad about the psi nerf. 
*eurobeat intensifies*


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2024, 04:21:14 pm »
This is not a fair comparison. One mechanic and the whole combat system.


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2024, 08:57:22 pm »
I do worry that designers sometimes listen to criticism too much and take away what makes a game very successful. The current game is so good, I'd rather just have a sequel along the same lines with some smaller tweaks.


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2024, 10:15:25 pm »
I suggested a shorter/smaller turns system a long time ago because yes, it's pretty damn silly that I can make literally 30 sword attacks before anybody else can lift a finger.  TM adds to that, but only somewhat; it isn't the whole problem.  I have no problem with 3 con builds being effective alpha strikers or Hit'n'Run-ers, but in underrail it was too much and too easy. 
Waiting on your turn is only bad in expedition where theres often 20 enemies at a time. If the new system is harder/more realistic, we won't be seeing so many combatants in a fight.  There won't be any successful fights against fort apogee for instance.

So many people are dooming about the new system; it feels a lot like how the psi players got mad about the psi nerf.

Well put. Who knows, perhaps the devs might increase the AP per turn, to be a more moderate change.


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2024, 10:55:15 pm »
1. That's the TM problem (which everyone knows is too OP even for psi), not the combat system problem.
2. No, unless you play exclusively glass cannons. Most builds will be able to survive Carnifex turn if they prepare properly.
3. So now you gonna watch enemies taking turns after every action you do. Don't see how it's any better. Game already had 500% actions speed, there never was any need for "time hack apps" for combat.
4. It's not more "immersion breaking" than anything else in turn based. Or rtwp based for that matter.

Do you really think the same devs who made Underrail and Expedition will release something unfun, or that lacks strategic depth?

Yes. If you want blind faith, go preorder some AAA crap. Or join a cult.
Abilities like Bullet Time can also be really OP in combination with a long player turn, so it's really not just TM.
And enemies will definitely not be taking turns, they will all move at once, which would be a massive improvement in speed. It would also lead to some funny moments where say 20 Expedition locusts all spit at once and instagib you, but that just comes with the territory.


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2024, 03:49:46 am »
Abilities like Bullet Time can also be really OP in combination with a long player turn, so it's really not just TM.

Sure. There are definitely some imbalances in the current system. But at least we know where they are and you could tweak them in a new design. I would have more confidence in that than in introducing a whole new system that will have imbalances which are much less clear in advance.


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2024, 05:22:13 am »
1. That's the TM problem (which everyone knows is too OP even for psi), not the combat system problem.
2. No, unless you play exclusively glass cannons. Most builds will be able to survive Carnifex turn if they prepare properly.
3. So now you gonna watch enemies taking turns after every action you do. Don't see how it's any better. Game already had 500% actions speed, there never was any need for "time hack apps" for combat.
4. It's not more "immersion breaking" than anything else in turn based. Or rtwp based for that matter.

Do you really think the same devs who made Underrail and Expedition will release something unfun, or that lacks strategic depth?

Yes. If you want blind faith, go preorder some AAA crap. Or join a cult.
Abilities like Bullet Time can also be really OP in combination with a long player turn, so it's really not just TM.
And enemies will definitely not be taking turns, they will all move at once, which would be a massive improvement in speed. It would also lead to some funny moments where say 20 Expedition locusts all spit at once and instagib you, but that just comes with the territory.

Bullet time is ok and not really too OP. It affects single target shots from a pistol after all. So yeah, it's mostly psi that had a problem.

Yeah it will be "fun" when you get killed by any combination of enemies in a group larger than 3 or something. When every action you make,even if it's just walking, gives enemy a turn for an attack, you gonna get outnumbered quite easily, which as the other guy said is easily seen at the end fo the video.


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2024, 05:58:01 am »
Any system can be balanced. I just think it's easier to balance if you're starting with something with which you have a whole lot of experience, rather than if you're starting with something entirely new.

Now I'm wishing for a big Underrail expansion AS WELL AS Infusion.


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2024, 09:01:58 am »
Any system can be balanced. I just think it's easier to balance if you're starting with something with which you have a whole lot of experience, rather than if you're starting with something entirely new.

Now I'm wishing for a big Underrail expansion AS WELL AS Infusion.
I would pay 10x price for original underrail with proper modding tools. The basic system was pretty great and engaging, if only it had great tool for user created content, it would last probably as long as NWN did.


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2024, 02:06:10 pm »

Now I'm wishing for a big Underrail expansion AS WELL AS Infusion.

Thaaaats not happening.


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Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2024, 03:36:47 pm »
Then a few small ones.  :)