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Messages - redgoesfastfastfastfast

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Suggestions / Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« on: August 23, 2021, 03:06:37 am »
I have loads of suggestions too and I was considering making a thread like this, here are the ones I have already posted, ill add more to this post when I think of more:

Ability to craft casings by unloading ammo or with metal plates

Be able to shoot a targeted tile to generate noise or trigger a trap, hell even just being able to trigger bear traps with grenades would be fine

Oddities for easily avoidable enemies like Goliaths and the Black Crawler

Kevlar tabis and balaclava scaling with quality instead of being fixed at 2 DT

A buff of some kind to riot shields, while they aren't bad they currently require too many feats compared to other arms, I would suggest either combining shield arm and bash into one feat or removing shield arm and adding its buffs to the base riot shield.

Buff the weaker psi abilities or change the psi slot system so that people might actually use the weaker ones

Tab should highlight zone transitions because some of them are hard to see

Flares should give enough light to trigger ambush no matter how dark the location is

Taser power should scale with quality

Some kind of armor percentage ignoring crossbow bolts, while I know shock bolts exist they aren't reliable due to requiring criticals to do real damage.

Bugs / Light of flares is too weak to activate ambush in darker areas
« on: August 22, 2021, 10:53:36 am »
Title. Image attached as well.

General / Jet Ski Power use in kilometers?
« on: August 22, 2021, 04:19:32 am »
When you put your mouse on consumption in the jet ski menu it mentions kilometers, how far is that in-game?

The dude your supposed to talk to should not patrol, the first time I went under there everyone turned hostile because I just walked in and the patrolling dude wasn't nearby

Oh and at the moment there is no reason to use Synesthetic Refocus over a normal headband besides looking for secrets, I would suggest increasing the psychokinesis boost to 50 (this isn't too much since a headband has lots of other strong boosts) and making it increase force field health or something like that, since they use force field to attempt climbing the Oculus

Builds / Re: Feat Priority List (Feedback requested)
« on: August 21, 2021, 03:42:37 am »
Added some clarification to main post, also priority dictates how soon you should take a feat on builds that will use it, not how good that certain feat is for every build.
I could say that Expertise is really useful early on for SMG build - at level 5 you add extra 5 dmg on top of 8-12 5mm (11-16 from skill bonuses) that is extra 30-50% damage, so should be picked up early. Also, it greatly helps when fighting DT on same build, as that extra from Expertise, might be the only damage going through.

I would suggest, instead of rating it by 1-3 priority (which differs depending on the build) to maybe including: Great for [that & that], Average [for that & that] 😄
Otherwise, lots of good points on Feats and good job!

Rating feats for different builds is a very good idea and I will try to do that if I have the time, though I think I might need to make another thread because doing so will likely hit the word limit.

Oh and would anyone mind telling me if I missed something below? Am going to post the basic combat types so I can better separate feats by build.

Assault rifle
Sniper rifle
Energy pistol
Chemical Pistol
Leather gloves
Metal gloves
Thought Controller
Temporal Manipulation
TC Hybrid
PK Hybrid
MT Hybrid
TM Hybrid

General / Re: request for save game
« on: August 20, 2021, 02:22:00 pm »
Here is the link

By the way the save file is on DOMINATING but this build is incredibly powerful so you "should" have no problems.

If you want advice on how to use it feel free to ask me on the discord (N1MH#0813)

Every quest is completed except the Tchortist ones which I haven't started yet and nearly every zone is explored. (I didn't do the upper and lower caves because death stalkers are annoying even with stasis)

Head over to your house in core city after the next level up (Put 30 more points in tailoring so you can craft some high quality infused hopper stealth overcoat leather armor)

Oh, and don't forget the XAL in your inventory as well as the Chemical Assault Unit armor, when combined they will let you do some insane single target damage. Don't worry about XAL entangling or damaging you, the build has escape artist and CAU armor + biohazard boots will mitigate all the damage.

If you want me to give you a different build that is also about to do expedition, ask me on the discord. I have quite a few.

After you acquire hypercerebrix go to Oculus, I have very many crafting materials there.

Builds / Re: Feat Priority List (Feedback requested)
« on: August 20, 2021, 04:22:35 am »
There is no point in rating feats in separation from build, difficulty and stage in the game. Any attempt to do so yields confusing results. Conditioning tier 1... it's worthless on glass cannon, weak when relying on armor, but build enabling when stacking damage reduction, it allows to create low armored tank which is immortal during morphine. Even then, is there a need to take it asap before you get steady supply of morphine and aegis? But then again, it can save some health, but then AGAIN, in early game armor tanks those rathound quite nicely, unless playing on DOMINATING. But then AGAIN, early game is full of psi beetles and acid damage and Conditioning doesn't help against those.

All of these dilemmas cannot be reduced to 'priority 1'.

Added some clarification to main post, also priority dictates how soon you should take a feat on builds that will use it, not how good that certain feat is for every build.

General / Re: request for save game
« on: August 20, 2021, 01:44:10 am »
Yo I have two hybrid psi builds that have either just started expedition (finished second quest) or are about to do it (have not done any quests), which would you like? The one that has finished the first quest is thought control and sniper based while the other one is a fire spam metathermics fire pistol based

oh, and I also have a temporal manipulation pistol character and a hammer character that are both about to do expedition

Reply with which build you would like.

EDIT: Check your discord

According to a reliable source on the discord who has played a electrokinesis build the above statement is incorrect

Suggestions / Stunned and incapacitated enemies should fall over
« on: August 17, 2021, 03:05:21 am »
If not for this game maybe the next one, being able to block a chokepoint with a stunned guy is very silly in my opinion and is currently a very common tactic for many builds.

In case the title wasn't clear I meant stunned dudes should fall over and be able to be walked on (maybe they lose a small bit of hp as well?) so that you can't just cheese every battle using a chokepoint

And yes, I understand that the current choke blocking meta is an integral part of Underrail, I myself have used it very often during my time playing

Oh, and while your at it you should increase the range at what a door can be opened, in the Scrapper base you can easily kill everyone on your own for massive amounts of classic xp by blocking the door with a dog and repeatedly throwing grenades behind it.

Suggestions / Tab should highlight Zone Transitions
« on: August 16, 2021, 02:53:00 am »

Attached image is a example of one that is hard to see

Suggestions / Incentive to craft higher quality taser
« on: August 16, 2021, 12:43:31 am »
At the moment there is little reason to craft a taser with a higher quality electroshock generator since a quality 10 has an equal chance to stun as a quality 160 one.

Idea for solution, maybe taser should ignore a percent of fortitude based on quality? Up to ignoring 40% fortitude as 160 quality.

Alternatively you could increase the attack rating of the taser stun based on its quality (not damage, am talking about the skill that is checked against the enemies fortitude)

General / Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« on: August 14, 2021, 12:13:44 pm »
Fire pistol cooked shot, grenades and pyrokinesis can trigger mines

Crafting fire chemical pistol ammo with napalm lets you craft 3x the ammo with only 30% of the vials and bonding agents required

The under passages are a fast and easy way to quickly travel around if you don't wanna spend money on the train
(You might need to kill a few lurkers, but if your doing it right it shouldn't be too hard)

Exothermic aura can damage people in uncontrolled zones without them turning hostile

If your playing a female character Ethan will teach you a free psi ability and you don't get stunned for 2 turns by dirty kick

If your playing on DOMINATING its worth killing the plasma turrets in junkyard since they can drop up to quality 110 components

South of Rail Crossing there is a zone with many death stalkers and most importantly a room with a one way entrance with a door, this zone is a easy place to farm crawler venom.

Don't leave loot in the train heist zone, it will disappear after you leave the area. I had to learn this the hard way

Bugs / Free psi abilities from Ethan are not automatically innervated
« on: August 10, 2021, 11:42:39 am »
When playing as a girl and choosing to learn a ability from Ethan for free the free ability isn't automatically innervated. Paid for abilities are still automatically innervated.

Builds / Re: Feat Priority List (Feedback requested)
« on: August 07, 2021, 04:40:27 am »
Category: Melee Weapon Feats

Dirty Kick: Priority 1

Almost always take this if you have melee skill, 2 turn stun on males is very powerful since most enemies are male and will trivialize most single enemies. Can do hundreds of damage if your wearing metal boots.

Crippling Strike: Priority 3

Pretty good feat, will lower heavy armor users ap and since they usually wield a heavy weapon their accuracy as well.

Cheap Shots: Priority 2

Extra crit damage and the chance to incapacitate is very good, take this on all melee except sledgehammers. Can cheese single targets semi reliably as well if you have low ap per attack

Expose Weakness: Priority 1

Very good feat, ignoring half resistance is extremely powerful.

Shield Bash: Priority 2

More attacks is nice as is the debuff, this one can do pretty pretty big damage too if you have boarding up stacks.

Bone Breaker: Priority 3

Blunt melee crits will usually kill enemies, but still, any extra damage is nice.

Taste for Blood: Priority 2

Powerful on all melee even sledgehammers, you don't even need blades to trigger it since you can use nail bombs.

Boarding Up: Priority 3

Best to take at around level 18 when enemies are doing more damage


Subcategory: Fists

Heavy Punch: Priority 2

Its good if you consistently have problems penetrating enemy DT, but in most cases crippling strike is better.

Lightning Punches: Priority 1

Very good feat on characters with at least 8 dexterity and melee skill, should reduce your fist action point cost by at least 25%

Improved Unarmed Combat: Priority 2

Extra damage is extra damage, take this if your using your bare fists. Note that this does not work with combat gloves.

Wrestling: Priority 3

Good reliable debuff that can significantly neuter enemy ranged hit chance, there are better feats to take early for unarmed melee though.

Combo: Priority 2

Very good feat, try to time it with crippling strike or pneumatic gloves for big damage.

Deflection: Priority 3

Good if you really want to stack dodge, since your melee skill is likely higher than your dodge skill.


Subcategory: Knives

Cut Throat: Priority 3

Mediocre feat due to high AP cost, though its decent for bosses.

Eviscerate: Priority 3

Not as good as it sounds, though you can do some massive damage with this if you bother stacking bleeding wounds on a single target.


Subcategory: Machetes

Flurry: Priority 1

One of the most powerful feats if you can reliably land your attacks, however try not to stack too many damage bonuses otherwise you will kill enemies too fast making it take longer to get flurry stacks.

Parry: Priority 3

Have not used this, its probably similiar to spear except you pump dex and your block gets better as you get more dex.

Decapitate: Priority 3

Useful on high evasion enemies if you can't disable them somehow, since missing this lets you keep flurry. I personally fonud it unneccesary since as melee you have lots of disable.

Riposte: Priority 3

Not neccessary from my experience, you already have lots of attacks with flurry. Free attack is always good though, take this if you want.

Onslaught: Priority 2

Nice and reliable damage boost, goes well with stacking flurry.


Subcategory: Spears

Spear Throw: Priority 2

Very powerful long range attack, will usually be doing hundreds of damage by mid-game.

Fend: Priority 3

Not worth it in my opinion, spear guardian already raises block chance to 80%, and you can spec it to get 100%.

Iron Grip: Priority 2

Spear + Shield makes you pretty much immune to melee (Death stalker was doing 0 damage without crits at level 8 ), though you will still have problems with crossbow and gun users.

Impale: Priority 2

Guaranteed crit in big damage high action point weapon is very good, should reliably be doing 150+ damage from the moment you get it. Can reach hundreds later on easily.

Spear Guardian: Priority 1

Take this ASAP if you want to be defensive, will reduce alot of melee damage and specialization can get it to 100% block chance.

Sweep: Priority 2

Off-balance is very good, pairs well with Electro Spear, letting you do the electro adjacent damage many times.


Subcategory: Hammers

Pummel: Priority 2

Very good feat for hammerers, you can even specialize it to cost 0 action points.

Super Slam: Priority 3

Mediocre feat, especially on higher diffculties where your heatlh gets reduced.


Category: Psionic

Psychosis: Priority 1

Does what it says in the description, is very good if you want to go the critical psi route. Pairs well with Survival Instincts

Tranquility: Priority 1

Very good feat, best used with 3 CON since you want to stay at full hp and having less hp makes that easier, probably not as powerful as psychosis but way more reliable.

Expanded Psi Capacitance: Priorty 3

Good if you happen to be running out of psi reserves in very long fights, not worth taking otherwise.

Premeditation: Priority 1

Letting you use abillites for 0 AP cost is extremely powerful, especially against creatures that cannot open doors. Take ASAP on non-hybrid psi users.

Meditation: Priority 3

25 extra psi points is very nice, take this as early as you need it.

Psionic Mania: Priority 1

Extremely powerful on hybrids especially Metathermic ones, that 1 guaranteed crit is usually enough to end a fight if you have a damage boosting headband.

Psycho Neural Flexbility: Priority 2

Very useful on hybrids and pure psi builds, take as soon as you have a spare feat

Psycho Neural Optimization: Priority 2

Not as needed as flexibility but any extra psi cost reduction is always good.

Neural Overclocking: Priority 2

Extra crit damage is always good, take this soon especially on Psychosis builds.

Hemopsychosis: Priority 3

I've heard this is good with Last Stand, though i've personally never used it.


Subcategory: Metathermics

Thermodynamicity: Priority 2

Good for reducing action points cost on builds that use Metathermics alot. Have not personally used, opinions requested.

Pyromaniac: Priority 1

Burn is very powerful, especially since it makes enemies run away in fear. You can very reliably burn enemies using pyrokinetic stream.

Hypothermia: Priority 3

Good for bosses since it will reduce their overall hp, mediocre otherwise.

Cryogenic Induction: Priority 2

Good for high hp enemies, especially on DOMINATING difficulty.


Subcategory: Thought Control

Cerebral Trauma: Priority 2

Pretty good damage bonus, take early if you use neural overload often.

Mental Subversion: Priority 3

Don't take this until you have no other good options to take, the damage increase is not that big and if you've been pumping your thought control skill you should be reliably landing debuffs already.

Locus of Control: Priority 1

Very powerful feat even with the aoe nerf, should be taken ASAP if you have spare psi slots and enough Will to use it, even if you don't main Thought Control


Subcategory: Psychokinesis

Corporeal Projection: Priority 2

Very good on high STR builds that use psychokinesis (Hammer wizard and psi monk)

Telekinetic Undulation: Priority 2

Good for disabling crowds, daze is a good debuff and can proc oppurtunist as well. Specialization lets this hit 100% chance to daze which is pretty solid

Force User: Priority 2

Makes your TK Punch do big damage, HP boost makes force field noticeably more useful as well.

Psychostatic Electricity: Priority 2

Any source of crit chance is good, especially good on ranged hybrids with premeditation.


Subcategory: Temporal Manipulation

Continuum Ripple: Priority 2

Only take this if you intend to use temporal distortion as your main weapon, ignore it otherwise.

Psycho Temporal Acceleration: Priority 2

Very good feat especially with the extra turn of duration.

Future Orientation: Priority 3

Lets you stay in Contraction permanently with liberal use of LTI and the feat that boosts its duration, take this when you've gotten your other important feats.

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