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Messages - HulkOSaurus

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General / Re: Unreachable box in Water Facility
« on: November 10, 2020, 04:05:23 pm »
Wasn't it something to do with the suspension, as well?

PS: Devastator is pretty much a must if doing flawless runs, imo.

General / Re: Unreachable box in Water Facility
« on: November 10, 2020, 07:04:59 am »
You can reach that, but not by using that jet :).

General / Re: DLC components quality
« on: November 07, 2020, 11:45:17 am »
It's between the Silent Isle and Depot A on the map. Accessible only with jets.

Bugs / Re: Crafting in combat mode
« on: November 07, 2020, 09:01:23 am »
The alternative is to not being able to craft almost anything with Hypercerebrix or have it's duration extended...

I am pretty sure there's a reason why the duration is as it is.

General / Re: DLC components quality
« on: November 06, 2020, 11:07:01 am »
Kiro can randomly have good stuff, yes.

I don't often check on Ezra, but if you want to take your time go for it.

Builds / Re: smg+assault rifle build
« on: November 06, 2020, 10:34:12 am »
Look for a belt that reduces medicine AP consumption.

Builds / Re: smg+assault rifle build
« on: November 06, 2020, 10:12:14 am »
The idea of using SMGs to proc Commando for free 9mm AR burst is good. Muzzled 9mm Chimera with Green Scope is the way to go, imo. Good for Aimed Shots, as well.

You could fit Snipe in there somewhere and use it to take down key targets, retreating with Vanishing Powder Grenade after so you can switch to your AR.

Since you're going Rathound Regalia you could just lvl enough Biology to make Focus Stims and enough Chemistry to make MKIV Frags. No need for Three-Pointer; that feat is taken with max-Dex-max-Throwing. Don't say they are useless, though ;).

You could swap Trigger Happy for Quick Tinkering. You have loads of Stealth so you can always scout enemy positions and spot the stealthed ones before they spot you. Basically starting combat on your terms.

You might want to skip later arena fights since you won't be able to start combat deterministically.

General / Re: DLC components quality
« on: November 06, 2020, 08:43:29 am »
I think you might find only 160 + DLC leathers. Which isn't bad at all. You can become immune to melee damage with Sea Serpent scales and Leper Serpent skin plus have high phys resistance to bullets. I believe the only places you could find those components of said quality before DC are Constantine and Kiro.

General / Re: About to do Deep Caverns for the first time
« on: November 05, 2020, 10:29:51 pm »
Bring stealth equipment along with everything else you said. 

General / Re: Fetid Marsh as a melee
« on: November 01, 2020, 02:03:33 pm »
Better question, am I missing out on much if I just skip the marsh entirely?


Next time you might want to consider Versatility :).

Builds / Re: Good build using the JKK tactful jacket?
« on: October 31, 2020, 03:46:22 pm »
You could possibly combine Temporal Manipulation with the JKK Jacket for two Point Shots a turn. Considering the math you will spend roughly the same AP as a normal AR attack for two possible crits. You could use SMGs as pseudo melee weapons with Spec Ops. Spec Ops, for that matter, together with the cooldown reduction from TM, Future Orientation and Grenadier will give you permanent flashbang incapacitation and you can go to work with Commando in the mean time. Quick Pockets, a powerful pistol in the inventory and Execute can help with some enemies/bosses/arena fights.

There are weapons available without crafting like the Syg MPX or the Steyr-Auch. Although high Mechanics will give you the best stuff, considering all the other skills you might want with such a build you might have to settle down for those. Don't worry; they are very good, regardless.

Builds / Re: Questions about a Chemical Pistols Build
« on: October 25, 2020, 10:53:39 pm »
Let's get back to the beginning.

If you're planning on running Chemical Pistols with only 8 Perception, you're better off maxing Dexterity/Melee instead and using the Versatility feat(Guns = 60%-70% Melee). That will give you the same result Chem Pistol-wise, while at the same time freeing more base points for you to put wherever you like them.

I can't really tell you where to put those because there are many good options.

Yes, Dirty Kick is an incredibly useful tool. If you happen to pick Sure Step you won't have to worry about footwear so you could do Infused Rathound Leather Tabis to further diversify your arsenal. But that's neither here, nor there. It's just one viable option out of many.

Builds / Re: Questions about a Chemical Pistols Build
« on: October 25, 2020, 09:58:42 pm »
To make a build around Xbow/Chem Pistols you'd need a decent investment into Perception. The synergy there is the auto-crit with xbows on Acidic Entanglement, but if I am not mistaken, the perk needed Perception. Not sure about that. But in either case, you can play it.

What I can tell you about a high Dexterity melee build with Versatility is that you won't be short on options to choose from. There's just so many good perks and a lot of the combinations work well.

Personally, I think Sure Step would be pretty good for you since this is a Chem Pistol build. If all the poisoned caltrops weren't enough you could even do something like Infused Rathound Leather Tabis and have a stunning kick available on a shorter cooldown. Blitz would be quite sick, as well. 

Builds / Re: Questions about a Chemical Pistols Build
« on: October 25, 2020, 08:11:32 pm »
With 8 Perception determining the damage output and accuracy of your chemical pistols you're better off making a character fully invested in Dexterity + Melee and using the Versatility feat. There's also specialization points in.

That will also allow you to redistribute some points and go into what you think will be best. It will open up strong melee combat without really diminishing the Chemical Pistol strength while further reducing their AP to fire. You will also have the ability to use SMGs, perhaps even take the Spec Ops perk in addition to all the Chem Pistol shenanigans. More Agility and Constitution sound like a good deal to me. You could even take some small Psi to help support.

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