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Messages - newageofpower

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General / Re: An Anarchists thank you
« on: January 30, 2016, 04:26:49 pm »
I met the drones, did their questline... Then decided they were shitty.

Loaded a previous save, gassed them. #NoRegrets.

General / Modding Support - When?
« on: January 30, 2016, 12:56:56 am »
IIRC, Styg stated that he was planning on supporting modding.

When will this be added? I understand that you may need a break after the hectic days of post-release patching.

You can bilocate a doppelganger.


General / Re: Mixed psi build
« on: January 29, 2016, 03:41:14 pm »
Firearms crush robots if you bring AP ammo. Alternatively, sniper rifles work fine too.

Surviving enemy Psi late game is far more important; I cannot emphasise how much Locus of Control can do; focusing out of CC and then premeditated bilocation + force field beats so many encounters even before your crafted gear comes into play.

General / Re: Do some merchant buy any of the following...
« on: January 21, 2016, 12:20:34 am »
Great. That means I can just discard them, or put in barrel, since I do not do the crafiting.

I assume same is true for the various scap types. Correct?

Also, if anyone knows any other type of the item that can not be sold, please post here, so we can compile the list.

Scrap is super valuable - make repair kits.

General / Oligarchs
« on: January 21, 2016, 12:17:20 am »
Gary said they'd really help me with my career.... I don't feel like I'm getting aided....

Also, in my current playthrough, none of the Oligarchs approached me, even after I fragged Gary and the Gauntlet.

Bugs / Re: Gladiator allies turning hostile due to their own fault
« on: January 14, 2016, 02:06:30 pm »
Eh. Kill em all, more loot for you!

General / Re: Deflection
« on: January 11, 2016, 10:24:50 pm »

Even base Uncanny Dodge can be good.

General / Re: Metal Armor or anti-rifle vest?
« on: January 09, 2016, 01:22:58 pm »
Early game, antirifle vests make most small arms bounce off of you. Late game, even 100 DT will do nothing vs 1000 critdamage snipes.

Metal armor can get some sick high% DR. For the other slots, consider your build.

Metal helmets reduce Perception (and thus CTH). For assault rifle builds capable of unloading a magazine in one turn, this isn't a big issue; you'll kill most enemies anyways, and the with a high quality crafted metal helmet you can come close enough to capping your mech/heat/energy resists (assuming high quality metal armor) you are basically invulnerable to those types of damage.

But this would be a big no-no on a sniper rifle build; misses are so frustrating you really need to have NVGs on at all times.

Metal boot Striders can make you very mobile, but metal/metal boots have sick mech/heat/energy resist. One issue is other resistances; with a padded metal helmet you get either electric or cold res, with infused mutant dog Leather tabi you can get a ton of acid res. Making dog Leather boots, unfortunately dramatically cuts the acid resist.

Still, if you place armor into all 3 slots you can be invulnerable to mech/heat/energy, a decent resistance to Bio (if bio vest on metal armor) and acid (if infused mutant dog Leather tabi), with a small amount of either electric or cold resist (depending on helmet padding).

This build has weak electric or cold resist, and completely lacks another. A variation is using boots instead of tabi, which lets you grab an extra set of padding, but greatly cuts the resistance from Leather material;not recommended (unless you love Striders. I do.)

General / Re: Critique My Psychokinetic Sniper/SMG Guy
« on: January 09, 2016, 12:58:28 pm »
I can count the amount of times I've gotten attacked by multiple very powerful opponents on two hands.

SMG builds have no problem with close combat because of the obscene close range DPS. AR builds can deal with  a few guys at close range but its uncomfortable.

Psi-monks can do Locus of Control, but it requires some compromises. I think a 10 AGI (and max Dex) Psi-monk build, dumping STR is optimal.

General / Re: Crafting thread
« on: January 09, 2016, 12:51:39 pm »
Skinner feat is super powerful on infused Leather. Keep that in mind.

General / Re: Are gladiator fights supposed to be min-maxed?
« on: January 08, 2016, 10:58:11 pm »
vs Carnifex, psi-focused builds should have Locus of Control - it's so ridiculously good. Going high WILL lets you grab premeditation, which is also absurd.

Make some survivable armor (riot gear is great), locus out of his CC, then CC & kill him.

Site Feedback & Suggestions / Re: Host Issues
« on: January 08, 2016, 11:56:39 am »
This seems unlikely, why turn away paying customers?

General / Re: Critique My Psychokinetic Sniper/SMG Guy
« on: January 08, 2016, 10:17:10 am »
I'm taking strength up to 7 by level 24, no higher than that, so metal isn't in the cards unless I move some attribute points around.

I've noticed that metal armor is the standard pairing for sniper+assault rifle, but I'm trying to focus on avoidance and stealth instead, so it's not really a good fit here. I need to be at max health to fire off 3 Electrokineses, and that'll pretty much never happen if I'm in metal armor, since I wouldn't dodge anything and I'd never start first. Similarly, the point in dex is a marginal increase in initiative, which is helpful if I get ambushed. Putting it in con doesn't really do me much good, since I'm trying not to get hit in the first place.

First of all, Styg confirmed max CTH malus from difference in skill (when your dodge/evade is twice theirs) is only 60%; dodge means you'll still get smacked 35%(assuming optimal range) of the time. So pure evade/dodge as an absolute defense that is completely out of the question.

To make up for this, players choose from armor types and a shield, which is determined by their build/playstyle/requirements. Crafting players can make the lighter armors work, for a cost, or the super heavy armors even better. If crafting, a high quality supersteel fiber infused Leather vest gives powerful bonuses, low armor penalty (if not ancient rathound) and damage mitigation equivalent to most mid-weight body armors. I think everyone has heard me extoll the virtues of heavy SS metal armor, so we'll skip that.

Another problem I see with your build is that SR and SMGs actually have a fairly weak synergy, not only do SR weapons not benefit from auto weapons feats but requires critical feats to maximize. SRs have base 5 STR req, while SMG builds are really maximized by 16 DEX builds, and benefit much less from Perception than SR builds. SMG/SR builds are workable, but requires quite a bit of minmaxing, and is less flexible (Attribute-feat-skillwise) than an AR/SR build.

Even worse, you have a 3 WILL psi build. Splashing in some psi-based CC on a high-CON Juggernaut build is okay, but on a 3con build you'll die to almost anything for minimal gains. Most psi-spells are not very good on correctly optimized SMG builds anyways, because you will kill all your opponents in 1-2 turns (6 bursts in one turn if blitz or adrened with 7.62).

I could splash psi on a 3 constitution run, but not for my first game, not for Psychostatic electricity, and most definitely not on a 3 willpower build. Add in the difficulty of attempting an SR/SMG build, and the points for Attributes, Feats, and Skills don't exist.

:  /

Your build is poorly optimized, and will have some trouble in the late game without permastealth-alpha strike shenanigans. If you enjoy walking everywhere at a snail's pace, having to save scum, and occasionally dying anyways in 1 hit from a sniper, you can continue and still clear.

Otherwise, I reccomend you restart.

General / Re: Whatever you say, pops
« on: January 07, 2016, 09:54:05 am »
Yep, one of the funniest scenes. However I would love it if there were various skill checks in conversations, like the two Fallout games had them. In this case a dodge check where you could at least attempt to avoid getting hit. Heck, even if he'd hit you 100% of the time it would be awesome just to have it.

Isn't there such a check when you try to resist the psionic mind invasion when you ask to learn from Ezra? After that there was an option where you could go for your weapon and that would trigger combat... lol.

I punched him back, but that triggered combat.

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