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Messages - cypherusuh

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Suggestions / Re: Luck stat
« on: November 11, 2019, 01:14:36 pm »
Sounds like a bad stats. Also with current stats, it's already tight enough for some build, it honestly don't need additional stuff.
For quality mercantile technically increased your chance to get good quality. The secret shop adds more stock with better quality. You could reliably found Q140+ on Tier 2 Oligarch shops
For crit chance, it should be handled by Perception. It's logical that you could accurately shoot on fatal point if you're very perceptive, same logic with Dex' melee crit, you could handle melee weapon more accurately and hit fatal point more reliably

Builds / Re: crossbow/shotgun build advice
« on: November 11, 2019, 01:06:08 pm »
Tbh I'm not even sure what's the strength of crossbow, other than elemental gimmick, which usually worse than psi, if the character is hybrid.
"stealth sniping" isn't reliable due to how stealth kill works in this game. 3 people around, killed 2, survivor yelled, everyone ganked on you anyway.
Deadly Snare is nice, but you usually has to invest on some crit chance on the side (unless you're so adamant on laying bear trap everywhere pre-combat), and on ranged case, you could stack up really high crit chance from weapon mod and goggles
Pure crossbow can't deal with tin cans without resorting to traps / grenade / poison spam (which usually negated by their DT, too).
They do have huge amount of crit damage, but compared with a sniper, their actual damage is far worse. I think even laser pistol could dish out better spike damage

Builds / Re: crossbow/shotgun build advice
« on: November 11, 2019, 10:28:30 am »
I tried Destroyor's build today up to finishing depot. Is there any good reason to even use crossbow? I feel like grenades and shotgun alone is strong enough to deal with everything. And EMP could do better job than crossbow for robots, due to AoE and 2 turn stun. Shotgun to the face basically deletes everything, at least on Hard difficulty. Even for CC, I feel like Psi ability covers much more than crossbow, and it's usually cheaper on AP, plus it's basically free without ammo and reliable with 100% hit chance
I tried to use sniper instead of crossbow, I feel like it has better use for long-ranged support compared to crossbow. Idk why but I missed a lot with crossbow, even at 80% chance.
Also without crossbow, we could use Shell Strap Belt or even Doctors Pouch

I just want to experience the 0 MP build as a true lump of steel tbh. With the buff of Haste ( no longer affected by armor penalty on next turn), it's quite doable. For the weight, I just gave up and use CE, makes the game much more enjoyable tbh.

Everything is pretty much settled atm, other than aimed shot, which if you read all the WoT above, is my preference, and it works quite nice before repair kit nerf shenanigans. Rn my inventory got hit really bad and I wish I could swap it with Pack Rathound.

For weapon, I choose 8.6mm hornet RR Anatomically Aware w/ 9mm chimera Muzzla AA
I might dropped pickpocket and get 70 psychokinesis for implosion + max throwing for the rest tbh, haven't put any point there, and it seems that ammo and money isn't that problematic as long as I'm doing merchant run every now and then. Maybe it's useful on dominating and SMG build?

My only complains atm is heavy armor playstyle doesn't really suits me, but I need to do this one for protectorate + praetorian run. And my luck doesn't serves me well, so far I only found 108Q tungsten max, and can't really find high quality rifles (atm 138Q chimera @ protectorate US shop) and haven't found my "main" frame yet (only found 103-ish)

BTW any recommendations on what's the best padding?

Builds / Re: Strength and Evasion are underwhelming
« on: November 08, 2019, 06:19:16 am »
Everything seems great other than using Str on Will check
Imagine focusing on your muscle energy to understand the vast universe through adrenaline and iron fist while benchpressing on ancient obelisk

Although lore-wise, muscle energy technically exist through Corporeal Projection

Update lv 16, everything is smooth, other than occasional ammo scouring run. Post-patch, it's better to swap aimed shot with pack rathound, since burst eats up durability as much as how EA loves microtransaction. Might be kinda sucks early on without aimed shot, but it's still doable with enough grenade and force field abuse

Suggestions / Re: Inventory weight heatmap
« on: November 07, 2019, 10:29:01 am »
Adding additional sorting (weight, value/weight) would be much better tbh, and much simpler

General / Re: How to get "Meet Azif"? (Spoilers)
« on: November 07, 2019, 02:43:11 am »
I just did the quest yesterday for the first time while following wiki, and I'm managed to meet with Azif. The key is to resolves all the problem without any bloodshed or other logically illegal ways.  In OP case it's probably because of the camera disabled, maybe it counts as "unnecessary work"?

General / Re: I made an animated artwork for the new steam library
« on: November 07, 2019, 02:37:04 am »
It looks so comfy, and that flickering is so good that I'm started to hear that annoying electricity hum and flickering light bulb noises

General / Re: Ethan makes a comment if you name yourself "Chronos"
« on: November 07, 2019, 02:35:46 am »
Quite interesting. I wonder if there's extra fluff if you named your character as the "key actors"

Builds / Re: Need opinion/criticism on my psi-monk build
« on: November 05, 2019, 03:06:32 pm »
Without stealth, it would be much harder tbh. I played on hard with my previous build suggestion w/ force User, it's such a breeze tbh. Probably the fastest build I currently have, pretty much speedrun through the game without fancy gear / farming and managed to kill everything, including robots, from starts till core city (around lv 18, atm playing with full psi Social build for them lore). By the time you reached junkyard and (hopefully) get 60Q+ siphoner leather, it's basically GG for early-mid gear, just need to craft new gloves every now and then if you find some good leather and serrated blades

Imo, I like hard more than normal, simply because of the economy tbh. It feels a lot more balanced on hard overall, and the combat feels much better as long as your build isn't horrible, like maxing 2 or more offensive skill for example.
Although Dominating difficulty is in another level

Builds / Re: Strength and Evasion are underwhelming
« on: November 05, 2019, 08:19:12 am »
Also, Premeditation + Forcefield / Stasis / Imprint is too powerful, you basically have 3-4 turns before enemies can do anything, almost negating the need for any defense, especially unreliable one, even on dominating.
Bit off-topic and kinda unfair to put psi on calculation since we all know how balanced Psi rn

Did you even read my post? The whole point about evasion that it's not always clear how it affects your character. I've played through expedition with a very high evasion skill on domination, and it felt like a complete waste of skill points. "Raw" evasion really doesn't do much against ranged attacks there.
It's quite clear tbh, it reduced attack chance based off your evasion vs enemies gun / crossbow skills. The problem with evasion on Dominating is because they have 30% increased skills across the board, which means evasion has much lower value because your Evasion skill always lags behind scaled enemies, unless you have 18 agi w/ top notch infused siphoner

And with current balance on Dominating, the best strategy is simply don't take unnecessary damage and abuse constant CC, traps, and corner.
Tbh, it's better to just merge both skills and nerf Uncanny Dodge
Or buff evasion so it could reach max 60% base reduction (10% enemy chance to hit) on 3x evasion vs ranged skills, just like dodge and change Dominating skill check without 30% increase (30% only affect damage increase)

Builds / Re: Need opinion/criticism on my psi-monk build
« on: November 05, 2019, 03:49:13 am »
It can go hand in hand, in fact, it's better, since bleed damage depends on the main damage itself. High crit damage that proc bleeds will result on high bleed damage stack.
Expertise on crit build would be redundant. With high Dex, you'll have high enough crit chance, thus rendering expertise useless. It's great on non-crit high-hit build, such as SMG and fist.
If you're going for crit juggernaut, I think 7 agi and 9 con is the minimum, for sprint / fancy footwork and Survival Instinct. SI is just that good, especially for tanky build. If you're going high Agi low Con, it's possible. I'm still tryinhg my ninja build with 14 Dex max Agi, dodge, and evasion. Still at camp hathor, but so far it works great.

Builds / Re: Strength and Evasion are underwhelming
« on: November 05, 2019, 03:39:29 am »
Agree with Cheddar. Even with some dodge, usually I just put 40 Dodge and grab Uncanny Dodge, it's plenty enough, since you could just prioritize and kill melee unit.
Str vs Dex has its use, but I kinda agree that Dex has too many usefulness. It affects light melee damage, AP usage, throwing, lockpicking, Pickpocketing, and Trap. But as is, I think it's kinda balanced. Most STR weapon are useful enough and powerful enough to 1shot enemies, and most Tichrome heavy weapon has enough AP to fit in additional attack while still keeping the damage enough to potentially 1 shot.

Athough it would be nice if STR has additional benefit, like small increase on health (maybe 30% of Con increase) and Intimidation, since I would sure as hell would pissed myself if someone mega muscular wielding 50 pounds of solid steel in 1 hand talked to me out of thin air with high stealth

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