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Messages - ShoggothWhisperer

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Builds / Re: Versatility pistol builds
« on: January 01, 2022, 07:31:17 pm »
Commando belt doesn't work well with pistols as they reload 1-2 times per round and bullet strap belt shaves 11AP out of each reload.

Versatility pistols are viable (and OP in endgame) but be aware pistols take long to setup for OP mode and Versatility route (in comparison to Perception) makes it even harder. I other words: prepare for pain during early and mid game.
Commando belt is really good on a versatility energy pistol build, since they can’t benefit from bullet strap belt. Energy Pistols are also better than regular pistols overall, since they have much better crowd control with the electroshock pistol, up to a 40% damage increase with high technicalities, and overwhelmingly higher damage with the plasma pistol, which can be boosted further with stacking crit damage and aimed shot. The only advantages standard pistols have over energy pistols are lower ap cost with gunslinger, an extra special attack with rapid fire, and bullet time, which is admittedly very good. Energy gun versatility builds are less feat intensive than standard firearm pistols, while being superior or equal in firepower to them.

Suggestions / Re: Hardcore & Ironman Game Modes
« on: November 03, 2021, 01:18:14 pm »
Hi Team,

Would be nice to have either option in the game.
Hardcore would be a one life per playthrough ticked on character creation or difficulty screen.
Ironman would lock a save to single slot, and forcefully write that save at the end of a turn, or on combat start. Set at character creation!

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
I hope you can consider!
Have you ever considered turning off auto save and never manually saving for Hardcore and Ironman? I’ve done hardcore runs in Underrail before, and you can just do it as a self imposed challenge. It’s rather unnecessary to add a feature that you can easily replicate already.

Suggestions / Re: Survival Instincts nerf
« on: November 01, 2021, 02:38:50 pm »
did you try stoicism si fight response build?Its quite good and i was comfortable with being in si treshhold.You just refuse to see it outside of "oh my god someone on reddit beat this ultra hard game while never being hit".
Never heard of it. Is it a tin can AR build?
No, it’s a build focused around maximizing damage reduction, so it’s usually a hammer build with ancient rathound leather. At low health mechanical damage is reduced to about 30% without drugs, and morphine makes you immune to mechanical damage and almost immune to everything else outside of damage increasing effects like infected wound and contamination.

Bugs / Re: Can't intimidate faceless mindreader
« on: November 01, 2021, 02:32:15 pm »
There are some intimidate checks that are designed for you to fail, or intimidate checks that result in a bad outcome. Faceless mind reader is probably one of those.

Suggestions / Re: Two Headed Mutant
« on: October 26, 2021, 07:32:48 pm »
styg doesnt want people to be able to get all oddities on a single run
the two-headed mutant will not show up in some runs no matter what
That only applies on runs below hard difficulty though, right? Some oddities are dominating exclusive, and I thought that the two headed mutant was just a rare random spawn that had the potential to appear on any hard or dominating run.

Suggestions / Re: Two Headed Mutant
« on: October 26, 2021, 04:29:47 pm »
Yeah, it would be nice if there was a static spawn for the two headed mutant late game, like the toxic waste disposal facility near the institute of tchort.

Suggestions / Re: Survival Instincts nerf
« on: October 23, 2021, 04:07:35 pm »
Maybe a better change would be “after taking damage, gain crit chance equal to half the percentage of health lost for 2 rounds”. For example, gettin hit by an AR burst that takes you from 100% health to 40% health would give +30% crit chance. This way characters don’t just walk around under 30% health, and builds focused around a powerful alpha strike have to expend resources like throwing a grenade to get the crit boost. It also makes SI much more appealing to tank builds, who normally don’t walk around at low health without stoicism.

Suggestions / Re: Survival Instincts nerf
« on: October 22, 2021, 10:43:27 pm »
I feel like with both options, people would just use caltrops to manipulate health right before starting combat. SI instead should probably just give 20% crit chance.

Suggestions / Re: Randomized Death Stalkers location in Dominating.
« on: October 15, 2021, 02:15:12 pm »
This would probably be fine if it happened as a semi-rare mid game encounter (maybe 3-4 times per play through), but more than that and it would just be annoying. It also might break encounters in a couple areas, since the death stalkers attack everything and are easily attracted by noise. I’d argue that it probably would cause more harm than good, but it would be a cool random event to occur.

Suggestions / Re: Idea for riot armor in Infusion
« on: October 10, 2021, 08:55:53 pm »
Riot armor needs to occupy a bit more of a niche for it to be good. Metal armor has Good DT and high DR, but has massive armor penalty and can’t protect well against certain damage types like acid, cold, and electric. Leather armor offers mediocre protection most of the time, but makes up for it by giving unique bonuses based on leather type. Tac vests offer good DT against mechanical ranged weapons and are light weight, but have poor resistance against anything that isn’t a gun. Riot gear offers good protection against melee, but it’s armor penalty is so high you may as well be wearing a worse version of metal armor. Riot gear would really benefit if Shields didn’t add to armor penalty/added a lot less to armor penalty. Wielding weapons dosen’t increase armor penalty, so a shield really shouldn’t add as much penalty as it does. Shields already have enough of a drawback by restricting you to 1 handed weapons, so the massive armor penalty they give is just overkill. It would also be helpful if different types of shields gave unique effects, like if a psi beetle shield reduced damage taken from certain effects, or if a psi crab shield gave you the chance to block certain psi abilities such as electrokinesis and pyrokinetic stream. Being able to block multiple damage types with a shield like electric or energy instead of just mechanical damage would also be great.

Bugs / Re: hoddurform
« on: October 05, 2021, 07:25:00 pm »
What enemy did you try to use it on?

Suggestions / Re: Bayonets as Enhancements for AR&SR
« on: September 25, 2021, 01:10:21 pm »
Under what scenario would you use a bayonet instead of shooting your gun or using a knife? It only makes sense if there was a close range penalty for guns, but there isn’t with the exception of sniper rifles. It would scale with melee skill, which means it would only work on versatility builds, who can just switch to a melee weapon. This would be completely pointless.

Suggestions / Re: Fire burns nets
« on: September 21, 2021, 05:37:31 pm »
if I can block a molly's flame by wearing some tin foil, it ain't that hot
and exo aura's damage depends on your skill

Maybe if your square receives x heat damage the net will burn away.
According to the wiki, exo aura damage does not scale with skill. Damage only scales with the intensity of the fire.

Suggestions / Re: area suggestions for the final update
« on: September 17, 2021, 07:07:15 pm »
It would be nice if another zone or two was added in the mutagen tanks after the electric ladder. Like, you descend the ladder and then have to fight through a maze of fleshy barriers that can be destroyed with biocide grenades while fighting off attacks from tentacles, or you can take a longer way around that doesn’t require you to use biocide grenades. Another area could be accessed after you destroy the eye of the final boss, as a second phase of the fight. You crawl inside the hole left behind by the eye and fight against the heart, where you use biocide grenades to damage it while fending off waves of tchortlings and tentacles.

General / Re: Where is a new, BIG update?
« on: September 16, 2021, 01:16:10 pm »
It usually takes between 4-6 months between updates, so I’d expect to see this update by Christmas at the earliest. I’d guess that this might be one of the larger updates, so it might not even come out in 2021. I’d be thankful that we get new content at all, since the developers are under no obligation to release so many free content updates that are more than just bug fixes and minor tweaks.

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