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Messages - ChaunceyK

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General / Re: Real Time Underrail
« on: April 17, 2019, 05:02:22 pm »
I'm gonna be straight up honest about this. I'm one of those rare gamers who only plays turn-based combat rpgs. I've been around since the days of the Atari when combat games were much simpler, and as real-time combat became increasingly complex, I discovered I sucked at it.

TL;DR - I never would've bought Underrail if it had real-time combat.

General / Re: Nearly 150 hours in & I win! (questions & spoilers!)
« on: April 14, 2019, 09:28:22 pm »
Thanks for the answers everyone.  All I have left are #7 and #14!

General / Re: Nearly 150 hours in & I win! (questions & spoilers!)
« on: April 14, 2019, 09:22:57 pm »
1. Yeah, you can craft better than those.

4. Didn't you get a quest from the chief of the Foundry Guard to scout some Faceless nearby? Those Faceless are in the cave to the West. Depending on how you go about solving this quest, the cave to the East may become relevant (but not necessarily).

5. Right, some buildings we don't have access to.

6. Did you do Abram's quests in Junkyard? If you do, he is eventually going to tell you to meet again in Core City, where he will point you to Quicksilver again. Note that, in Junkyard, sometimes you have to wait a while before Abram's next quest becomes available. That's one of the best questlines in the game, btw (Abram+Quicksilver), if not the best.

1. Really?  Even in trying to keep my armor penalty at 15% or less (so I wouldn't lose my stealth-related bonuses)?  Well, I guess it doesn't really matter, I was able to finish the game just fine.

4. Yes, I remember now.  That makes sense.

6. I had already taken work with The Protectorate, so I fed him false info.  I guess that explains that.

General / Re: Nearly 150 hours in & I win! (questions & spoilers!)
« on: April 14, 2019, 09:19:29 pm »

I think you need to help someone in Junkyard for Jack to take interest in you again. Also if you didn't progress that quest, that means you didn't make it into A Certain Organization

Oh yeah, I do remember being uncooperative with that guy.  I had already accepted work from The Protectorate, so in playing my character, I fed him some wrong information on purpose.

General / Re: Expedition release date.
« on: April 13, 2019, 02:23:49 pm »
Assuming I can use my character & inventory from the main game? And if so, do I need the main game downloaded or just my save game files?

General / Nearly 150 hours in & I win! (questions & spoilers!)
« on: April 11, 2019, 11:47:56 pm »

First, my hat goes off to Styg.  I absolutely loved playing UnderRail.  This game was immersive, gritty, atmospheric, game me plenty of role-playing choices, combat was extremely fun, and the story was engrossing as layer after layer was peeled away.  It definitely scratched that "Fallout - Van Buren" itch I've had for the last 20 years, without actually being in the Fallout universe.

I played as a stealth based, melee fighter named Thunderfist.  I ended up wielding The Claw for all attacks (I'd found the Power Fist, but it didn't seem as good for my build compared to The Claw), and a Kukri for the Cut-throat feat.  I also maxxed out Psychokinesis (mainly using Telekinetic Punch & Electrokinesis for their stunning abilities), and used a smidgeon of grenade throwing (Flashbang & EMP Grenades were my friends).

Since UR doesn't force you into being a leader or a hero, my goal was simple: "whatever keeps me alive today, so that I can get to a point in this god-forsaken place where I'll be safe & I can live comfortably."  I wasn't an assassin or mercenary per se, but I pretty much accepted the first alliances or offers of work that was presented to me at any time, rather than traveling all around & weighing my offers.  I also tried really hard not to kill anyone I thought of as an "innocent."  This led to me gaining the following statuses (which I think would've been nice to list somewhere on the character sheet or something, kind of like "achievements")...

Agent of SGS, Invictus "Super Bomberman" & Gauntlet Champion of Core City, agent of Coretech, Corporal of the Protectorate (I did all they asked of me, so I would've liked a promotion just out of recognition for my work, but whatever), Tchortist (until Tchort tried to eat me), and neither an ally nor an enemy of the Faceless (they scanned me & didn't care one way or the other about me), and I opted to retire to my home in Core City rather than take Tanner's place or head to North Underrail (I realize that wasn't an actual in-game option, but until the expansion comes out, that's what I imagine Thunderfist would do).

So, now that I'm finished, I have some questions (I'm assuming some of the answers will be "Your Perception just wasn't high enough).  I've added links to specific areas where I could, since there's a size limit on image uploads...
  • When I first started, it was stressed that crafting would provide me with better gear than I'd find.  But I found a Galvanic Overcoat with +29 to Stealth and Ninja Tabi Boots with 6 different good bonuses somewhat early in the game, and I was never able to craft anything as good as those for my build.  Did I just get lucky on finding them early or did I get better loot drops for playing on Easy?
  • Lower Underrail
  • Two empty caves near east and west sides of Foundry?
  • Just east of GMS Compound is Warehouse Block Alpha (in the wiki as GMS Warehouse Block) with one small building locked that seems to need a key? Then the area just north of that (although you need to go east, north, then west to get to it) is an electronic lock with no power?
  • Jack Quicksilver gave me the first quest in SGS, and I completed it, but then he wouldn't offer me any others later in Core City?
  • Upper Underrail
  • Panacea Lab has one square in northern most corner with no door to get into?
  • Deep Caverns
  • Arke Power Station, outside the building, in southeast corner is a section of wall with an Agility check that I passed, but I didn't find anything in there?
  • Caerus Residential had a couple of doors on the east side of town that were blocked & seemed unopenable?
  • On the annotated map, it marks one spot as Elevator Hanging Rat, but I didn't find an elevator there?
  • When I first left Tchort's cave, the Faceless demanded the cube.  So I reloaded from inside the cave & hid the cube on a shelf, so that when I came back out, the Faceless could search me & leave.  But then when I went back in, the cube was missing, and when I later met again with Six, he said the Faceless had the cube.  Was it in any way possible to complete the "return cube to Tanner" quest if I had instead fought the Faceless while the cube was on me?
  • End Game
  • Just one question I haven't already asked.  During the end game summary, it says Rail Crossing was attacked by Ironheads?  I thought I killed them all?

General / Re: Are there any never-ending waves of enemies?
« on: April 05, 2019, 07:21:55 am »
Yes, that would be it.  I've finished all I can otherwise before heading down to Deep Caverns, figured I'd give them a try.  Good to know not to bother with them.

General / Are there any never-ending waves of enemies?
« on: April 05, 2019, 06:37:55 am »
I'm pretty sure I'm dealing with one now, just outside Core City.  The bodies are really starting to pile up!  If I were playing for XP instead of Oddities, I might've raised a level or two by now!

General / Re: Does hostility ever go away?
« on: April 02, 2019, 09:38:11 pm » there any kind of cheat console I can bring up or a game editor I can use to basically flip a switch between friendly/neutral/hostile for people or factions?

General / Does hostility ever go away?
« on: April 02, 2019, 03:32:48 am »
Let's just say IF I was a big dummy and didn't save my game appropriately, and I ended up causing one of the Oligarch factions to go hostile on me (I think it was Praetorean?  Protectorate?)....if I ran and stayed away long enough, would they no longer be hostile to me on sight?

General / Re: Gas the drones...what are my options?
« on: March 30, 2019, 04:57:22 pm »
Trying again now, and I can hear the sounds of combat outside the door.  Fingers crossed they all whack each other so I can get out of here safely!

[edit] Well, that wasn't nearly as bad.  Let them fight amongst themselves, ran like hell to the next screen, died twice but was able to make it the third time.  Thank you all!

General / Re: Gas the drones...what are my options?
« on: March 30, 2019, 03:45:41 pm »
So wait for the gas to completely spread? About how long should I wait in the first room for that to happen? I don't have a window to look out (and if I open the door, I expect I'll give away my presence), so I don't know what would tip me off that I've waited long enough? Will I hear their sounds of battle outside?

General / Gas the drones...what are my options?
« on: March 30, 2019, 07:10:06 am »
I tried going through the leak with my gas mask on, no luck, I mutated.  Guessing I *need* to infiltrate their base & fight my way out the other way?

Well, I tried that in a variety of ways.  Stealthing past them, attacking them immediately, luring them into the starting room in as small of numbers as possible, waiting a while for the gas to time I even waited too long for the gas to spread & I got mutated.

Is there anything I'm missing that will make it easier?  I've already died/mutated 5 or 6 times.

General / Re: Once I go to Deep Caverns (possible spoilers)......
« on: March 27, 2019, 02:42:46 pm »
Well, as much as I'd like to roleplay "these are the decisions my character made and the consequences of those results," I also don't fancy missing out on stuff I could've done & being better prepared for the end.  I'm going to reload.

General / Re: Once I go to Deep Caverns (possible spoilers)......
« on: March 27, 2019, 11:25:21 am »
By your wording, you mean I can go back after I deal with DC? Or is there like an option to continue wandering around after the end of the game?

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