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Bugs / pirate deucers and sormirbaeren pilkaesters are immune to chill
« Last post by PaposikG6 on Today at 06:44:13 am »
Per title. They are not immune to freezing. Obviously they can't move anyway but it prevents applying hypothermia (except with freezing) or increasing Cryostasis duration with chill stacks.
Bugs / Compound patrol issues
« Last post by PaposikG6 on July 26, 2024, 07:30:40 pm »
Static and patrolling squads spawned in the compound dont despawn if you win void battle (unless you wait for patrols to despawn via zone transition)
Bugs / Void Battle amalgam desc bug
« Last post by PaposikG6 on July 26, 2024, 07:07:37 pm »
In first turn the description of amalgam uses non-Juice format even when second sight is active (this switches back to second sight text in next turn)
Bugs / minor quest log error
« Last post by PaposikG6 on July 26, 2024, 05:34:33 pm »
If you skip horticulture aegis quest by talking with oldfield about submarine and jshq, then investigate horticulture quest stays forever even after Aegis leaves the black sea.
Builds / Re: A Perfect Slice: a DOMINATING knife build, very OP & very Fun
« Last post by 12 on July 26, 2024, 10:43:56 am »
A SS knife would crit harder than a tungsten one despite having a lower crit bonus, seeing as you can fairly easily get SS plates of 175+ quality while tungsten in the same range is an exceptionally rare find. It would have higher base damage and enjoy other benefits of a SS knife.
Fixed for the next patch.
Bugs / Re: Darkdwellers cave random encounter game breaking glitch
« Last post by PRoman on July 21, 2024, 11:38:02 am »
Hello, is there any idea when the fix will come out? Same issue, and the last hard save is hours behind my current progress.
Bugs / Re: Expedition Aegis/Pirates bug
« Last post by ciox on July 20, 2024, 08:59:48 pm »
Are you guys sure there's no better solution? It's a fun start to the expedition to distract guards with a grenade and grab parts from the other jets and upgrade your junk jet a little. In fact it's probably very common player behavior (at levels above newbie)
Bugs / Electro bouncing through a wall
« Last post by Eidein on July 19, 2024, 05:34:13 pm »

Here is a timestamped youtube video showing where the EK bounces through the wall and kills 2 spiders beyond it.
Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Last post by Eidein on July 19, 2024, 10:59:19 am »
"this godmen technology is strange thing, yes" should be technology is a strange thing
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