I went for a nimbler setup rather than conditioning/stoicism, my approach was f9-heavy and I wouldn't recommend Survival Instincts(or any 3 CON) builds for learning dominating in either case.
Fancy footwork and Critical Power must be taken ASAP, Expose Weakness and Escape Artist for the midgame are essential. Future Orientation is neat but isn't mandatory as you cannot use Increment twice for the same 3 turn flurry cooldown, good synergy with grenadier in your case. Tailoring and more PK for psychostatic electricity were things I wish I could get but I overinvested into other skills, rathound regalia and bought tabis are good enough... right?
Flurry AP costs/cooldown are essential, EW duration, critical power spec is the best one for your remaining spec points, yielding the best results for all swords except super steel and black blade who theoretically perform better with a 3/4 split between it and cheap shots(7 and 16% crit damage respectively).
875% damage Red Dragon criticals are a sight to behold, decapitates are funny and can delete bosses but ultimately aren't worth the feat point in my experience.
Thanks for the reply!
Unfortunately there's only so much I can do to change my build now this far in, but I do have a few questions about a few things.
Swords can't bleed, so why taste for blood?
Opportunist is a great level 1 feat, but I've never thought about taking it after the first few levels.
I'm curious whether fancy footwork works well with swords. I don't personally feel like I need more movement points.
Why so much stealth? I've found that having good crafting negates the need for putting points into stealth because I can just make a second set of armor that uses black cloth, then make a cloaking device. Then again, crafting is pretty boring and expensive sometimes.
I'd never thought about yell before, but it seems like a great option for a non-psi sword build. Reducing the enemy's dodge, taking them out of stealth, and reducing their chance to hit all seem pretty insane. I'd definitely drop survival insticts for more agi or strength and make a build that's quite different than the one I currently have though. Yell would also make guns more usable, so I'd use versatility to use heavy guns. Having a ranged option is always nice.
Now that I think about it, yell might actually make more sense for a sword build than a sledge build. An 85% chance to hit is inconvenient for a sledge build, but crippling for a sword build.
I'd still use 3 CON though, I've always put it at either 3 or more than 7, never between.