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Builds / Re: Jin-Roh: Wolf Brigade - Mobile Tin Can LMG Thematic Build
« Last post by Farsight on Today at 03:37:41 am »
Now I seriously wonder what an actually very good tin-can heavy weapons build would look like, because lately it seems there have been many attempts at making one, all falling short for some reason.

I can spin one up for ya

Here's one grug man:

Disregard the 120 guns, its for the feat builder to show the guns feats that work with heavy guns as well. Abuse heavy armor, regen, crit, insane damage, and go super saiyan at low HP. This trivialized the game once it got up and running. Lmk if u want more deets, i can expand on it.
Hi peet, played your previous builds and had a lot of fun with them. Curious about the equipment needed for this one.
Builds / Re: Question about crossbow builds
« Last post by Eidein on November 06, 2024, 03:01:57 am »

Feats not really in order.

Generally the critbow build I use, traps on xbow are pretty dumb considering you 1 shot with 14ap shots and 100% crit from ambush.

Builds / Re: Do I need sprint and strafe for TM trap sniper build
« Last post by harperfan7 on November 04, 2024, 01:42:56 pm »
You dont need to max perception.  15 or so is plenty.
Builds / Re: Do I need sprint and strafe for TM trap sniper build
« Last post by deanisi on November 04, 2024, 07:30:40 am »
You need strafe, sprint is nice also but not as important as strafe.

And you should be taking snipe at lv6 not lv18.

This is a very optimal sniper/smg build that beat DOM without dying, so you can use this for where your sniper feats should be level wise.

 Thanks for advice. Like 2 years ago I almost finished base game as traps + pure sniper build but now I forgot lots of stuff and came back to read what people say about sniper builds.

I took snipe at 18th level because I heard people saying that snipe sucks and you always should go for crits and only thing snipe is for is killing crit resistant enemies.

My usual strategy was starting with placing traps around, then shooting spree + snipe + all AP bonuses, then sprint and run away to traps, then just shooting trapped targets. In my previous build  But I never used ambush in my previous build so crits weren't that important, so that's also why I took snipe so late.

Also main point of sprint was having enough MP after starting combat in stealth to run behind cover.

And do I need to upgrade strafe or 15% is enough and I should stick to reapers if I want to move and shoot? And what's better trap feat to use for sniper build, traps expert or quick tinkering?

Builds / Re: Do I need sprint and strafe for TM trap sniper build
« Last post by Eidein on November 03, 2024, 10:15:47 pm »
You need strafe, sprint is nice also but not as important as strafe.

And you should be taking snipe at lv6 not lv18.

This is a very optimal sniper/smg build that beat DOM without dying, so you can use this for where your sniper feats should be level wise.
Builds / Do I need sprint and strafe for TM trap sniper build
« Last post by deanisi on November 03, 2024, 12:03:54 pm »
Here's a 6 AGI sprint + strafe  build

5 STR for all sniper rifles except black arrow
6 DEX for trap expert to lay traps faster. Mostly QoL but it helps against patroling enemies
6 AGI for sprint and strafe, also gives bonus to stealth
3 CON because I will be stealthed 90% of the time
18 PER because it's a main stat
3 WIL because it's a TM build and 70 points in it is more than enough for me
7 INT for crafting and gun nut feat

Main idea is to lay lots of traps, including bear and incendiary ones to proc opportunist and ambush, then shoot someone to get attention (if they're not in a bright tile then I'll use snipe of aimed shot). Then run behind cover and waith for enemies to get trapped, then walk in thei line of sight and start shooting. Repeat untill everything is dead. Also I'll use snipe for enemies who can't be critted or recieve lower crit damage.

This build is based around idea that I can reliebly move and shot to abuse line of sight and traps, but I don't want to spend hours to find out that it doesn't work as I wanted.

Also what's better, taking snipe and forget about crit damage feats to have more feats to spare, or taking sharpshooter and ambush?
Bugs / Pipeworking "zone transition failed" error [log] [save]
« Last post by malicious complier on November 02, 2024, 09:22:16 pm »
I'm around 50h in and this happened to me. Tried reinstalling, disabling auto save on transition and deleting config file.

I checked the save from 25h before and Rig loads without errors. Probably savefile got corrupted and that's due to my bloody mobile computer spitting bluescreens at me while I elected to ignored the problem.

However, I attach link to WeTransfer with last 30 save files. "1" is the one I checked no to be corupted in the rig area after the incident occured.
If someone could check the checksum which is the last save that was not corrupted. Alternatively check if those saves give errors on your Rig too.

I'll paste error log and link to save files below. Thanks

ht tps://filetra ta-pac kage/2c1A foAY#link
remove space^

Game Version:
Error: System.Exception: Failed to load locale 'XPBL_RIG2 - The Rig'. ---> System.IO.InvalidDataException: CRC w stopce GZip nie jest zgodny z CRC obliczonym z danych zdekompresowanych.
   w System.IO.Compression.GZipDecoder.Validate()
   w System.IO.Compression.Inflater.Inflate(Byte[] bytes, Int32 offset, Int32 length)
   w System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.Read(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
   w System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.Read(Byte[] array, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
   w en3.DeserializeFromBinaryCompressed[T](Stream stream, SerializationBinder binder, Boolean tryToRetrieveDataModelVersion)
   w cb1.GetItemCompressed[T](String name, Boolean throwOnMissing)
   w blt.a(String A_0, dn9& A_1)
   w blt.xw(be5 A_0, Boolean A_1)
   --- Koniec śladu stosu wyjątków wewnętrznych ---
   w duk.LogAndThrow[T](Exception innerException, LogSeverity severity, String message, Object[] messageArgs)
   w blt.xw(be5 A_0, Boolean A_1)
   w d5v.aq0(Boolean A_0, Boolean A_1)
   w eyx.b4(e5i A_0)
   w btb.d(e5i A_0)
   w b8g.a(e5i A_0)
   w b8g.b(e5i A_0)
   w b8g.adr(e5i A_0)
   w btb.f(e5i A_0)
Bugs / Re: sluggish / laggy input in Wine/Linux, input events sometimes get lost
« Last post by Arclight on November 02, 2024, 06:27:05 pm »
This is good to know, maybe even foreshadowing for me. I'm planning on moving over to Linux, since I don't want to live on Windows any longer.
Builds / 5 shotgun builds and questions about leading shot and stealth
« Last post by deanisi on November 01, 2024, 06:15:48 pm »
Here are non comnat shotgun builds, so 5 STR is more than enough.

3 DEX Shotgun

5 DEX Shotgun

6 DEX Stealth Shotgun

3 INT 3 WILL 10 AGI 6 DEX No Psi Shotgun

Weird 10 CON 6 AGI No Psi Shotgun

Shotguns require good positioning so they must have enough AGI to move around, agility have good synergy with dodge/evasion and blitz + TM combo. Also shotguns use PER as their stat so to get 10 AGI 10 PER you need to sacrifice DEX among other stats, and only shotgun feat that requires DEX is Leading Shot.

LS is very useful against nimble enemies like frogs for example, but does it really worth lower PER or no Blitz?

Also if you have high AGi it will be a good idea to take stealth as well, but if you start stealthed you can't get enough MP even with sprint to use blitz fully, also with high enough dodge/evade plus initative it isn't needed. Or is it?

Here's a build that sacrifices PER and it's only 14

Main idea of this build is high Initiative, Dodge/Evasion and lots of MP an AP. Because of it there's no need for stealth.
I think that this build is the best one but I need your opinion guys.

Here's a 6 DEX 6 AGI 7 INT and MAX PER build:

Basically it's a build that relies on stealth and evade instead of everything in previous build, but has 18 PER.
Bugs / Re: Out of Context Dialogue: Thread
« Last post by PhrygianDominant on November 01, 2024, 09:23:12 am »
Fixed everything. Cheers!
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