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Bugs / Re: Feat available without being picked
« Last post by PhrygianDominant on Today at 02:55:19 pm »
Fixed for the next patch.
Bugs / Feat available without being picked
« Last post by Deep Driller on December 02, 2024, 06:13:23 pm »
At level 27, while browsing my list of abilities I discovered that I have a Bullet Time ability, without having Bullet Time feat. I checked on the next level and Bullet Time feat was available to choose — which means it indeed wasn't chosen before.

Wiki says you have to have the Bullet Time feat in order to use the Bullet Time ability. Seems like a bug to me.
Suggestions / Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Last post by Eidein on December 01, 2024, 07:11:19 pm »
3 people say its a skill issue, must not be a skill issue.  8)

You have some pretty big misconceptions about the weapons and builds in this game, its very noticeable.
Suggestions / Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Last post by Antalos on December 01, 2024, 05:34:54 pm »
Well I enjoyed reading this thread, although it was just a waste of air, but I read a lot of interesting thoughts
Suggestions / Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Last post by Deep Driller on December 01, 2024, 05:13:24 am »
this does seem to be a skill issue.


I was referring to DOMINATING. Of course, on Normal you can easily do most encounters while watching a movie on your second monitor.

Then again, you are constantly changing the topic:

1. Well, not everything should be balanced. — to which I partially agreed with.

2. But in OG Fallouts it were the same! — it wasn't.

3. Skill issue. — you lost the dispute and decided to attack.

It shows your lack of argument and specific notions. You just disagree with me, for no particular reason. While you couldn't prove your points, you decided to turn to eristics. I don't see this conversation going anywhere so I stop it.
Suggestions / Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Last post by 12 on December 01, 2024, 02:57:34 am »
I think I've been reasonable but I have to concur, this does seem to be a skill issue.
Builds / Re: Optimal non-psi hammer build
« Last post by harperfan7 on November 30, 2024, 11:08:38 pm »
I always play on oddity.
Builds / Re: Optimal non-psi hammer build
« Last post by haze1103 on November 30, 2024, 10:17:40 pm »
I don't see how you can do any build without investing in lockpicking and pickpocketing to steal insignia from NPCs.

Probably classic exp. I know people will swear they can do Oddity without lock/hack/pickpocket, and I believe it, but it's quite slow. Granted I'm probably too reluctant to kill useless named NPCs which might have some of the oddities you normally pickpocket
Suggestions / Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Last post by Eidein on November 30, 2024, 02:24:52 pm »
Honestly I think you are projecting your own skill issue onto the game, even without traps or drug spam most encounters can be approached any way you want.
Bugs / Re: Tha main character's name as Gladiator — bug
« Last post by Deep Driller on November 30, 2024, 09:07:51 am »
Based on your description it is most likely that for some reason the game did not record correctly the fact that you restealthed during combat (for example you failed to actually get out of sight from the enemy).

It would work that way if I hadn't had the chance to end combat mode during the fight. But I did.

After that I dawdled under that camera on the wall, while Pulverizer was recharging his shield and waited for me to appear. Actually I also don't know why he didn't run around the arena trying to find me. Thast would be logical.

I waited for the cooldown on Aimed Shot to pass and shot him from the stealth. Similar to what I did with other char. Only it worked last time and I got Apparition, but this time Phantom was... replaced.
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