DemomanAgile Grenade Launcher Build
SummaryAn optimized Grenade Launcher build focused on damage, evasion, and mobility, with Psychokinesis and Temporal Manipulation for utility.
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Build Roll your game to have the Arena Masters when making new game. This requires dominating difficulty and an email message with the subject line of: "Master Skull Smasher" on your computer when you start the game.
- Take Practiced Parabola, Tricky Trajectory and Demolition Man out of the grenade launcher feats
- Spec Demolition Man damage, tricky trajectory damage, and whatever else you want with the rest.
- Use arena master belt to get Demolition Man buff.
- Join JKK for the jacket, protectorate for the weapon parts.
- Use house benches, Hypercerebrix, Engineer Suit, Energizing Glove, Boning Knife, and Jon's Special to craft as needed.
Seeker (Night Vision) Googles - boosts crit, reduces accuracy penalty.
Blast Infused Rathound Leather Armor - boosts crit and reduces AOE by up to 75%. use JKK jacket till you can get it.
Master Demolitionist Belt - gives you the Boom ability, which (for 10AP) gives you 5 stacks of Demolition Man feat for a 50% damage bonus (25% when unspecced). Use launcher grenade strap belt and large waist pack till you can get it.
Infused Hopper Tabis - boosts your evasion, dodge, and movement points, reduce sprint cooldown by half. Have black tabis for swap. Blast tabis are good too.
Main weapon: Scoped 40mm 6-Chamber Onager Tactical and 1 Scoped 25mm 8 Round Petard Tactical. Onager for big fights. It's got the highest damage and crit damage. The high damage is further boosted by Gun Nut, and the crit damage by Critical Power. Use the thumper until you can craft a nice Onager. Use Petard for easy encounters.
Utilities: Mk1-3 HE Grenades. Using 5 of these with the Boom ability damages you for barely any HP.
HighlightsYou abuse grenade launcher's insane AOE damage, along with blistering mobility while having 5 con, high dodge and evasion, AP boosters and psi utilities, turning you into an unstoppable whirlwind of explosions, crushing all of your encounters, even in Dominating difficulty.
- Epic damage
- Extremely mobile
- Good survivability
- Get to make everything explode
- Use the Master Demolitionist Belt
How it WorksGrenade launchers already do insane damage, and with 40mm frag grenades that insane damage is spread out across all of the shrapnel pieces, which makes any damage boosts to grenade launchers significantly more consistent since they average out over multiple hits with frag grenades. This insane damage is further boosted by using the Master Demolitionist Belt along with the Demolition Man feat to give you a 10AP 50% damage buff.
You use the usual TM abilities (contraction, stasis, increment), along with two PK abilities: grounding (immobilizes and drops enemy evasion to zero for up to 5 turns), Electrokinetic Imprint (10 AP stun trap). The PK abilities are especially useful on evasive enemies, such as Carnifex and Rathound King, since stunned and immobilized enemies have their evasion dropped to zero. You can also use Premed + EK to trivialize a certain enemy that shuts down grenades in the compound.
You might only have 5 con, but you're pretty stout with all that evasion and dodge, along with a nice shield. Evasion and dodge apply before shield, and effectively become a multiplier on shield and hp. You're also very mobile so you can position well and retreat/take cover if needed.
Start your engagements in stealth, trigger boom ability for your buff (if needed), shoot a grenade, everything dies, pop your drugs if it is a hard engagement, use your bountiful movement points for superior positioning and cover. Win initiative rolls for anyone that proceeds to enter your screen after the initial batch of enemies is toast.
FeatsGrenade Launcher FeatsTake these as soon as they become available
Practiced Parabola - makes you less likely to blow yourself up and pretty much always hit your target
Tricky Trajectory - major damage boost
Demolition Man - gives you a 10AP 25%-50% damage buff
Early Game Feats
Nimble - big evasion boost
Gun Nut - 7.5% avg dmg boost
Paranoia - great init boost, pairs well with JKK jacket
Sprint (or hit & run, but i find sprint to be better) - Mobility is great for combat
Recklessness - boost that crit. Can take later
Mid Game FeatsBlitz - turn that MP to AP
Psycho-temporal acceleration - more AP
Pack Rathound - launchers and nades are very heavy. I very rarely use feats like pack rathound, but it just makes a ton of sense for this build. Can take this late game if you can bear it.
Critical Power - works well with Onager's 125% crit damage bonus
Late Game FeatsBlindsiding - multiplicative 15% damage boost out of stealth. Synergizes with Stasis.
Increased Perception - self explanatory
Scrutinous - boost that crit
Skinner - 2% more crit, more evasion and dodge, more armor, etc
Premeditation - free AP for psi
Feats to ConsiderYou'll have some feats to spare, so these are decent ones to consider taking: premeditation, skinner, uncanny dodge, decommissioner (or serial killer), and/or sprint and hit & run if you haven't picked those up yet.
The beast or drifter. Damage or mobility, your choice.
SpecializationFirst boost Tricky Trajectory damage +5 for an extra 10% damage increase.
Then boost Demolition Man damage +5 to raise the buff from 25% to 50% at full stacks.
Use the last 5 points on Gun nut.
AbilitiesStrength: 6 - Gives us Onager with 6 round cylinder, Petard with 8 round magazine, and lets us open air vents with crowbar while on adrenaline shot
Dexterity: 3
Agility: 10 - For feats (blitz, hit&run, sprint), movement points, evasion, and dodge
Constitution: 5 - For Demolition Man feat
Perception: 14 - For damage
Will: 3
Intelligence: 7 - For Tricky Trajectory, Gun Nut, Psi slots and crafting skills
Food and DrugsHardcore chips for crit, root soda occasionally for initiative.
Adrenaline shot and focus still is all you'll need for the most part when it comes to drugs.
Hypercerebrix and Jons Special for crafting and mercantile checks.
Let me know if you have any questions or feedback. Enjoy!
Here's a lil showcase:

4 Nagas 1 Turn
