I know critical power is a pretty strong (and popular) talent, but I feel it as the weakest choice here.
Its the strongest choice there, snipers rely on getting 1 shots to refresh shooting spree. Usually you have 100% crit chance from ambush and you always use aa scope on snipers giving you lots of crit bonus dmg.
Having more crit dmg ontop means you will be 1 shoting always and getting your refreshes.
Indeed, I eventually took critical power. My build doesn't revolve around crits though and has a rather low critical chance. Still a chunkier amied shot felt ultimately more usefult then the other options.
I'm not going to argue over what's has been proven to be optimal already.
SMG's are DEX based, Snipers are governed by PER. Aiming to use them together will make both worse than speccing on one. This is for people who cannot make a decision and get the worst of both worlds. Probably play on a gaming laptop too.
If you're going with the sniper rifle, you aim to refresh that Aim Shot and Shooting Spree by using your rifle as much as possible. Every time you park it in favor of another gun, you weaken it's potential. Same goes for taking different feats instead of ones that buffs your chosen gun. It's a waste.
Not sure if you're replying to me or Eidein. Personally, I don't like smg that much, it feels just weaker than AR. Or... I don't know, let's say I don't see its plus.
The fact needs dex to shine also puts me off.
AR on the other hand is a strong and versatile weapon, easily made into a side weapon, in my opinion. And it just feels more homogeneous to the sniper rifle.
Also I like the idea to just open fight sniping, then change to Ar, then reposition and snipe again. 4-5 five kills first round, 3-4 second - snipe, aim, burts, burst, burst, lti, aim, burst, burst, then stasis or whatever depending on the situation. If needed when I come out of stasis, killing spree is ready to go again.
For me that works, and I'm already playing on dominating, so...
SMG / Sniper is great SMG can do with 8 dex only which fits perfectly into a sniper build. I beat dom without dying with psiless trapless SMG/Sniper. Its a perfect build.
SMG/Sniper build btw. Both weapons complement each other perfectly and each fulfil a specific niche unlike assault rifle with can do everything at any range without the help of sniper.
You have way to much experience mate, not very reletable.

I mean it in a good way. Thanks for your replies, by the way, always informative.
Though from my prospective, I must say I'm not sure I will play dominating again. Not because of it's difficulty, rather for how tedious is the start. Dominating economy is really fucked up, and even if I'm kind of obnoxious with picking and selling stuff, I really don't think I need to be enabled to do it even more. That's probably unhealthy, I guess?
Pity, because I liked the chunkier Bosses and special encounters.
That said, I really can't think of playing a dominating run with handicaps and no deaths.

One day, maybe