Hey, wanna try your build (Tungsten Tank) but I don't understand how can I get 15 on Strenght, 10 on Con, 7 on Will, 6 on Agility and 5 on Intelligence, should I put extra points on Will at the beginning?
You dont.
Using the build calculator, you can see you can get, by level 28 (easily attained if you were scrutinous enough with oddities):
14 STR (12 base + Veteran Increased Strenght feat)
10 CON
3 PER and DEX
The conundrum lies on rolling with 5 INT but 3 WILL or 3 INT but 5 WILLat the start of the game.
With 5 INT 3 WILL start, you will have relatively quick access to
Expose Weakness, a must take feat for all melee builds, EW will give you an easier time taking down robots and sentries such in GMS and in facilities in Junkyard/Old Junkyard. In Dominating, starting hammerers do struggle on quickly taking down sentry bots, Expose Weakness makes it more easier, it's possible, using Rathound Barbecue, Adrenaline and Sprint, to take down a Sentry bot in 3 swings in 1 turn. Also Sentries tend to have considerable mech DR that will absorb a decent chunk of your hammer damage. Also, 5 int will give you decent crafting and mercantile.
On the other hand, with 3 WILL, your PK will be very underwhelming, which also will negatively affect Persuasion and Intimidation. You will rely more on melee brawl and tools rather than PK, at least prior to Depot A.
With 3 INT 5 WILL start, you will have a decently strong PK from the get go, and at level 8 you can get 7 WILL to get
Force User, which will make TK punches much, much deadlier but also make your Force Fields last longer. Also higher resolve to resist incaps and other things. The biggest powerspike lies after Depot A, after you get TK Proxy, your 'Proxy Punch' as I like to call it, will almost guarantee an instakill on squishy enemies. Will also greatly boost Persuasion and Intimidation, having some decent Persuasion, while not mandatory, does eases some problems during the game, and gives better quest/story outcomes early in game.
Problem being lack of Expose Weakness will make fighting Robots and Sentries much, much harder, you can still brute force your path out, but you wont have the luxury to take sentry bots in 1 turn or to take out Turrets in 2.
On the other hand, EMP grenades, HE grenades and even electrokinesis can help you with that.
So in the end, it's a matter of choices really, maybe you can tank some STR and/or CON to get 5 INT and 7 WILL from the get go, as I stated before, this is a guide, not a build order, adapt and modify your build as you find it more comfortable.