Lazymonk - What inventory restrictions? You have a carry limit? Make multiple trips. You have a merchant that only buys a limited amount of suplies per reset, wait until you can sell everything... You only create downtime and frustation here you are not limiting anything in any real way. Want to limit loot? Limit the drops because there is no way around that, if there is a way around, at best you just create time waste.
One thing is to complain about a game being difficult or needing to read a manual (Although I find reading a manual in these day and ages something wrong. Games should have a tutorial to deal with that instead of making people waste time reading a lot of stuff because a tutorai lexplains all and much more quickly, not to mention in a way that doesn't leaves room for confusion), another thing is to complain that the game has a huge downtime that does not ends up serving the purpose for which it was created which leads to frustation. These are my point but we do agree, so long as there is at least the option to remove the waste of time everyone can enjoy the game in the way that pleases them better.
Banggunner - Crit a sniper shot? just use aimed shot feat. You also have the sniper feat which although it makes no crit, damages are even higher than crits, either way both skills lead to one shot kill on anything! likewise, a mk5 grenade nearly oneshots anything except the very toughest opponents which are left on a sliver of health with a bad roll... I've never seen an overload deal enough damage to kill, even on a crit and I tend to do full psion builds... Only the flamethrower stands a better chance at one shooting stuff and even then it usually doesn't if it's a somewhat tough opponent, even humans can survive it... I still feel that every other build has a much better bang for the money at the time due to he cost of psi boosters and there not being a way to recover at least some psi for free between fights. You do are right that we can craft psi boosters but how many will you craft? It's not like mindshrooms pop up in large quantities in every map, not to mention that no one sells them.
My personal experience with Psi and a guns/grenade build is that Psi ran more money before but I had shroomhead to recover me 40% of the psi prior to every battle. After a while I sued a few boosters when I knew a fight was gonna be more psi intensive and needed more psi than just 40%. Now I am absolutly sure that with no passive psi recover it's much more expensive to run a psi user than a gun freak... As for whether or not it makes difference up ahead... All I can say is this. When I left for the junkyard I felt like I had a ton of money, when I got there I was like... ok, things are stupidly expensive so I don't have money to even aford anything. When I finished the junkyard I felt like I had a ton of money (My psi user had about 1/3 more money at the time but again, shroomhead was usefull back then) the thing is. I'm sure that's how economy is balanced, when you go into the next town, your money is going to not be as much as you think. Even if things don't go as high, forget thinking you're stinking rich, you'll maybe buy a gun and that's it, you're broke again. At least that is how I feel it will be going forward taking the previous examples.
Ivan Baijo - While the pawn shop might look like a good idea, it doesn't solves anything does it? You are still wasting a load of time to sell your items or you sell it at a very low value which just means a huge money loss anyway. The idea is to remove the time waste of the game. To keep you going from mission to side mission and from side mission to exploration without having to... Let's go make a round through all the merchants, try to sell everything and if I can't, wait 90 minutes for a shop refresh, until all is sold or at least the vast majority and you don't feel like caring about only a couple items left.
Edit: Another thing I cmpletly forgot was that this system even makes crafting a lot more useless. Now sure, you can craft stuff to use which is still great. But when you have materials that you don't need what do you do? You craft stuff to sell cause it earns you a few extra bucks, it was one of the greatest advantages of crafting. Now it's kinda nullified because either the item may not be on demand, or it may just not be on high enough demand that you can sell as much as you can craft... Again, just wait loads of time or just don't make the items, lose more money (which again puts crafting in a worse spot).