Author Topic: Random useful tips you've learned?  (Read 9277 times)


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Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« Reply #15 on: August 16, 2021, 10:26:37 am »
There's also Third Eye drug giving +3 perception for detecting secrets


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Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2021, 11:27:10 pm »
Switching to Høddurform (or any health reducing weapon) before healing increases the effectiveness of the healing. That's because switching to Høddurform maintains the health % while reducing the maximum, making static recoveries more potent. The effect is only interesting for very low CON characters on higher difficulties, otherwise a 50hp difference is not going to do much.

For example, I have a glass canon in dominating with 216 HP (the ideal scenario for this trick), sitting at 21/216 HP.
I can use an advanced hypo and gain 75 HP (96/216 hp).
Or I can switch to Høddurform (16/166 hp), then use the advanced hypo (91/166 hp), then switch back to my normal weapon (hp 118/216).
Yay, 22hp out of thin air!


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Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2021, 09:18:24 pm »
Any sort of movement-slowing effect can trigger Opportunist, such as Psycho-temporal Dilation, Chill etc.


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Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2021, 07:41:53 am »
If you kill enough of the Sørmirbæren leaders(2 I believe) before you reach Blistering Shores Research Facility, the Sørmirbæren will still sound the war-horn when you activate the generator but none will come after you.


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Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2021, 03:10:47 pm »
Only been playing for a week, so these are probably old news, but they mostly have to do with luring... if anyone has any more luring tips, please share them because it's quickly becoming my favourite part of the game.

 - At least on normal difficulty (not sure about the others), you can lure the smarter human opponents into a more favorable spot by laying a trail of bear traps. If you start where you want them to end up, then place 3 or 4 mines in a cluster and stealthily lay bear traps as you move closer to the opponent, they'll eventually notice the closest trap and disarm it; they'll then notice the next one, disarm it, and so forth until they reach the miney payload. Initiate combat, throw grenade at mines, opponent goes to hamburger heaven. I found this tactic really handy against the Rathound King, after my attempt to lure him into the well-lit area and snipe with the "Ambush" feat didn't pan out that great.

 - Gas grenades are also fantastic lures. What I like to do is stay out of everyone's line of sight, unstealth myself, wait a few turns until I can use stealth again, then throw the grenade AND enter stealth mode shortly after it leaves my hand (so while it's in midair).

 - Another way of luring enemies uses the same "do thing then immediately enter stealth" technique as the last tip. The area south of the GMS compound is a good example of a place with a beautiful environmental feature to shoot at (in order to lure the lunatics into traps). Not the explosive barrel, that thing will lure them out too far. God put targetable rocks in the map for a reason. Lay down some "bear" traps (gotta protect yourself against all the bears everywhere) and some mines on your side of the bear traps, hide behind conveniently large rock obstacle, exit stealth, wait, shoot rocks, enter stealth, hide somewhere far away. Rocks are fantastic because if you make a mistake, the rocks survive. Hell, every area I enter I now make a mental note of things I can shoot at to create diversions just in case I need to sneak past anyone/anything blocking my way somewhere else.

 - Caltrops (if you have "Sure Step" or caltrop-proof boots) can be used to divert opponent movement in combat. Let's use the Siphoner Pools as an example because I remember this battle pretty well: the area in the middle has this sort of donut-shaped path around a rock, and you can trigger a Siphoner ambush to the left of this area (which is something I like to do while fishing). Most enemies will avoid stepping on caltrops if they can help it, so given my own immunity to them I threw some on the path next to the rock and traversed them at the end of each turn, back and forth. The Siphoners, however, would be all "I don't need caltrops in my foot today, I'm busy enough as it is" and walk *around* the rock, which is pretty helpful. Bear traps are obviously awesome as well, and if you think your opponent might try to avoid them in combat, you can use them in a similar fashion to block a route ahead of time. However, blocking ALL possible pathways with traps will encourage many enemies to simply disregard their own personal safety in an effort to destroy you, and then that's when karma bites them. "Karma" is French for "bear trap", as it happens.

 - Another way of luring baddies is to use stealth mode and find the sweet spot where they very slowly realise you're there. As soon as their eye indicator turns from full yellow to empty orange, they'll try to chase you, and hopefully you'll be on the other side of a line of delicious traps by the time they find you.

 - Animals don't have opposable thumbs and therefore cannot operate door handles. That is good. However, curtains do not have handles, and dogs can open them. That is bad. So if you need to hide from a dog or, even better, lure one into a room and then run out while closing the door behind you, make sure it has a handle. You can save a non-zero amount of ammo/traps by putting a door between you and a dog; the world is your trap.

 - Non-luring pro tip: If you kill the Rathound King and loot his very unique costume, perhaps don't wear it when you go to turn in the quest unless you like being a victim of mistaken identity and shot on sight. If there's one thing I've learned so far, it's that the sentient beings in the game are far from stupid but they can still be easily fooled.


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Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« Reply #20 on: September 06, 2021, 04:01:19 pm »
Actually, here's another one that has little to do with the game: key configuration.

I run the game on Linux so I'm not sure how you'd accomplish this on Windows, but I swapped the positions of ctrl and caps lock in my DE's settings. This makes the C-x hotbar much easier to use one-handed.

As for combat and highlighting, I remapped "start/end combat" to Z and "reverse highlight" to `, and it feels a hell of a lot more ergonomic to have (a) the combat button in a quickly accessible position and (b) both highlight buttons adjacent.

It's not a huge difference, but I'm pretty lazy and this saves me from moving. Next thing to explore is rebinding my unused mouse buttons to keystrokes for other common actions.


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Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2022, 12:57:29 am »
Im working on maknig a guide for new players on DOMINATING. Help needed. Do not PM me.


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Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2022, 04:27:43 pm »
You can get Premeditation back to back in the first two rounds via 2 specialization points, wating 2 turns before you engage and use LTI before you end your turn.
You can get a lot of Stun and disorient protection from LoC via specialization points and Future Orientation. 10 turns CD and 4 turns duration. Use LTI right away and again every 2 turns after.


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Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2022, 04:58:29 am »
If you go east in the under passages twice pre drill (I don't recommend doing this until you've cleared all the other pre-drill content)
you can find around ~5 zones all with high level hard to kill enemies (lunatics, lurkers, burrowers) with decent loot

(currently replaying game, will likely edit this message with more stuffs)

EDIT: Unsure if its still like this, but in the version last year wIth 4 points effective in throwing you can have 95% net accuracy on stunned or otherwise disabled enemies, instead of 70%

I've been told stealth is affected by things like facing and lighting, so if your in a situation where stealthed enemies are nearby, considering dropping some molotovs or flares in areas where they are likely to pass.

If your on oddity you can get 2 xp before the game even starts by:

1. Going south two zones from the rail floor then 1 zone east, time your path past a ironhead then go into a building to get 1 xp then

2. Going back to the train station area, going two zones north and checking a barrel to the left.

If you have a decent shield up sometimes its a good idea (especially if you have metal armor or high evasion) to throw a grenade at your feet to have a accurate big damage AoE against nearby enemies, I do this pretty often and it is incredibly effective, especially when you have no points in throwing.

This has probably been already mentioned in the thread but if just started and are playing on oddity, while on the way to go find Newton kill all the cave hoppers you see until you get the Cave Dragon Tail (2 xp), its rare and will probably take ~15 kills to get, its alright though because they spawn infinitely.

If your a filthy savescummer you can throw a flashbang at your feet while all the enemies are nearby, this lets you leave combat and save (though you will be flashbanged as well, and will need decent initiative to get the first turn afterwards)

Poor early on? At the cost of ~30 charons (buy them via manual trading with Old Jonas, not the scammer at junkyard) you can enter the junkyard casino (located around 3 zones to the north) and buy membership, then throw a grenade outside and steal the ~300 charons in the guards room while everyone is distracted.

Before doing Silas' final quest, you should kill every scrapper in Junkyard outside the main base, they are going to die anyway via the Eels and killing them now will get you quite alot of extra loot that you would normally not obtain.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2022, 06:46:59 am by redgoesfastfastfastfast »
Im working on maknig a guide for new players on DOMINATING. Help needed. Do not PM me.


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Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2022, 03:38:50 pm »
The Doctor feat can be abused against crawlers - after you're stung, skip turns until you're about to get stunned. At this point, you usually don't count as being in combat any more, meaning you can use bandages. So bandage up, pop an antidote, then bandage up again for a total cost of like 9 AP with the belt.

Unless it's been patched recently - the armor of Master Exploder in the Arena doesn't show up in the loot locker, but if you have enough action points over on the turn you kill him you can loot it off of his body.