Author Topic: (One Hit) Psi Build  (Read 2518 times)


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(One Hit) Psi Build
« on: May 29, 2023, 06:06:22 pm »

This build is pretty cool, I killed *THE EYE* by one-shotting him, you can see the link below. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!

Spoilers if you haven't gotten to the Deep Caverns yet.

Starting out:

- Straight to PSI & Abilities
You're going to want to go straight into PSI, as if you are new to it it's a small learning curve. It's different than conventional combat and usually involves a decent amount of setup before battles but usually results in you taking next to no damage. Melee is very useful early on, combined with opportunist, and allows you to kill about everything even with low damaging knives.

5 Strength - All thats needed, and REQUIRED for a weapon that is almost needed for this build later on.
7 Dexterity - Helps with using a knife early on
7 Agility - Helps with dodge & evasion
3 Con. - Literally not needed for this build, later on you won't be taking damage
3 Perc. - Not needed

Will & Intelligence
I recommend getting higher intelligence rather than will to start out, but this is up to preference. You can either have 7 or 8 in either one.

9 Intelligence, however, is REQUIRED for a perk later on that is extremely useful to any PSI build.

- Skills

- Melee
- Dodge
- Evasion
- Lockpicking
- Pickpocketing
- Electronics
- Biology
- All PSI schools (Except Temporal Manipulation...)
- Persuasion
- Mercantile

About everything on this list is required, save for Pickpocketing and Lockpicking, as those can easily be changed around, along with Persuasion & Mercantile.

You CAN use Temporal Manipulation, if you want, I don't like it. This build is heavily centered around Thought Control, however.

The same goes for Melee, you technically could use Guns, Crossbows, or Throwing, but personally, Melee works really well and saves you from carrying heavy ammo. You'll need inventory space later on for drugs.

- Early Perks
+ Tranquility
+ Force user
+ Opportunist
+ Nimble
+ Pyromaniac
+ Premeditation

I don't recommend taking Cerebral Trauma yet, it's not that useful this early in the build. It basically requires you to have both Neural Overlord and Mental Breakdown, and you simply can't make it that useful without Locus of Control and some other stuff I'll explain later.

- Early Strategy

Opportunist & Premediation is REQUIRED.

Melee is very useful early on, as PSI is very hard to use early on without using something else.

Essentially, most battles will go as following;
Premediation > Pyrokenesis > Fear large groups of enemies > Telekenetic punch & Cryokenesis > Stab everyone, doing +15-25% damage more.
Rinse and repeat

- Required Faction
This will sound silly to those who are unaware, but one of the best merchants exists essentially hidden in under-rail behind a large questline, that is very useful for PSI builds.

This means, FROM THE START, you will have to work with
- Jack Quicksilver in SGS & Core City
- Abram in Junkyard

It is VERY hard to do these quests without following the wiki, because similar to the Free Drones you have to follow specific steps in the quests to make sure they are done perfectly to get invited to the faction in question.

- Electronics & Biology

To follow that up, high Electronics & Biology is absolutely NEEDED for this build, for three things.
+ Shield Emitters
+ Psi Headbands
+ Drugs

High-level Shield Emitters and Psi Headbands are BROKEN. I currently have a 1500+ capacity Shield Emitter, meaning I essentially take no damage unless it bypasses shield emitters. With the Very High shielding being 314 and the Very Low being 16. PSI headbands grant additional slots early on, and make everything with PSI easier.

Drugs are absolutely NEEDED if you want to one-shot the final boss as I did, but you'll need decent biology to craft high-level PSI headbands anyway. But it makes it so much easier for higher-level fights.


- Expedition (SPOILERS)
End-Game is going to revolve HEAVILY around the Expedition DLC, if you don't have it, this build is not possible. That is because of a couple things
- The cool thing spawning demons at the bottom of the water
- Cool snake staff
- Philosphy

You can choose to side with either Pirates or Aegis, doesn't really matter, I found Pirates easier.

Regardless, sadly, you are going to have to kill the tribals.

The staff that you get from killing a certain character, is very vital to this build and is extremely overpowered. I will not explain how to get it here, here is the wiki page;
Essentially it'll improve your damage with Neural Overload and your Crit Damage & Chance, which is INSANE.

Destroying the Shadowlith is a lot harder than it sounds, and revolves around doing a large puzzle in the tribal lands in the north and then traveling to the final area of the main questline of the DLC. Just Wiki, it's complicated. However, the tattoo you can get from it as well as the perk Outer Visions is helpful.

Philosophy is required, essentially, but the Ferryman is a bro.

- Ending Perks

+ Neurology
+ Cerebral Trauma (If not acquired already)
+ Psycho-neural flexibility
+ Neural Overclocking
+ Meditation
+ Locus of control
+ Increased Will
+ Advanced Psi Empathy
+ Empowered thought control

- Acquired outside of leveling
+ Shadowlith tattoo
+ Philosophy
+ Every Jet-Ski perk
+ Outer visions

- Ending

Essentially, at this point, your strategy is
Huff Drugs > Premediation > Locus of Control > Mental Breakdown > Neural Overload & One-Shot about Everything. Including the final boss.

Certain enemies are resistant to Neural Overload, and in that case Plasma Beam is extremely effective. Cryokenetic Orb and Electrokinesis is also extremely useful for certain situations.

I basically took about every drug known to man, and then crit the final boss doing well over 2000 damage with Neural Overload.

- Equipment

Not gonna matter much, at all, essentially just a lot of drugs and the staff. Tabi boots are useful generally.

I personally prefer the Phantom Dancer, as it looks cool and aids in movement and Evasion & Dodge. However, the Tchortist Noble Robe is also a good choice.

Generally, any armor that gives any sort of resistance isn't needed. Anything that bypasses your shield has a change to one-shot you anyway, but you should be killing everything before they get a turn anyway. Also, you are going to want low Armor Penalty so Nimble kicks in.

Here is my equipment at the end:
+ Muffled Extended Uni-Psi Headband
+ Phantom Dancer
+ 1500+ Capacity, Efficient High Frequency Shield Emitter
+ Large Waist Pack
+ Hoddurform
+ Pig Leather Tabi boots

Grenades are generally useful, however your throwing is probably gonna be low.

- Fin

That's about it, just huff drugs and one-shot everything. You will GENERALLY struggle with Robots, because I personally hate Temporal Manipulation, however Plasma Beam can generally deal with them.

It's my first build I'm publically posting, as I didn't find any real STRAIGHT-UP PSI builds. Managed to create one that in the end has you only using PSI, and its extremely optimal.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2023, 06:16:50 pm by Scott »

Kekus Maximus

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Re: (One Hit) Psi Build
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2023, 07:28:58 am »
This is not new, like at all, also a literal ton of stats, skills and feats are wasted.
You don't need 5 STR period. You don't need melee, and DEX too, maybe 2 effective in throwing for nets and that's it. For INT, either 10 or 12 for one more psi slot, but not 11. Free stats can be used for CON, AGI, WILL. CON for Fast Metabolism, AGI for Evasive Maneuvers and Uncanny Dodge if you want to do some ballsy moves way out of cover. WILL for damage.

Opportunist... just why.
Hypothermia is completely useless on normal and hard.
LoC on level 20 is way too late.
Snooping is beyond useless.

>no tailoring
>pig leather tabis
>3 CON
>0 stealth
>19 initiative
Maybe it's okay for normal, I don't know, but DOM will punish this savescum simulator build real hard.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2023, 07:46:57 am by Kekus Maximus »


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Re: (One Hit) Psi Build
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2023, 10:58:29 pm »
>Extended psi headband
>11 INT
This man is derailed!

This build is bad. It obviously can't clear anything above Normal, and even then requires quite a bit of save scumming because a good number of things can blow through this badly-equipped glass canon like wet paper.

It's my first build I'm publically posting, as I didn't find any real STRAIGHT-UP PSI builds. Managed to create one that in the end has you only using PSI, and its extremely optimal.

This is plain wrong. There are many good, optimized pure psi builds published already, in fact 2 of the most recent psi guides posted are awesome and detailed

And yours isn't optimized, not even close.