Burrower Poison Caltrops

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Burrower Poison Caltrops.png
Burrower Poison Caltrops
Combat Utility
A caltrop is an antipersonnel weapon made up of two or more sharp nails or spines arranged in such a manner that one of them always points upward from a stable base. Caltrops can be deployed to injure and slow down enemies. These caltrops have also been tipped with burrower poison.
Weight: 1,50
Value: 40

Burrower Poison Caltrops are a nice area denial weapon and they cover a pretty large area. Most enemies are dumb enough to run straight into your caltrops, taking heavy damage in the process.

Normal caltrops cannot kill enemies, but the poison from these usually finishes weaker enemies off after they've ran through your caltrops.

Note that you can hurt yourself with your own caltrops.


Burrower Poison Caltrops can be crafted with Blueprint: Caltrops.


Other info

Stackable: Yes (5)