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Messages - okorwa

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Got tracked by a mine at gray army outpost
« on: October 12, 2019, 07:34:08 am »
1:reload save
2:fucking rng those skumbags until you win(abuse line of sight and molotovs while trapping doors)
3:hack 1000 stealth for 2 minutes

General / Re: Various questions about Expedition (Spoilers)
« on: October 12, 2019, 07:30:45 am »
shard fucks up "void entities" but you need to be able to "see into the void" is all imma say

Yes, you will do it with just 3 will. As long as you handle those shitty handmaiden+strongman ambushes(what a pain on DOMINATING)

General / Re: Getting out of joint security HQ [expedition spoilers]
« on: October 12, 2019, 07:26:05 am »
uhm yeah bud sometimes it is weird, expedition feels a touch UNFINISHED, so it might boggle you, youre supposed to get parts from ray or pull them from your own jet ski if you want to take the reef glider out.

Suggestions / Unarmed versus high damage threshhold
« on: September 29, 2019, 08:59:49 pm »
Ill start by saying im a bit biased, by a bit i mean really goddamn biased cause the sheer thought of zoning out a 2 ton industrial bot with leather gloves makes my blood excited, but it is my feeling that unarmed builds need a single type of Item "in between" sledges and gloves, while sledges are pretty garbage against bots, gloves are ok with electric damage, yet i strongly request adding sort of a stacking debuff type of item, like taste of blood but on all targets with DT, laser pistols have polarizer, i dont see why we cant have a decomissioning unique gloves or something like expose weakness feat on a weapon/grenade, im not saying that one turning a bot is fine, but hitting that bastard 40 Times to deal 20 damage is a bit silly, just like with psi crabs, hard shell is fine, but ignoring a 250 damage crit is not, the sheer shock from pneumatic hammer attachment should be enough to punch a bots sensors to death easily. Tl;dr: unarmed need a stacking DT/DR reducing Item/ability against non organics, not as strong as expose weakness though(50% would be too much for a 0 investment solution)

Suggestions / Re: Interesting way to further buff non-gloves unarmed
« on: September 29, 2019, 08:34:15 pm »
I agree, that's a good idea.

Suggestions / Black Sea transportation
« on: September 29, 2019, 08:31:52 pm »
Hey guys, am i the only one feeling like we need some sort of fast travel? Going 10 tiles left right up down like an idiot through empty areas or stupid monsters(i Play unarmed on dominating so monsters are truly tedious cause at 300 melee i have 38 hit chance and i cant activate energy shields for some weird reason*styg wtf*). Fast travel from camp to rig and mutie village(if theyre friendly) and a fast back if tiles are discovered and the tiles have no monsters would make the expansion way less tedious, dominating crabs make me cry, and why are mage crabs stronger than colossal crabs? But i digress, give some, but not abundant fast travel to us sailors.

General / Re: Need help with Expedition music puzzle? Try my Decipher.
« on: September 29, 2019, 02:31:37 pm »
 :) :) :D :D thank you man, thank you so much, i would fucking KMS if i had to take a pen, paper and excell sheet if i had to decode(which is just moving the fucking letter while remembering all this dumb shit where you have to know where the sequence starts, which number represents which octave and at which letter you reset back to A and starting to count again) every single sequence by myself, it would take like 3 hours, this is some enigma tier shit, i preffered the mutagen puzzle one where 45 minutes gave me full understanding of it combined with excell sheet to see which to combine, this one though... styg has a weird sense of humor man.

Suggestions / Re: Dominating difficulty is impossible for melee.
« on: September 10, 2018, 08:21:17 pm »
TheAverageGortsby did you play on dominating? Even on the force emission does almost nothing past a certain point where your feats add up on damage increases(contaminate from the claw, vile weaponry, taste for blood and expose weakness), i REALLY like puncher builds which i completed like 5 times and thats why i suggested making it enjoyable for dominating. I really felt sad when i Had to abuse grenade stunlock on average beetles because punching was uneffective.
harperfan7 can you post your build? Also was it on dominating? I have actually never tried the 95percent damage reduction build, but i'm going to, and im still having problems imagining a hammer build in depot a without stealth, i fundamentally dislike the way stealth is so abuseable with traps, at 25 skill i can place 30 mines and just destealth and as long as i dont get oneshot by cooked shot depot a becomes  cakewalk. I seriously would like to ser playthrough from the guy doing a no death(veteran rules) run. And my point stands, melee needs a bit of love, not much tho, and force emission needs a big buff while psi and w2c bullets need a nerf.

Suggestions / Re: Dominating difficulty is impossible for melee.
« on: September 09, 2018, 01:09:53 pm »
Its pretty nice to have such fast and nice replies, however i stand by my point, unarmed without stealth Has no place on dominating, i stopped playing melee in DC, the game was a reload fiesta especially around goliath beetles, to my surprise though, the 3 per build is easier to Play against those overpowered death stalkers than 14 per ar build with detection Googles, those things are not stealthy, theyre invisible, either you aoe/trap in choke or you die, i think detection should be changed completely, and rely more on a special type of Googles, than just be completely useless on max per chars. And i still consider psi to be goddamn broken. My psi bastard melts everything, runs fast, almost never dies, Has CC and different DMG types, while unarmed and hammer builds struggle everywhere. Imo combo should have at least a guaranteed daze and reduce enemy ap(or chance to hit?) Effect rather than being a pain and hard to Control substitute for heavy punch pneumatic proc. Also on my melee playthrough i Had to invest in psi to even get to deep caverns. Fortunately the psi abilities are almost free. A nice touch would be if FORCE EMISSION ignored dmg res and damaged with electric type, while dealing a minimum of 2% of enemy HP on proc. Because frankly nobody uses it due to being essentially worthless and psi consuming.

Suggestions / Dominating difficulty is impossible for melee.
« on: September 01, 2018, 09:50:29 am »
IT just is impossible for melee, too many problems for melee/unarmed. Plasma turrets, hordes of goliath beetles, depot a, its just too hard, and hard is way too easy. Imo you should just put in more enemies that are manageable instead of the impossible to handle for beginner gear low level char enemies, silent isle is almost impossible for example. Firearms are just too strong and make even dominating pretty easy, while unarmed and melee are useless, also psi is too strong, cryokinesis needs at least 2 tiles range nerf, it trivializes the game.

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