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Messages - Scrounger

Pages: [1] 2
Bugs / Re: Fusion Cannon sprite glitch
« on: November 27, 2023, 10:11:22 pm »
Hi Styg.
I've installed a game with a standalone GOG version ( + Expedition, just a few days before went online - after I've got the aforementioned patch, I've installed the new DLC and new patches and hotfixes...

I've already finished the game so next time when I get some time I will try old saves on a fresh install to see if everything is in the order, you're probably right...

Bugs / Fusion Cannon sprite glitch
« on: November 26, 2023, 01:11:12 pm »
I've got my hands on Fusion Cannon, really sweet gun! Anyway, I've tried using it with Infused Bison leather armor and sprites have been garbled, like the sprite sheet was wrongly placed.
I've also wanted to try it with other armors just to see how well they fare.
From what I have seen, every leather and unique armor from Expedition was having the same issue except from Industrial Exoskeleton which worked fine. Base ones are ok I think!

Here's the list of ones I've tried:
Greater Siphoner
Sea Wyrm
Lemurian Marine and Engineer suit
Phantom ninja outfit
Industrial Exo - this one works

Bugs / Graphic glitches and a few bugs
« on: November 15, 2023, 05:02:05 pm »
Just a few glitches I've found out during my journey. First one is in the Simon Peres outpost (carton boxes) followed by the same glitch in the Upper caves by the misty cave entrance (bucket and boxes as well) and small ironhead camp in the Lower Underrail (I've uploaded a map location).

Simon Peres glitch

Misty entrance glitch

Ironhead camp glitch

Ironhead camp glitch map location

Also in the expedition I've found that Professor is using wrong floating dialog after I break out of the prison. (I didn't killed a jailer...)

In Crimson center, just after the elevator entrance there is a computer that you can use to check ventilation and pesticide info. I'm not sure if this is due to resolution I'm playing with (1366x768) but if I scroll down the initial text info and press 4 on the keyboard (just press, not click with the mouse) I get the usual text but without the visible dialog prompts in the bottom. If I press 1 it works excellent after that.
I don't think this is important that much and it could be due to resolution I'm using but I guess it's good for you to know.
(I have a save just in case)

Also as a bonus, maybe an agility check here, maybe? :D

Thanks and keep a good work! 

Bugs / Re: Lurker Base and hearts
« on: November 03, 2022, 07:26:49 pm »
Add some unhealthy one.... ;D

General / Re: Where do you think it will take place?
« on: June 01, 2022, 10:13:15 am »
I think we are pretty much limited to what we heard from the lore but from what I've gathered it will not be set in the North...
There are plenty of locations which could be set in that we don't even know about (East?, Ruby shore deep in the south or something like that?, etc.)
There's also a "problem" in terms of mapping the exact location of Underrail (mythical Hyperborea anyone?).
Funny thing is when I first heard about Infusion, my first thought was that it would be set in the giant (im)mobile habitat placed close to the "entrance" of the Underrail. Just a thought really, nothing based from the current lore I think...

Bugs / Music Transition issue
« on: March 03, 2022, 05:52:30 pm »
Two examples.
During a Mutant quest when you get up from a acid lake and into the Kharons Lab. Inside there is a music transition. Somewhere at the point after two guard mutants (near the trap door) there is a sharp blank muteness before music transition again.
Other example, which reminded me of the mutant one, was in front of Port Craig when you exit into Basalt caves (bear-traps field)

Bugs / Fonts and Notes, some UI issues
« on: March 03, 2022, 02:17:27 pm »
Few things I have seen...
When I tried adding new notes on the map, I found out that I can't add space between the words. This issue only started when I installed a new patch so I guess something was jumbled up with it...

Second thing is fonts. For this one I cannot perceive if this a problem with the game or my computer. I'm running a game on 1440x900 (desktop resolution - running small new UI) and I've seen that some labels have "chipped" font parts, to be more exact, they are not smooth. One example, there is a label named "Locker" which has smooth font. When I open it the same label font change to grey out label "Locker" which then have chipped parts. This doesn't happen always though...

Third thing is Jet UI. Pictures on a new UI sockets have jumbled up icons, like the icon track is misplaced...
That is all for now, cheers!

Definitely!! Thanks Phryg!  :D

Bugs / Jon Beautiful doesn't eat his Eel Sandwich after Bakers Info!
« on: February 26, 2022, 07:32:02 pm »
Kinda minor bug! There's no food effect after he gives you an info on Bakers whereabouts...
Don't know about other food didn't check it out!

Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« on: February 26, 2022, 07:27:37 pm »
During your first visit to Core city, near Hardcore bar, Tchortist Missionary dialogue... (missing t,   "an insitution" instead of "an institution")

Interesting points!

If I can add, there ARE actually people with whom you can talk about the Black sea and Waterway landmarks. Maybe more people could have extended topics on some locations but as it goes, there are people from camp Hathor and Junkyard that reference Rig and DnD, also ferry(wo)mans can also talk about Black sea and their limited experiences with it.

I guess it makes more sense for people to have some wild guesses because that location is wrapped in mystery and death by pirates and poisonuos creatures.

As for the actual locations in water, there are some hidden ones as well as some quest/event related ones, waterways are busy place during Pirate questchain also! :)

If there were more time devs could add Upper cave waterway ring and some related places/events for example. As things go I am more in line only if there was something meaningful there...

I actually don't know if Ray open up his shop before you can start the expedition content but if he does (after visiting the place for the first time) that's cool and it is already a solution in a way.

If that's not a case then I suppose that getting Jetski earlier could bring some problems and one of them could be getting to the Black sea before Aegis which promptly locks you out of it and that could be a pretty big confusion for a first time player just for a "casual" exploring.

I would not mind though if something could be added for a limited exploring, some quest and a Junk-junk Jet (Shoddy shotgun of the JunkJets) which moves horrendously slow and can't overcome even some weaker currents.

It could also add some incentive for (nevermind that people would laugh for your junk) resolving some quests like Gorsky warehouse earlier with jets without waiting after expedition or after stealing Rays JunkJets (is that still possible? With JunkJets outside? I didn't play burglar character for some time, would like to try that one)

In any case, it's on devs if they can or would like to further improve on it.
I really like your idea of subtle and casual references to waterways and maybe we could have more of these!

General / Re: Tell me Everything.
« on: April 25, 2021, 08:48:29 pm »
Hi Wawa!

Not many people are frequenting the forums, well, not at this moment....I will give you my quick overview and if\when I have time I will add some meaningful things up!
So, here we go:
Firstly, give a nice view to a Seth fellow if you hadn't already
He made a nice and quirky review but it's mostly to get you into the mood.
Also you can check underrail wiki if you want to check some simple elements of the mechanics (also armors, weapons, etc.)
Beware, just don't go too deep, you don't need to be a wiki junkie. Better to dive into a game and just play! :)

My take? Where to begin...
You have 23 skills governed by 7 base abilities. Game is mostly combat and exploration based but there is a plenty of opportunities for you to outrun or sneak out\sneak around (some silver tongue and slyness here and there). In some situations even with some repercussions...
No companions though but you will work side by side with some NPCs during a certain situation or two.

There are many mechanics that you will learn during the course of the game, some of them are rather obscured but that adds the flavor in my opinion. Many, many cool weapons and armors but for those I would need more time to explain...  :D

Eh, that is all for now. Sorry! When I have the time I will tell you more.

Suggestions / Foundry foul air
« on: March 18, 2021, 10:57:59 pm »
Considering the overall pollution of air inside the Foundry it could be cool if there was a slight debuff that shows up (inside your irritated lungs) after some time inside Foundry.
It could be mitigated by wearing the gas mask or some other armor\apparel.

I don't know, it could be irritating from design point.... :P

Bugs / Small bug/glitch - Free Drones base
« on: November 13, 2020, 02:29:43 pm »
I have one small bug to report. I will probably add others to this thread if I find more of them in the future but let's go.
In the Free Drones main base, north of the merchant Becket there is that door which leads to small room with a medical locker.
If you are outside and press TAB, medical locker is highlighted on the outside wall and you can click and get access to it ... through the wall.
That's all!  :)

Suggestions / You overheard something and other spy things
« on: October 18, 2020, 02:10:28 pm »
I had some small thought.
Stealth is a cool skill, sometimes I'm using it, sometimes not as we can be relatively close to the bandits and certain enemies.
 I wondered how it would be cool and atmospheric if some groups could have a "talk" or "chat" about something while you are lurking in the shadows...
Some external example would be a thief series where guards are having a scripted talk while you are sneaking somewhere near them.
One more example, this time in underrail (like potential addition): some Ironhead bandits are having a talk around burning barrel in the warehouses, with speach bubbles etc.

In any case, this could be interesting feature in the new underrail (and underrails of the future I hope) as it could be used as information about your situation, quest, surroundings as you overheard some guards. It could also be randomized- between some groups at the same base or location.
Also it's cool if it could be used as a PER check if you hear a heated argument behind some door as a part of some quest for example!
Cheers! :)

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