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Messages - ShoggothWhisperer

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Bugs / Re: Alternate utility tower tactic
« on: September 09, 2021, 01:22:50 am »
Early 100% damage reduction, here I come!

Suggestions / Re: New Veteran feat suggestion
« on: September 08, 2021, 06:05:54 pm »
I think with spec points and LTI this would let you permanently have Last Stand active, which would be a extremely overpowered. An alternative option would be allowing you to survive a fatal hit+ an additional fatal hit for every 4 points in con while last stand is active, to have last stand make you even tankier.

Suggestions / Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« on: September 08, 2021, 03:37:41 am »
There is a suspicious wall in the green circle that seems like a good hidden entrance to Omega to me.
Since it is the final update, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was called the “omega update” or something like that. It definitely feels like they are teasing Omega related content with the Omega waterways area and the mysterious locked door outside GMS.

Suggestions / Re: Energy shields rework?
« on: September 08, 2021, 03:35:46 am »
I’ve never felt that shield frequency was that much of a problem, with higher quality components Low frequency will block everything short of a sniper. It would be more interesting if shield frequency was more skewed, like low frequency offering great protection against melee and crossbows while being basically useless against guns and grenades, while high frequency offers great protection against explosives and energy guns while doing nothing against most guns, melee, and crossbow, and medium shields offering great protection against most guns while being useless against everything else. It would also be nice if there was a reason to use modifiers besides high efficiency energy converters, like having circle wave emitter not decrease conversion rate, or having shield capacitors give a bonus effect, like releasing a damaging energy blast centered on the player when the shield breaks.

General / Re: (Spoilers) Finishing the Game as a Mutant
« on: September 07, 2021, 01:10:24 pm »
Regarding getting to DC as mutant : could you infiltrate the Institute through the Utility Station (accessible from West upper rails) then via Harpocrates station (named after Grouchocrates' brother?), below the Institute. Then, kill everyone, take Eiden's key to the elevator and voilà.

ALl that is theoretical.

I’m pretty sure Six will attack and kill you if you approach him as a mutant, so this probably wouldn’t work.

Bugs / Re: TNT vs Industrial Robot
« on: September 06, 2021, 12:02:13 am »
Yeah, it's listed in the fine print that it's weak against enemies. Part of me thinks it's to emphasise the idea of it being more of a tool than a weapon, but a darker part of me thinks it's to confuse players who make assumptions as to its function without reading that fine print. After all, it destroys something that grenades can't, and it has a loud and suspenseful timer followed by a huge explosion, so it has got to be somewhat powerful, right? Haha, no. It's more of a remote, disposable, unpowered jackhammer that simply *resembles* a bomb. It seems to have two purposes: one is to blow a huge hole through blocked pathways, the other is to blow a huge hole through your ego the first/last time you're inspired to weaponise it.
TNT has another purpose; being the loudest noise in the game. It’s about 3 times louder than a standard grenade and has a delayed activation, so you can use it to lure enemies into minefields or separate them so you can kill them easier.

General / Re: Make a Monster
« on: September 04, 2021, 01:45:26 am »
I just want big monsters
Everything in underrail fits in one tile, even the last boss is just several different tiles.
Everything except locust hives and pulsating roots.

Bugs / Re: Dirty Kick does not get stealthed melee accuracy boost
« on: September 03, 2021, 09:32:54 pm »
I feel like game predetermines if attacks hit, and recalculates every couple of reloads. Like, the game generates a value between 1-100 for an attack, and if the value is greater that hit chance, the attack misses.

General / Re: Make a Monster
« on: September 03, 2021, 05:06:11 pm »
A giant sentient psionic mindshroom that can heal and use supportive psi abilities on nearby psi beetles like Psuedo-Spatial Projection, Temporal Contraction, Temporary Rewind, Precognition, Cryo Shield and Exothermic Aura. It’s stationary and can only use Entropic Recurrence to attack, but it also provides Psionic synergy equal to 2 regular psi beetles to all beetles in the area.

Builds / Re: Help with a spear/shield build
« on: September 02, 2021, 03:54:45 am »
Use specialization on shield bash and you can get a 0 ap attack that can daze and proc opportunist.

Daze counts as slow for opportunist?
Yes. Any effect that reduces mp counts for opportunist.

Suggestions / Re: Healing items should heal percentage
« on: September 01, 2021, 04:40:18 am »
for some reason, doctor's extra healing dont work with bandages
Doctors healing affects MEDICATIONS. Bandages are not a medication. That’s also why bandages do not proc hypoallergenic.

Builds / Re: Help with a spear/shield build
« on: August 31, 2021, 09:28:00 pm »
Something like this would probably work better. At minimum you want 6 dex for cheap shots and 6 agi for sweep, you don’t need much Con since your armor is focused on DT instead of DR. Riot gear, spear, and shield should protect you very well from all melee and any ranged weapon weaker than an AR. Sprint is very good to break line of sight against snipers, and you should use boots with striders or tabis to gain more mp. You could drop int to 5 and raise con to 7 if you want to run juggernaut and a heavier riot armor set, but then you have to give up premed. Spear throw is pretty good, you should aim for about ~120 throwing skill to have 100% accuracy against incapacitated targets at 10 tiles away. Use specialization on shield bash and you can get a 0 ap attack that can daze and proc opportunist. MT could be a decent investment as well so you can Impale+shatter bosses, although this only is really useful on Dominating when bosses have massive hp. As long as you focus on damage and mobility you should be fine.

Suggestions / Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« on: August 30, 2021, 01:32:44 am »
change escape artist dex requirement to agility
hypertoxicity now applies hyperimmune with poisons
spikes and blades on gear give intimidation bonus
armor sloping removes ap from spikes and blades
spikes and blades work against melee attackers
possibility to gain your name in arena in the first beast fight wearing certain armor
quick pockets give you once per round ability to equip weapon or utility for free
new native enemy:skaerdar crossbowman, he shoots serrated bolts and have vile weaponry, make tungsten tanks with regen vest suffer
deadly snares procs on net since it literally snare
Deadly snares on nets might be a bit too overpowered, since then it’s just 10 ap for 100% crit chance for 1-2 turns against a single target every couple of turns. Deadly snares is balanced right now since you can use quick tinkering to set traps on demand.
Also, do you mean poisons apply hypoallergenic with hypertoxicity?


In the most recent update, we have been graced with a new unique headband: The Cyclop's Eye. While others were dissuaded by it's major drawback, I was inspired, and created this build:

Plasma Beam isn't affected by any MT feats, so a lot of the feats listed here are purely quality of life feats, and can be easily swapped out or changed depending on your preferences. The rest of this guide will go into how the build functions and the required gear necessary, but before I do that I need to list some important disclaimers:
1. Cyclop's eye sucks to obtain-The Eye seems to have a small chance to replace regular goggles in any merchant's inventory, and once it has spawned it will not disappear until bought. The best merchants to check are Constantine and Olivia in the Institute of Tchort, but I've heard rumors of it spawning elsewhere. To give some context to how rare it is to spawn, it took me an hour of abusing cheat engine merchant refresh on Constantine for me to obtain it.
2. This build takes off fairly late-You need to be a minimum of Level 16 to even learn Plasma Beam, but the earliest you can get the mentor is after the cube is stolen, when the utility station 6 dungeon opens up (unless you torture yourself by going to the grand archives early).
3. This build cannot deal with Nagas- Most Lemurian robots take 2-3 plasma beams to kill even at high levels, but Nagas are a different story. Lemurian Nagas have 80% energy resist and 95% heat resistance, so you will be doing very little damage to them. You can use an energy pistol with a polarizer to reduce their energy resistance, but this is only really practical against a single Naga. Doing the quad Nagas at the Grand Archives is nearly impossible.
4. Plasma Beam cannot target locust hives- If you try to shoot a hive, your character will just run around it. This may also apply to the mutagen tanks, but I haven't tested it yet. Keep this in mind when going through the fetid marsh.

The Setup

All of this can be obtained by Level 16, so you will have 60% psi cost reduction for 28 psi cost Plasma Beams.

  • Tac Vest with Psi Beetle Carapace Armor Plate
  • Psi Beetle Brain Soup
  • Cyclops Eye
  • Psycho-Neural Optimization

I also use the regular Somibaren Staff-Spear for extra psi points, regen, and crit chance. At max level you can reach 80% reduction with advanced psi empathy, and 84% reduction with specialization points. Firing off 6 plasma beams in a turn is fairly straightforward once you have enough psi cost. We fully spec tranquility to get 18 ap plasma beams, and we use adrenaline and blitz with a spec point to get 92 ap, enough for 5 beams and a psi booster. Premed gets us the 6th beam, and on the following turns we can get 3 beams, 4 if you use vit powder instead of adrenaline, at the cost of losing the tranquility bonus when it wears off. At level 26, I was dealing 440-840 damage per beam, more than enough to kill most enemies in a single blast at optimal range. Once you reach level 25 this build can tear through any non-energy resistant enemies, but before then it can struggle if it loses tranquility. This is a super fun build to use if you want to have fun with the plasma beam ability.

Suggestions / Re: Infusion suggestions
« on: August 27, 2021, 06:16:59 pm »

Yeah but think of how many builds there are that are stat hungry as is and barely viable for dominating without using any cheese tactics. Think of glass cannon Hammer Builds that rely on Adrenaline to properly use Balor's Hammer in the earlier levels or even more niche builds that try to combine two less meta concepts.

As someone who has experimented a lot with making purposefully sub optimal builds that have a very specific style of play or fill some sort of arbitrary role playing purpose decided before the play through, it's already difficult to make certain things work with other things, and adding further restrictions will only make creative build crafting harder.

Instead of slapping on more restrictions to make things interesting, why not slap on some further benefits. If you're worried about those benefits making the game easier, try to make niche concepts work on Dominating.
Balor’s hammer builds are a bad example to use, since there are so many ways to boost str (vit powder, regalia, food, ect) that you only need a max of 15 base str to use Balor’s consistently. Right now Underrail heavily rewards killing enemies as fast as possible, so most people either run 3 con or 9 con for SI. Styg has already talked about nerfing crits in infusion, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the glass cannon play style also gets nerfed. Con doesn’t effect skills or damage most of the time, so adding in con requirements for certain consumables gives a real downside for conlets.

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