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Messages - Quidam Craft

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I run SMGs first times I played this game and I disliked it. It's very strong, no doubt about it. But build has couple of unfun mechanics:

- short range, need to be on the move constantly to close distance if you want to be effective
- boring mehanics. All you do is keep bursting
- reliance on Versatility. Optimal way to build it is using that feat and it means slow progression early and mid game
- massive ammo consumption. You reload all the time and keep wasting bullets, need to buy/craft more all the time, it gets old quickly

Regarding AR/TC hybrid, there is massive synergy between each other, ARs first two bursts have very low AP cost thanks to specced Commando and Rapid reloader. TC (and psi in general) has one free spellcast per fight thanks to Premeditation and TC in particular has Locus of Control feat, which you can use to either to make yourself immune to crowd control, or to cast AoE nuke that shreds trhough living targets. Also lots of cc spells and defense through mirror images.

There is ways to make SMG builds fun to use, and counter all these specifics points.

-Short range, and be on the move is not unfun by itself, it often provide good times with positioning.

-Versatility (and full dex) open a lot of other tactics to complement and SMG build, plus you need very little feats to be good with a SMG. If you add Throwing with Fatal Throw for instance, you gain a good finisher when a burst isn't needed, and a way to gain more AP for more burst.

- Also, concerning short range, throwing knives gives you range, more range than your burst, and hell accurate with that much dext.

- You can also counter difficult early game and power curve with expertise. While not being that good once you get to the end game, Expertise give you a better power curve early to mid game, when you'll need it most.

- Spec ops complement well with grenadier, and high dex complement well with three pointer so you can also go the grenade route for both crowd control and AOE damage

- If you use all these tools, grenades and knives, ammo becomes less an issue. Regarding repairs well you can go specced dissasemble if you really want to tackle the problem.

- Versatility means you will have high melee. You can also use it, with Dirty Kick and Expose weakness for instance, that offer strong CC against lots of bosses and will just make your SMG even stronger while making the build even funnier to play. also, you can get other melee stuff like evicerate (with 7.62 micro shrapnel), or cut throat (not that good, but fun to use). Or even without specialized feats, you can kill things with a knife.

So yeah, if you go full SMG, a bit stupidly straightforward. It's boring, but if you really use versatility and your high dex, you can have fun, and you won't even burst that much.

In a very similar way, I got a bug with Jon as well.

I never did or even started the quest where we ask about Patrick.
Finished all(?) Phreak quests.

I ask Jon about Phreak, come back with the special, and no dialogue line is available for me neither.

Bugs / Shock Shuriken and Pinning
« on: February 07, 2022, 07:30:37 pm »
Shock shuriken does not work with the pinning trait.

(Unless it's intended, seems like a bug)

Builds / Re: Guide - Sniper/Crossbow/Psi Hybrid Build
« on: September 15, 2020, 11:58:22 am »
Hey guys, I started to update the guide again, hope it will help you further.

Unique armor is sometimes not that great, I agree, did my first run with this build with tailoring as well, I realized it might not be needed and did a second run without, and it went well. But, yeah, tailoring is still a very good choice, but you have to sacrifice some skills to get it.

12.7mm sniper, yes. Corsair or Harbringer, there is theoretical pro and cons with them, but tbh ... hard to feel difference, so I just went with best quality frame (It was a Corsair one), maybe Corsair is a bit better if you get gun nut, as you upgrade an already bigger upper damage.

the main issue is to get the Bolt Quiver wich is an essential part in the 36AP + 14AP = 50AP equation.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #3: Real-time 3D Models
« on: August 26, 2020, 04:41:37 pm »
Well done, Infusion feels more and more like an Underrail 2 with all these graphic changes. And I'm quite sure it will somewhat give the game more attraction toward 2020 players that never knew Fallout and such RPG classics. And it's quite a good thing.
Also, it will help understand what gear our foes are currently wearing, wich is a very nice addition.

I'm currently inclined to make the pants a separate slot

However, on that point, I'm quite worried it will bring unecessary complexity. If a pants + Chest would just be a breakdown in two parts of the current armor, i'm not quite convinced it is usefull to add.
Boots as a seperate are nice because of all the movement things related to this item, head as a separate item, it's also very nice cause you can wear either google, mask, bataclava or helmet and all bring different bonus and some of them are kinda game changer (NVG for instance)
And belts, again, very nice, very specific and related to one specific gameplay element (Combat utility).

Pants, on the contrary seems to feel like a second torso (Unless you thought of something that is out of my reach now), and for that reason does not share the interest I found in all the former item slots. Crafting is already complex enough, do we really need to craft our main armor two times ?

Builds / Re: Guide - Sniper/Crossbow/Psi Hybrid Build
« on: August 22, 2020, 12:03:08 pm »
Yes, I also do think there is now a lot of options with snipers builds. Going with all possible caliber for the main gun, most psi school as secondary, and many options as a second gun.

The thing is, once you shot twice and killed twice with shooting spree, instead of shooting once more, you could go to your secondary (what ever it is) and do a full turn of damage.

The only time I struggle with this build was two sector during native genocide, (a bit too much targets, and no place to run), and burrowers early on.

So yes there were very good reason to get a single school for certain hybrid builds.

They were ? It's still the case.
I think hybrid builds has been left mostly untouched by the update.

I'm mostly playing hybrid builds, and I replayed some of my classic personnal favorite. Not much has changed, beside I have to take new asthma psi medecine.

Even when mixing school, the increased in psi cost does not even bother that much since anyway you were using something else to do damage.

Builds / Guide - Sniper/Crossbow/Psi Hybrid Build
« on: August 10, 2020, 06:06:07 pm »
Hey everyone, taking advandtage of the latest patch I made a new Hybrid build that is quite fun to play. I made A steam Guide about it, it is still work in progress but I made mostly everything about the build itself. It's a Sniper build, yet I try to force myself to use something else than a spearhead, just for a change.

It is working on dominating, beat the game very recently with it. And there is a lot of margin, making it a build certainly intresting for relatively new players.

Here is the link :

What's your thouht about it, where do you see possible improvement ?

Bugs / - Shooting spree and contaminated bullets
« on: August 03, 2020, 07:42:48 pm »
If you kill a target with the on hit effect of the contaminated bullets (Bio damages), it does not trigger shooting spree.

There is maybe similar issue with other on hit effect.

Bugs / Re: Abandoned waterway facility rocks bug
« on: August 03, 2020, 09:39:41 am »
Insta death on these floating garbadge as well on my play through as well. I'm playing with max speed.

On a different note, is it really mandatory to keep this damage mechanic in this dungeon ? It seems to me it does not bring much, apart from some not intresting reload.

Bugs / Re: - Mutants are hostiles even we mutated
« on: August 03, 2020, 09:36:04 am »
Okay ! Thanks for your answer

I'm looking forward to disover what you are preparing with the mutagen !

Bugs / - Mutants are hostiles even we mutated
« on: August 02, 2020, 06:57:39 pm »
I just mutated in the new zone accessible through the waterways. There is this passage accessible through a 14 STR check that lead to Junkyard.

There, all mutants are hostiles even if you are also a mutant, they should be friendly !

Builds / Re: Questions about fist opportunist versatility
« on: August 02, 2020, 10:52:20 am »
I recently tried a build that use a crossbow with versatility and markman, it is really nice. Accuracy should'nt be an issue as long as you put every point in dex. (it was not an issue on Dominating, so i'm kinda confident for you)

Note that you should also use a bolt quiver, to get the AP cost to 14.
You'll be using tranquilizer bolt a lot, along with shock bolt and incendary one for extra CC. You can also make black dragon poison bolt when dealing with psi user.

Note that with your dex, you should also get a bit of throwing, and it could overlap your special bolts. You'll need carefull planning in regard of utility slots and quick pockets should be mandatory.

However, if you acknoledge these things and plan accordingly, you'll manage. The tranquilizing bolt + Flashbang combo should give you Plenty of long duration CC that will ease your life.

Also, you have a light move and shoot and close quarter penalty with crossbows, be aware, it won't be easy to use both in some occasion.

On the other hand, chem pistol is a really nice combo with versatility. But you should certainly think about cooked shot if possible, will help you a lot and maybe even sure step, wich will allow you caltrops abuse as well.

Chem pistol is certainly a bit more straightforward for your build, but crossbow might work as well. I would go for chem pistol as you'd benefit from dexterity and utility slots won't overlap with nades.

You can look at this play through in dom with a very similar build to yours.

I spoke to Styg about it on the Discord, apparently it is a bug, and Pyromaniac should work with ThermoD. He noted it. We can hope it will be solved, I think.

Suggestions / New goggle powered module
« on: July 27, 2020, 03:23:11 pm »
Currently we only have one choice as a powered module for googles : Night vision goggles.

I think it would be good to add something else, to bring some choices when crafting this item, because currently there is no choice, you'll have to build a google with Night vision, and there little to no downside to it.

The idea would be a "powered targeting computer" that would boost the classic effect of the google only when powered.

For instance an Adaptive goggle with this new module would bring +2 perception when powered, a seeker goggles with this new module would increase even more crit chance. The energy consumption and/or the boost should be different with the quality of lense. It would require a lot of energy per turn to boost a seeker goggle with a very hight crit chance. And we can even think of some diminushing effect with very high lenses so that it's good but never OP.

This addition would also bring the "flare gameplay" at the front of the stage, even later in the game. So you'll have a choice between using NVG for 0AP, or use flares that require AP and throwing skills but you'll be able to also use the nice boost on the goggles.

I always thought that not having different choices for the optional module of goggles, and that this lack of choice destroy the flare gameplay in most build is a bit lackluster.

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