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Messages - lewis_cb

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If you are looking for new ideas for an SMG build, you could try a combination of cheap chem pistol shots (for CC and damage amplification with catalyzing belt) with amplified acid/incendiary bullets and grenades/knifes/traps:

The big downside is 8 Perception, I don't know if with the CC from the chem pistol it could be worked around.
Expertise might be better than Opportunist.

General / Quick Pockets
« on: January 01, 2018, 12:09:28 pm »

I was wondering if someone really uses this feat at all. The extra utility slot is nice but the 50% reduction doesn't sound convincing enough so that one plans to swap weapons.
Wouldn't it be more interesting to be something like a 5-turn cooldown ability that allows 1 free swap?

I try to think about situations where I would use it but it's hard, perhaps long CD things like tranquilising bolt or flashbang?

General / Re: feedback about my last build
« on: December 31, 2017, 12:00:06 pm »
Nice!  :)

General / Re: Energy pistol build
« on: December 31, 2017, 01:38:39 am »
That's very true. Often what looks good on paper is crap.
You would get electroshock pistol @12AP with DEX10 & Point Shot tho. But mobility would be paraolympics level  :P

General / Re: feedback about my last build
« on: December 31, 2017, 01:21:48 am »
There is something else I'd like to ask.
Does someone know if elemental bolt damage benefit from critical multiplier boosts like Bowyer or Sharpshooter?
E.g. whether on a critical hit acid dmg from acid bolt is multiplied by say 3'5 or just by 2.

General / Re: Energy pistol build
« on: December 31, 2017, 12:01:27 am »
This is very nice info. I was concerned about how Ambush works (or doesn't) and this is exactly what I looked for. Many thanks!
Regarding enemies, do we need them to be in light level 4 for Ambush to work?

Regarding the build, would you consider viable too to make DEX10?
You get 10AP laser attacks with DEX14, but you could worsen them to 12AP with DEX10 (and electroshock pistol 25AP, they could fit nicely).
Then, PER could be raised to compensate (or even get more dmg since accuracy raises).

I am curious how a DEX10 PER12 INT12 laser & electropistol build would perform.
With High Technicalities, it looks like PER12 INT12 is better than any other combination (they are mutliplicative and give similar boost): 1'56*2'58=4'02 @12AP
For example, PER14 INT10 would give 1'40*2'74=3'84 (extra 20 Guns skill however).
All in all, this guy would be super squishy since there are no spare attribute points for CON or AGI...

General / Re: feedback about my last build
« on: December 30, 2017, 11:29:26 pm »
Yes, it's a pitty Mad Chemist doesn't work like that, since Chem Pistols seem to be designed for that CC role.
Btw, chance to CC for acid pistols suck compared to incendiary pistols...I guess it's because acid is less resisted but still.

I still think that Deadly Snares is an overkill, but actually it was for Hard, not sure if it's overkill now with +50% hp.
Anyway, you have no room for it, or you can take it very late in game, I think you'll reconsider about it, so don't pour skilpoints in Traps more then needed for QT.
If you want to make trapsless detectable, bear in mind that if you set trap around the cornet, even if you have 0 skill, most likely NPC trigger trap because he won't have time to detect it. Also, in a fight they detect traps very badly.
My idea was not to solely rely on Ambush. I can be wrong, but this way, I can still achieve criticals against burning-immune enemies or in iluminated places. Not many great alternatives IMO. I will keep trap skill high since there could be no corners.

Paranoia is quite useful, especially with that huge amount of Per.
On Domination everyone who has stealth, has good stealth.
Also, my advice - don't go to Lurker territory early on, and even later, they tear you apart without good firepower, or good defence or good crowd control.
I can't even reliable hit them without reloadfest on 15 lvl with 10 Per.
That's insane. Those gave me a lot of headaches on Hard difficulty in the past...

General / Re: feedback about my last build
« on: December 29, 2017, 02:31:22 pm »
God of the RNG, please forgive me, I decided to sacrifice the remaining defensive feat...your advice made a solid point. CC will have to do!

Conditioning looks like 1 extra CON, therefore I'll start playing now with 4CON and if permadying I'll drop 1/2 PER into CON. Also, I'll get to see if Quick Pockets, Grenadier, Ambush & Fatal Throw are trully worthy.
I reckon I'll need Ambush for those turns where enemies are far away and Acid Pistol + Deadly Snares is unavailable. Quick Pockets to have incendiary bolts, together with Grenadier should make the build fun. It should also fill the missing role of swarm control with Flashbangs & Molotovs (no Psi).
Fatal Throw for...I don't know execution + 4 AP? Ocassionally allow 3 bolts...perhaps Paranoia could fit here.
Back when I planned to have 8DEX it was important because chem pistol costed 18AP, but now with 10DEX it costs 16AP and fits perfectly with 2 bolts (34AP).

I thought of picking Deadly Snares @14, Elemental Bolts@16 and Critical Power @18 (the order of these 2 depending on Bowyer). ------ no that's too late, if someone is in the trap, he is dead anyway or disabled, Quick Tinkering is all you need, consider to throw Deadly Snares away, because you only could get it at second half of the game, because before there are more essential feats you need to take.
Ambush is great if you have ways to make it work.
I put Ambush & Bowyer early on, so the order will be finally : Critical Power @14, Elemental Bolts@16, Deadly Snares @18.

Thanks for the feedback man, I read about your build (Hilf's) in RPGCodex and sounds very fun, hope u're enjoying it.

General / Re: feedback about my last build
« on: December 28, 2017, 11:19:47 am »

Thanks for the comments. I will need to consider that option.
Paranoia gives sweet +55 Detection plus 5 Initiative & -3% critically hit, but I'd lose ~110HP lategame.
Does it happen that if they reach you you are instadead?

Also, you do understand, that you need to take Elemental Bolts as early as possible which is lvl 14 right?
Also, Critical Power is as important for you (I think) as Elemental Bolts, and it is too lvl 14 feat.
You are right it's an issue. I thought of picking Deadly Snares @14, Elemental Bolts@16 and Critical Power @18 (the order of these 2 depending on Bowyer).

Regarding Grenadier, I found an issue. Catalyst belt provides no utility slots, so I'll have 2 but need 3 or 4 (special bolt(s), grenade(s), throwing knife)...I could use utility belt when facing swarms and catalyst belt otherwise, but this might not justify picking Grenadier. I'm hesitant about Ambush too...Quick Pockets seems an option now.

General / Re: feedback about my last build
« on: December 27, 2017, 10:50:46 pm »

After Santa's gift, I took the bowman dossier out of the filing cabinet. I have my masochism ready for DOMINATING.
I've replanned him, without Psi, as acid pistol + acid critical bolts (+50% dmg with new belt), some HP, Evasion & Stealth...
Attributes: str-3 dex-8 agi-3 con-6 per-16 wil-3 int-7
Feats: Conditioning, Aimed Shot, Opportunist, Quick Tinkering, Ambush, Fatal Throw, Special Tactics, Marksman, Deadly Snares, Critical Power, Elemental Bolts, Cooked Shot, Bowyer, Sharpshooter

My question is, would you guys pick Aimed Shot & Sharpshooter, or Point Shot & Grenadier?
The former looks solid early and extra 75% dmg lategame, but the latter sounds like cheap chem pistol CC & AoE option (many swarms?)...
I can't make up my mind, perhaps you can share some of your experience and tips.

General / Re: How defense skills (Dodge and Evasion) work
« on: December 27, 2017, 01:05:43 am »
Are you sure it's working correctly? It says that when attacker's and defender's skills are equal the hit chance is 80%, I'm pretty sure the default hit chance in this case is 70%.

Based on that 70%, it seems the correct defense/attack ratio (that governs it all, the higher the harder to def) has to be set to 3 instead of 4'5 (default).

It seems it's a linear model scaled with Attack skill. Calling S=(D-A)/A=D/A-1:
S=2       -> H=10% |
S=0       -> H=70% | slope=dH/dS=-60%/2    = -30%/1
S=-5/6   -> H=95% | slope=dH/dS=-25%/5/6 = -30%/1

It looks like this last S=-5/6 is extrapolated and changes depending on the d/a ratio. Example with d/a=3:
A=200 D=600 ->   S=2       -> H=10% |
A=200 D=200 ->   S=0       -> H=70% | slope=dH/d(D-A)=-60%/400    = -30%/200
A=200 D=33   ->   S=-5/6   -> H=95% | slope=dH/d(D-A)=-25%/166    = -30%/200

Cool that this prevents us from attacking/defending vs overleveled mobs.
Also, it suggests either maxing defense or leaving it 0, because this chance-to-hit linear with D results in effective HP being inversely proportional like 1/D...

General / Re: How defense skills (Dodge and Evasion) work
« on: December 26, 2017, 11:32:00 am »

This is great work Epeli. Many thanks!

Now, it looks to me that you'd need Evasion = 4x Attacker_Skill to multiply your HP by 10 (enemy hit chance 95%->10%), quite a challenge...
More realistic I guess, if you only have double, hit chance goes 95% -> 60% so HP is multiplied by 1'66...

It looks to me unfair, much weaker than metal armor 95% DR (does mobility and stealth really compensate this?).

General / Re: Shattering without Cryogenic Induction possible???
« on: December 09, 2017, 01:14:51 pm »
Only frozen status applied through cryostasis allows shattering (providing you have the feat, of course.) Actually, there's one other specific situation where it can happen, but it's tied to a location.


Many thanks for the answers. Too bad then that you cannot shatter more than once every 8 turns.
Still, freezing 2-3 enemies for 2 turns per turn could be fun!

General / Re: Shattering without Cryogenic Induction possible???
« on: November 22, 2017, 05:40:00 pm »
No problem, thanks a lot! I'll try it myself if I can.
Which merchants sell it? Do you meet them in or before Core City? That's where I am atm.

General / Re: Shattering without Cryogenic Induction possible???
« on: November 21, 2017, 06:39:49 pm »
Proving a negative is always a futile effort, but I'm fairly sure you cannot shatter frozen targets except with the psi ability. I know that my sledgehammer build used all manner of traps, and could get huge crits on targets frozen by the cryo mines.  Never shattered a one.

Freeze is nevertheless probably my favorite debuff to inflict on enemies, since it's easy to have available (pistols, mines, psi) and doesn't provide an immunity period like fear and stun do.

I am pretty sure I shattered rathound few days ago. Test them multiple times on low health enemies with max level characters. (using xbow)

As for original question... I never used freezing pistol before. I will check later when I get the parts for it.

Yeah, it would be amazing if the pistol enabled shattering. I was thinking a 17dex brawler with Heavy Punch, Combo, Force Emission & spiked pneumatic gloves could CC and shatter all day.

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