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Topics - destroyor

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Suggestions / Stone Bolas and Barbed Throwing Nets should be craftable
« on: October 21, 2024, 05:04:25 am »
As title - I mean the base materials are already in game:

Throwing net + impure chromium blade = Stone Bolas
Throwing net + any metal spike/blade = Barbed throwing nets

I really can't think of any reason why they should not be craftable.

Bugs / cryovault 1a inner chamber cooling gas won't dissipate properly
« on: October 07, 2024, 12:16:07 am »
Crimson Meadow Horticulture Center, Cryostorage Block 1a (north)

if you turn on the cooling for the inner chamber and wait awhile - once you turn off the cooling the gas within the northwestern part of the inner chamber won't dissipate at all while the rest of the room does.

Suggestions / Metal plate quality upgrade by using Gloria
« on: November 10, 2023, 10:33:58 pm »
As title, required two metal plate of same type and return one metal plate of higher quality by using Gloria. For some build super steel isn't the ideal metal armor type. Basically allow player to get higher quality Tichrome and Tungsten plates.

General / Is there any situation where minigun is better than LMG
« on: November 08, 2023, 02:11:22 am »
So, been pretty busy - was only able to play heavy duty a bit at a time.

Now that I cleared it - is there any situation where minigun is better than LMG? I honestly couldn't think of any - LMG can be crafted as low as 25AP per burst while minigun can only go as low as 40AP. Ignoring how awkward trying to fit 40AP with your AP pool - 40/25 = 1.6 ... can't think of any situation where minigun is 60% stronger than LMG.


Suggestions / LMG and minigun frame components crafting description
« on: November 06, 2023, 01:39:32 pm »
Their description should included barrel supported like all the other gun frames.

As title, I'm not sure if it's just black overcoat or any overcoat. Minigun sprite will show up while wearing tact.vest without any overcoat.

The latest DLC comes with new skills and feats. The previously pinned thread for no longer exists and it seems like its creator, epeli, is no longer active in this forum.

Question to Stygiansoftware: Is there any plan to release an official version of Underrail character builder, which btw greatly enhance the underrail game experience? If yes, great - any estimated timeline? If no, in my honest opinion I think it would be worthwhile for Stygiansoftware to develop and release one.

P.S: Something similar should be part of Underrail: Infusion as well.

Suggestions / Sharpening stone should show up under inventory Tools Tab
« on: September 29, 2022, 07:10:51 pm »
As title.

On a similar note you should check and see if the following items are showing up under Tools Tab too:
Protectorate Firearm Omnilube
Firecracker Cap
Contact-Activated Capacitative Sheet

Suggestions / Plasma beam targeting indicator
« on: May 22, 2022, 02:36:24 am »
Plasma beam should have a solid line of of red/yellow on the ground to help with aim, or at the very least have a "targeted" indicator pop up like ambush on every eligible target.

General / Question re: Synesthetic Refocus
« on: February 27, 2022, 01:18:33 am »
Anyone know how to obtain Synesthetic Refocus and if it's available every game or dependent on certain random event?

Bugs / Shark Jet weapon bay does not display number of rocket
« on: February 26, 2022, 02:07:44 am »
As title, in your inventory it'll show 10 rocket but once you load it to the weapon bay it just display one single rocket with no # shown.

Bugs / Refurbished AKX lost resolve bonus
« on: February 23, 2022, 07:24:07 pm »
Equip: Resolve increased by 15%

Refurbished version does not have this, bug or intended?

Suggestions / Smelt Impure Chromium Blade into TiChrome Bars
« on: February 06, 2022, 03:12:10 am »
Currently DC is only source of high quality TiChrome Bars, which is too late for most hammer build. I suggest paying someone (Leonie seems like a good candidate) huge amount of money to turn impure chromium blade into high quality TiChrome Bars just like Super Steel. Hell you can even make a mini quest out of this - all the quest assets are there and it even fits into the lore too.

Suggestions / Increase Metaworm Gizzard drop rate from Borers
« on: February 06, 2022, 02:55:53 am »
They were always a pain in the ass to farm. Now with the Borers no longer respawn on majority of the maps Metaworm Gizzard drop rate should be increase. I know you can buy them from Messer and a certain pirate vendor but still ...

Bugs / Cannot coat poison on weapon during combat
« on: February 06, 2022, 02:37:10 am »
As title, even tho it said AP20 - tried doing directly from inventory and tried dragging said poison onto toolbar to use it. No go, not sure if this is intended behavior.

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