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Topics - Red like Black

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Builds / My experience playing a riot shield glass cannon up to level 17
« on: December 31, 2024, 12:17:37 pm »
First: I took the shield feats as early as possible, in hindsight this was a mistake since the shield is pretty mediocre offensively without spec points (around 100 base damage for 15 AP at level 10 with max boarding up stacks & a quality ~55 shield) & is unreliable defensively.

Second: Deciding on base abilities was a pain since shield feats require you to have 8 strength minimum, deciding on weapons was a bit difficult as well but ultimately I settled on knives.

My thought process while going through weapon options was this:

Swords - Requires spec points, while shield also requires many.

Spears - Very feat heavy, shield costs 3 feats on its own, 4 if you count nimble due to shield having high armor penalty, will also usually take 2 turns to stack boarding up due to high ap cost.

Fists - Very feat heavy and forces you to either use a weaker shield to get lightning punches or spend spec points on lightning punches & a feat on armor sloping.

Ultimately I settled on knives due to them being very light on feat cost while costing low ap meaning I can get boarding up online and start shield bashing from turn 1, I also took significant investment in Temporal Manipulation to ease encounters against robots and to let me bash twice in a turn by combining LTI + shield cooldown spec.

On defensive effectiveness of shields: Surprisingly, even with only 3 con shields are very effective defensively if a bit unreliable due to only having 50 block chance, early on you are likely going to be able to block around 100~ damage (quality ~55 tungsten) with your shield after boarding up and by midgame I was able to craft a shield that can block up to 220 damage (~140 quality tungsten)

Cons of shield: Firstly the armor penalty for riot gear and a tungsten shield is notably high at 46, which pretty much forces you to take nimble if you want to sneak / have significant movement points, I originally planned on taking armor sloping as well but decided 9 armor penalty wasn't worth a feat due to shields being so feat heavy already.

In the early game and until you get specialization points into shield bash to lower its cooldown and ap cost, the build is mediocre in almost every way, with high armor penalty limiting mobility and stealth as well as below average offense and defense due to taking shield perks & nimble early.

Build I used:

If anyone else has tried playing with riot shields it would be interesting to see your builds & thought processes making them, especially since there are very few riot shield build posts to be found online.

2 < - save file of example with enemy nearby for testing, taking the Improved Unarmed Combat feat does not seem to boost dirty kick despite dirty kick being based on unarmed damage.

Additional minor bug: Taking improved unarmed combat does not change the unarmed damage in the character damage menu when wielding fists (the one that appears when you click C) however it does boost the damage in practice.

General / Possibility of "Kill Everyone Run" (Spoilers)
« on: February 20, 2024, 05:09:21 am »
I had this idea after killing Vencel the tutorial NPC (he was watching me take my clothes off through the camera, destroyed all the cameras and security bots too for good measure.), what factions do you need to not aggro in order to complete the game while killing every other optional faction?

Off the top off my head, I believe only SGS & Six?

For Junkyard you can just kill the Scrappers to enter and get the Drill, for Expedition I believe you can solo it as long as the Ferryman is alive, and for getting to DC you can just go through the Motion route & then the Lunatic route & power through the Tchortists .

Builds / Questions: Sword Meta & Potential LMG / Sword Hybrid
« on: January 14, 2024, 05:37:00 am »
TL;DR Stealth + LMG / Sword build?

My planned version in theory:

Gear: Bladed Super-Steel armour, ninja tabi, detection goggles.

Goals: Good Stealth, not die in one-shot, have big damage.

Long version:

Hello all, I would like to know the following:

1. What feats are mandatory on sword builds? Besides Flurry it seems people do not use the other feats.

2. How feasible would it be to create a Sword / LMG hybrid build? The idea is to primarily kill things with your sword, but to have the LMG as a backup for crowd control / as a ranged option.

What would be the suggested feats for such a build? With the focus being in:

1. Consistency, the build should be able to win the game with minimal reloads.

2. Exploration, the build should be able to explore 85% or higher of the games content, with a emphasis on dark areas with stealthy enemies. This means it should have either sufficient firepower, stealth, or a combination thereof.

General / Fixed VS Non Fixed Perspective
« on: January 12, 2023, 10:50:59 am »
What is your opinion on being able to turn the perspective around like in other isometric RPGs like Wasteland 2?

Honestly I prefer the fixed perspective, it makes things less confusing, though it occassionaly is a big flaw in that something might be difficult to see.

I've done more than a few runs with them and I feel kind of mixed on this, with proper investment it is a significant increase in survivability, even with constitution as low as 3, especially with uncanny dodge and energy shields, on the other hand the amount of skillpoints they take up are absolutely massive and it might be better to invest into a psi discipline, more stealth, throwing or a crafting skill.

Bugs / Katherine in Junkyard sells very few micro dischargers
« on: January 10, 2023, 12:42:33 pm »
Compared to Ezra who sells 20-23, Katherine sells around 1-3 at a time, thats around 1 shock bolt every 3 minutes which is far from being enough to sustain a crossbow builds fire rate even at 2 bolts per turn and makes dealing with the security robots and mutants in junkyard a painful experience, especially if you didnt have enough points for acid and incendiary bolts.


I can't seem to load the link for the pre forum dev logs?

Oh, and hyperion is not the right answer for the security questions, despite google saying so for the worlds largest common tree name.

Builds / Riot Shield Psi Puncher
« on: January 05, 2023, 01:07:20 am »
Build link: underrail info/build/?GAwIAwcDBwYAAwDCgh4ALllJAABWVQAAVgDCggBGAMKCUismJEQUEkVOwoLCqsKrIDzChwfioZAB4qa4A-KnggLitrUC4ra2Ad-_

Add a dot between underrail and info above for the link to work

I have not played a fist build with PK in 2 years, are any important feats missing? I know that its more optimal to increase agility over will and take fancy footwork, but I want to see the effectiveness of forcefield after the nerf and intend to use it to make enemies close in on me instead of having to go towards them

Also, if im doing the math right at level 18 with 2 spec points into armor sloping and 1 into lightning punches I would be able to get the lightning punch bonus with a tungsten shield and nimble?

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