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Topics - Azura_04

Pages: [1] 2 3
Bugs / Problem with refurbishing.
« on: February 04, 2022, 05:49:20 pm »
So...I encountered a issue which makes it impossible for me to refurbish weapons like the Black Arrow. Which I will use in this example.

So...In the first attachment you can see that I have the required items with qualities that even are above the needed values. Such as a 149Q Harbinger frame and 177Q SS. On top of the Black Arrow of course.

The second attachment shows the dialogue I'm receiving. (Do note. I gave him all 3 discount items. So the price is much lower than the normal value.) As you can see, he treats it like I don't have the required items.

So yeah uhm...Please...fix?

Bugs / Hm...
« on: February 01, 2022, 09:16:30 pm »
This feels a bit odd. I don't think it's supposed to look like this.

Bugs / Shock and Energy kills seem to crash the game.
« on: February 01, 2022, 07:43:06 am »
I've been using the Red Dragon as my melee after the new patch, my game sometimes crashed after I killed enemies with the Dragon charged. (Which causes energy damage.) If the katana was empty, the kills didn't crash the game.

Suggestions / Modding tools, the last chapter.
« on: January 29, 2022, 08:17:44 am »

So the name "final" update is pretty clear. The devs are done with content updates and now want to focus on Infusion. Now it would be great for the game's longevity to add modding tools, it doesn't have to be very advanced, it can be very basic if needed, people tend to make a lot of modding APIs, etc. As seen in FTL where people made stuff like a ship creator, etc.

Now...What should those tools include? Well...To simplify it.

Modding tools should allow the users to create different things. For example new weapons and armor suits. Which require the user to be able to add own sounds, sprites and stats.
Next thing. Own dialogues, quests and NPCs.
Other things include potentially a map editor and the ability to forge new crafting recipes.

Also. Access to loot tables. For example if a user makes a new map area and place a container, they should be able to do certain things.

Allocate a certain loot-table to it. Which could be categorized into certain things. For example : Metalworks | High. Metalworks defining the group of items. (Plates, Serrated Blades, Spikes, etc.) and High defining the quality of the product. (Low being 10-30, medium being 30-60, etc.)

Overall, just allow the player as much customization as possible. Allowing for near infinite possibilities, keeping players engaged and the game alive.


Suggestions / Port Zenith
« on: January 05, 2022, 12:51:19 am »
Hello everyone. After around half a year, I decided to check the forums again.

And I came with a small overhaul of Port Zenith.

Basically. Once you join the Protectorate and finished the quest where you pour the 3 week leftovers of Taco Bell into the ventilation shaft (Which results in a stench so bad your very DNA changes.)

A special dialogue with Colonel Cathard will be available.

He will tell you more about and also grant you access to Port Zenith.

When talking to the private at the front door, he will tell you that you will can go in but need to speak to the captain once you are inside.

Now. You can have some generic dialogues with the captain. Such as getting more info about the port, etc.

Now. If you have 80+ persuation, you can ask him for the shield emitters. Though it will require you to have Gorsky's quest started first. (Obviously.)

Once you spoke with the captain, you can freely leave and enter the facility.

The following part will only be relevant for people with the Expedition DLC.

Once you have access to jetskies, the captain will inform you that the Colonel assigned a Protectorate Cruiser to you and that it waits on the western dock of Zenith. After that, he hands you a cruiser key and you can grab your free Protectorate Cruiser.

That would be a small but also nice addition to the last update. I don't see it being a very laborous task as no items are required to be added or mechanics added. Mostly just dialogue options. I personally see it kind of necessary so the game makes some more sense when it comes to that.

Add a 5 turn cooldown for the teleport and stealth ability of crawlers. As the AI behavior when the player has thick skull for example is just a pain. They sting and hide. And because they usually attack before you do, since they get +100 initiative when they start the fight from stealth and then basically hide in the same turn it makes it a huge pain for players. As they usually just return after one or two turns to sting again and hide again. Plus they hide no matter if the player either…gets poisoned. Doges the ability or  block/resist the attack.

Suggestions / World Generation Options
« on: July 26, 2021, 04:05:33 pm »
With the increasing number of random encounters, npcs, quests and dungeons, a system to control the generation as a player would be very useful.

For example there could be 4 options for random quests and dungeons.

1. Random (Selected by default.)
2. All quests and dungeons.
3. No quests or dungeons at all.
4. Custom (A new menu pops up where you can checkmark those quests and dungeons you would want to appear in your game.)

For random encounters I would recommend a slide bar. Like for example the sound options have.

Like pushing the slider to 0% will fully disable the random encounters. While setting it to 1000% for example will result in a 10 times higher spawn rate of those encounters.

That‘s my idea. Just a way to customize those random factors.

Suggestions / Biocorp Utility Outpost #6 [Spoilers]
« on: July 09, 2021, 09:56:40 pm »
Hey hey people.

I come back to the forum with a suggestion that is related to the new Utility tower.

Alright. I'll be quick. once you reach the top floor of the utility tower and walk to the outside, you will encounter a new ladder.

Once you climb this ladder you will encounter this skill check.

You either require 8 will or 10 constitution to pass this check. If you don't have any of the required skills, you will be forced to give up and return to the bottom of the ladder.

If you pass the check, you will find yourself in this powerplant like room with heavy security in it.

Here is a description version :

and here a sentry path version for development purposes. In case this idea makes it. Which I really doubt.

You will find a unique energy pistol there.

Phase Rifle.

A sniper that deals energy damage instead of mechanical damage and also disperses 100 shield points on hit. Has a base AP cost of 40. The base damage lies at 75-125.

Back to the level. Shall we? During the entire area, both this lower powerplant and the upper outpost, you will constantly have to deal with a 45 stack of frigit environment and take 10 cold damage and 1 chilled stack every 2 turns/10 seconds.

Once you beat the turrets and enter the elevator, you will find yourself in this area :

Here is a description version :

and here a sentry path version for development purposes. In case this idea makes it. Which I really doubt.

As you see, there is a console. With multiple dialogue options. You will see them all in the following screenshots.

When you encounter the console for the first time :

Main menu :

Hacking fail :

Hacking success (Requires a effective hacking of 100.) :

surface scan :

Open doors :

Heating system activation : (Made a typo there...)

What does hacking the security systems do? It deactivates the turrets and cameras.

What does opening the doors do? Nothing.

What does the surface scan do? Provide you some information about the surface. What it's current status is, etc. Just lore. And potentially new dialogue options for people like Tanner, Eiden, Cathard, Azif, etc.

What does the heating system activation do? It gives you the warmed up effect and negates the passive frigid environment and chill stacking. Only counts for the outpost and the basement. The utility tower itself will still freeze your *ss off.

Well...this was my idea...hope it's alright. Please don't be too harsh on the proposed maps. They were a pain to make. Trust me. They were.

General / Cheesy cheaty question | Restricted feats
« on: August 24, 2020, 05:11:00 pm »

I'll make it quick.

Is it somehow possible to cheat it so you can have for ex. the feats Increased strengh and Increased agility or Transquility or (That other psi feat which blocks out Transquility if you pick it.) ?

That would be all.


General / The Rig. Questions 'n' Spoilers.
« on: August 24, 2020, 04:55:27 pm »

It's me again. (And yes I'm still alive. Just not here.)

So. I have a couple questions regarding the rig.

First off :

Does allying with the Black eels change ANYTHING on the rig?

Or does nobody care there that you made it possible and helped to destroy the Scrappers?

Second :

Is it even possible to destroy the sonar without pissing the crew off?

You can't attack in stealth without de-stealthing. Making it impossible to destroy the sonar with attacks. And destroying the sonar via the laptop won't work too since it destealths you too. Since it initiates a dialouge with the laptop. Making a stealth approach impossible.

And full on assault solo (Or with the pirates.) is the exact opposite of what I want to do. I don't wanna kill like half of the Rig.

So is there any way to destroy it without killing those poor fools?

Third : Is maybe convincing Kaya to try mend relations with her brother (The Rig master.) a way secret way to get legal access to the gang-only area?

Fourth : Does the Rig floatie talkie do anything?

Those would be my questions regarding the Rig.



General / Sooo....uh...modding tools?
« on: April 09, 2020, 12:49:57 pm »

So...we once had that topic with the mod-tools etc. and the devs said that something in that direction might come after the dlc. (This was before Expedition was released, so they meant Expedition.)

Now Infusion is announced, now here comes my question?

What happened with the topic about modding tools? Did the team just dismissed the idea? Postponed it until Infusion is out? Or did the devs just forget it?


General / New Dev?
« on: January 16, 2020, 07:16:11 pm »
Maybe it's just me, but I've never seen Windwalker (Sry if I didn't remember your name correctly.) here. Is he new in the team or just a developer that is just a forum newbie?

General / New decade.
« on: December 31, 2019, 11:15:42 pm »
I just wanted to wish ya'll a happy new year and a great new decade!

For those who think it's still 2019, in europe we already celebrate the new year and decade.

A big <3 for the dev team in Underrail for creating such a nice game and kickstarting the serbian economy. :3

I wish the team a happy new year and good luck on the development on the game. And to you, for playing this game and by that joining it's great community...well with some spambots mixed in. ;)

And a seperate shoutout for @epeli for his help in the modding scene if I may call it like that and for his nice and useful help.

Love from germany and a <3 from your Jenny. :)

General / Stella's Metal Works
« on: December 31, 2019, 01:39:35 pm »

I offer you components, doesn't matter which one, and the quality doesn't matter too!

Need some 1 quality super steel? I'll make you some.

Want a max. quality rathoundleather? Lemme just get a rathound and it'll make you one.

Or wanna break the game with 2000 quality galvanic foam to walk over electrified tiles? Sure, I can make you some, but you won't be able to use it, cuz the crafting requirements are to high. :/

You got some  nice components, but have no clue how to make the item you want cuz you spent your points in useless skills?

I'll help you with that!

Please write your requests in your reply.

I'm not a bot, I hope my 100+ posts show that.

Have a nice day everyone.


General / Debug Mode?
« on: December 18, 2019, 06:19:20 am »
After reading some bugreports i noticed that one of the devs mentioned a debug mode.

Then i came up with possibilities how much you could mess with a debug mode in Underrail.
So i wanted to know..

Is this debug mode/tool accessible to the puplic or just a stygain-only tool?

If it's the latter i wanted to ask if you could please share it. If it's the first one then, where do you get it?

A refusal to my request is understandable.


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