Hello Everyone, nice to be here.
I'm kind a "returning" player - beat the game on normal about year ago - pure Psi build, high Con thou. And ever since waiting for the Expansion. And waiting. And... Yeah...
(sorry for my not-perfect english, not my native)
So - I'm looking from time to time at Dev log - waiting for... You know it.
Anyway - I just thought that last patches / changes are big enough for me to play again and test : "what's new" in practice.
And yes - on Normal. I don't have so much time / stuborness (?) and perhaps skills / knowledge of game mechanics to fight on hard, etc. And I enjoy the Story and quests and so on - i'm not here for fighting. (If I wanna to kill, I'd prefer God of War saga..)
So, normal testing, psi build. (3,4,3,10 (thick skull),5+snooping, 8,7); will + int to lvl up, some basic crafting maybe - lest's play and find it out.
And with this settings I was able to beat the game (thank you emp grenades....) - but it's "only" normal, so nothing to excite for. (hmm - whole Game to excite !

Very minor spoilers here - to describe my situation.
We start normally, getting some basic psi skills, little better armor (4/mech) and go down to retake some buildings. (we would try to get all of them).
Some first rat hounds, trip to medic, etc - first area. Very first. Cleared. Now I turn "left" -> to Flux building (you know what I mean).
Oooops. As soon as I moved to next area ALL hounds noticed me and started to rush (and I didnt knew that it were ALL - I just thought only the 2 I saw throu fence / door).
So hounds attacked, i killed 2 but 4 more to kill. They easilly surrounded me and killed. Ok, I could give them some granade or sth - but how could I know that ALL would come ?
Reload. Killed 2, transition. ooooo. No points. Dead.
Reload. Killed 1, transition. Medic. Transition. psi build -> i'm last (initiative), 5 around me = fast death. (they crit on normal too...).
Reload. This time went "right". 2 honuds, they dead. One near building. Dead. But when I get little further - quess what happened ? Yes, ALL remaining hounds rushed...
(blocked 1 with stunning fist in the narrowest part of corridor and escaped)
Anyway - i lvled up, bought some granades and managed to clear all the first areas.
That's all for yesterday, today I'll have a new adventures

So - why I wrote it ?
In my opinion - sth wrong. It's waaaay to hard now. ON NORMAL
Are those hounds really supposed to notice me ALL ? From that far ?...
i wonder how I will fight ALL the burrowers...
And the second thing - the AP cost of transition (to other area) is too much. 25 AP = half of my AP. (PSI build, perhaps you have more...) Anyway - 25 => way too much.
I talk about NORMAL diff.
Perhaps it could be sth like: easy -> 0. (5?); normal - 10 AP; hard - 20; Dom - 35. ?
Or whatever you wish at higher lvls - but in my opinion 25 AP on Norm is harsh.
Or even the option to swich on/off the AP cost ? (at least on easy / normal)
I believe any: first timers / casual players /so on - will have too hard time now on Normal.
Anyway - happy New Year ! and try not to got old while waiting for the Ex.... That's right Styg - it's to You

(sorry for my grammar, etc - I tried much !)