Point Shot

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Point Shot is a feat and a special attack.


Point Shot feat icon Point Shot
Grants you the ability to perform a quick pistol, SMG or assault rifle attack that costs 50% of the standard action point cost but has reduced precision.

Cooldown: 1 turn.


The action point cost gets rounded down. Point shot can reduce the an AP cost of firing the weapon to 1AP.


Point Shot icon

Point Shot
Perform a quick pistol, SMG or assault rifle attack that costs 50% of the standard action point cost but has reduced precision.
Action Points: 50% of active weapon's AP cost
Range: Active weapon's range
Cooldown: 1 turn

At very close range, it is possible to get maximum chance to hit even with the reduced precision. Precision seems to drop very rapidly as range increases.


  • Point Shot (10 levels) — Reduces the action point cost by additional 2% for each specialization point.

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