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The action point cost gets rounded down. Point shot can reduce the an AP cost of firing the weapon to 1AP.
The action point cost gets rounded down. Point shot can reduce the AP cost of firing the weapon to 1AP.

Latest revision as of 21:14, 20 March 2025

Point Shot is a feat and a special attack.


Point Shot feat icon Point Shot
Grants you the ability to perform a quick pistol, SMG or assault rifle attack that costs 50% of the standard action point cost but has reduced precision.

Cooldown: 1 turn.


The action point cost gets rounded down. Point shot can reduce the AP cost of firing the weapon to 1AP.


Point Shot icon

Point Shot
Perform a quick pistol, SMG or assault rifle attack that costs 50% of the standard action point cost but has reduced precision.
Action Points: 50% of active weapon's AP cost
Range: Active weapon's range
Cooldown: 1 turn

At very close range, it is possible to get maximum chance to hit even with the reduced precision. Precision seems to drop very rapidly as range increases.


  • Point Shot (10 levels) — Reduces the action point cost by additional 2% for each specialization point.

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