Random locations
Random dungeons are new type of content introduced in Underrail version
Random dungeons appear in low level areas to spice up the early game on successive playthroughs.
They do not pop up like random events do. They either are there from the beginning of a playthrough, integrated and continuous with the static map, or they are not. All playthroughs will have at least one random dungeon, rarely up to three. Random dungeons can also be chained so that one random dungeon leads into another.
They should be as indistinguishable from regular areas as possible: A random dungeon will modify one or more zones by adding a small world fragment into the zone that serves as the dungeon's entrance. Usually, any entrance fragment can lead to any random dungeon of matching type (eg. a trapdoor will connect to a ladder, west transition will connect to east transition) but some random dungeons have pre-defined locations.
In addition to random loot like in static areas, every random dungeon has randomized entrances and other varying random factors.
Random dungeons
Base zones for random dungeons.
- Low level bunker 1 is a small bunker.
- Low level bunker 2 is a three-floor robot facility.
- Low level bunker 3
- Low level bunker 4
- Low level cave 1 is a fairly large, but possibly partially blocked, cave.
- Low level cave 2 is a small two-level cave that may lead to other random dungeons.
- Low level cave 3
- Low level cave 4
- Lower Passages (Random dungeon 1) (dun_lup-a)
- Water Treatment Facility is a fairly large and complex two-floor facility that's always in the same place (Junkyard tunnels) if it appears. It also has a random quest tied to it, Mushroom Cove scavenger.
- Core City Office Building
- Jet Eater Lair E
Entrance locations
Potential random dungeon entrance fragment locations.
In Lower Caves:
- South Gate Outposts, northwest outpost (bunker passage entrance)HD
- South Gate Outposts, east outpost (cave passage entrance)
- Crossroad Caves, area 3 (trapdoor/ladder entrance)
- Crossroad Caves, area 5 (cave passage entrance)
- Mushroom Cove Base (bunker passage entrance)
- Mushroom Cove Base (cave passage entrance)
- Lower Caves, Junkyard tunnels 1 and 4 (Water Treatment Facility peekhole and entrance)
In Random dungeons:
- Low level cave 2 random dungeon, random entrance leading into another low level cave/bunker random dungeon.
Map gallery
Dungeon interiors
Maps of all random dungeon zones. Note that parts of the dungeon layouts, such as entrances and which areas are blocked or damaged, can be randomized.
Low level bunker 2 bottom floor
Low level bunker 2 middle floor
Low level bunker 2 top floor
Low level cave 2 upper floor
Low level cave 2 lower floor
Water Treatment Facility upper floor
Water Treatment Facility lower floor
Water Treatment Facility upper floor ventilation
Water Treatment Facility lower floor ventilation
Dungeon entrances
Random dungeons add small fragments to otherwise static areas, usually to serve as their entrance point. Normal areas included for comparison.
- ForlornStations3 frag frlstat3.png
South Gate Outposts 3 with random dungeon entrance fragment
- CrossroadCaves3 frag xcaves3d.png
Crossroad Caves 3 with random dungeon entrance fragment
- MushroomCoveBase frag mushcb1.png
Mushroom Cove Base with random dungeon entrance fragment 1
- MushroomCoveBase frag mushcb2.png
Mushroom Cove Base with random dungeon entrance fragment 2
Junkyard tunnels 4 with Water Treatment Facility entrance fragment
Junkyard tunnels 1 with Water Treatment Facility entrance fragment
- added more random dungeons
- fixed entrance fragments that only appear on certain difficulties
- fixed Water Treatment Facility entrance fragment
- introduced random dungeons