Plasma Beam

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Plasma Beam icon

Plasma Beam
Metathermics (90 skill required)
Projects a beam of superheated plasma that intensifies towards its maximum range. It reaches maximum power 2/3 of the way there, where it can deal 73-131 energy and 73-131 heat damage to anyone in its trajectory.
Action Points: 25
Psi: 70
Range: 11

Plasma Beam is a Metathermics psi ability the player can learn from a Psionic Mentor, its damage scales with effective Metathermics skill and is modified with target distance.

Despite dealing heat damage, it is unaffected by Thermodynamicity and Pyromaniac.

Effective skill Damage
100 Energy: 78-140 and Heat: 78-140
150 Energy: 100-186 and Heat: 100-186
200 Energy: 120-226 and Heat: 120-226
250 Energy: 140-265 and Heat: 140-265
300 Energy: 158-302 and Heat: 158-302
350 Energy: 176-337 and Heat: 176-337


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