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Bugs / Minor combat path finding color bug
« Last post by yako on April 22, 2024, 02:14:35 am »
Enemies perform kneecap shot, you invoke psycho-temporal contraction on yourself, and the line color is yellow, but should be green because you're still using action points
Builds / Re: Can I beat the game with an objectively bad build?
« Last post by peet on April 21, 2024, 11:31:39 pm »
Someone beat dominating at level 6. U should be fine.
Builds / Can I beat the game with an objectively bad build?
« Last post by Mina on April 21, 2024, 04:53:58 pm »
So I've got nearly 200 hours in the game (not counting the hours spent in the build editor) and I haven't finished it once. Furthest I've ever gotten was The Dude's questline but then the sword build I was running at the time got stomped by the Grey Army and I restarted with a different build.
I keep putting hours into the game only to get bored with the build I'm running and restarting to try something else.
At this stage I've given up and I'm just gonna try to run through the game on casual difficulty with an objectively bad build just so I can finally see the ending and do the DLCs.

The plan for the build is to start with 6 in every stat except for consitution and dexterity.
Dex will be at 7 because I like the three-pointer, quick tinkering, and escape artist feats; 3 constitution because casual difficulty already gives me a massive health boost and I can roleplay that the psi pill majorly damaged my immunities.
In terms of skills, feats, and increased base abilities I'm just going to take whatever takes my fancy each level up, I'll likely end up with a little bit of everything with guns as my main damage source and no base stat being above a 10.

I'm hoping that this means when I get half way through the game and get bored I'll be able to just level up my character in a different direction and dick around with different skills, items, and psi abilities until I get bored and switch again. I just want to know if you think this is even possible, min-maxing one or two skills and using your *one* chosen weapon group seems to be the game's entire build philosophy so could doing the exact opposite actually work if it's on casual difficulty?

It actually sounds kinda fun finding out if a completely average person could survive Underrail...
Same issue happens to Lunatics in Upper Underrail 3x map (south-eastern most corner)
Bugs / Re: Two bandits guarding HVPC don't return to their positions if distracted
« Last post by Phr3ak on April 21, 2024, 09:24:01 am »
Same with the stealth sniper north of Core City station in Upper Underrail.
Bugs / Two bandits guarding HVPC don't return to their positions if distracted
« Last post by Phr3ak on April 21, 2024, 04:43:09 am »
In Upper Underrail, two of the four bandits guarding Phreak's hideout with High Voltage Penetrator Core don't return to their initial positions if distracted. Seems unlikely that it was intended.
Bugs / Stuck in Dialogue in Port Zenith
« Last post by WeiJayTan on April 20, 2024, 04:31:39 pm »
If one is spotted in Port Zenith without permission, it is possible to get stuck in this particular dialogue.
Builds / Re: Do i need a proper build to finish the game on normal?
« Last post by Vokial on April 20, 2024, 02:32:19 pm »
As others mentioned, it's fine - however the satisfaction and general fun factor is definitely higher when you're rolling with a real nice, well thought-out build.
Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Last post by Phr3ak on April 20, 2024, 02:16:52 pm »
  • "events. open ended" -> "events, open ended"
  • circlers -> circles; proces -> process
  • craking -> cracking
  • preform -> perform
  • comit -> commit
  • burried -> buried; cause -> causes
  • prefered -> preferred
Bugs / Re: Minor bug in not-suspicious-at-all cave
« Last post by PhrygianDominant on April 19, 2024, 02:01:52 pm »

Also, you saw nothing.
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