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Messages - Trashos

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I had captured exactly 3 hoppers. Bret didn't take any of them.

Bugs / [] Fort Apogee restricted areas bug
« on: June 18, 2022, 01:42:58 am »
I went to Fort Apogee to join the Protectorate, after Ambassador Athanas' suggestion. I entered Fort Apogee, then tried to enter the second area of Fort Apogee (the one with the medic) before talking to Consol Oliver. The guard stopped me with dialogue about not being allowed to enter this area currently- I said "OK, I am going to Oliver" or sth like that. When dialogue finished, I was in combat mode and everyone was hostile.

(Might have something to do with having clicked beyond the guard before his dialogue stopped me? Not sure, but I didn't enter the restricted area.)

Hopper round up quest:
I captured the hoppers, went back to Big Bret to turn in the quest. Hoppers remained in my inventory after turning in the quest. I was rewarded for the quest and everything proceeded normally, other than that.

(Note: On my way to capturing the hoppers, I had a random encounter with a dude who demanded stuff in order to hunt hoppers himself. I convinced him to give me hunting gear so that we could hunt together, and then he disappeared forever. I am mentioning this just in case it had anything to do with the captured hoppers remaining in my inventory later.)

General / Reasons to visit locations
« on: April 06, 2021, 09:48:11 pm »
I want to start a discussion about the reasons we have to visit any location in an open-world game like UR. I will be looking at it from the perspective of a veteran player who already knows where everything is. My goal here is to brainstorm on how any location can be made as enticing as possible to a veteran player, and maybe come up with ideas on what additions would achieve this effect for UR or Styg's next effort.

So, here are my motivations for visiting locations in UR.
- Oddities (or XP, I guess)
- Loot (unique/expensive/needed)
- Money (currency/sellable loot)
- Important Quest sends you there.
- Challenge (I bet I can get them this time with THIS build!) and Lack of Challenge (this location does not offer much, but it offers something, and it is easy and quick to do)
- Atmosphere (I just like going there!)
- Unique Gameplay (UR actually does this to an extend that I have never seen before. Anyone want to pilot a dreadnought? Anyone want to control a robot from afar?)
- Random events (if you are into that kind of sh... er, things. i meant things)

Hopefully I am not forgetting anything important, but add yours below.

So what can we add to UR so that we can make any location more enticing? A well-balanced game can only have so many Oddities, loot and money thrown at you. I guess we could put more quests in a game, but that's the slow and expensive way to do this, not to mention that quest quality will suffer if we are just adding them just to make use of space.

A solution we have seen in other open-world games is to add subsystems/resources or quests that depend on visiting as many locations as possible (or specifically the locations that do not have much else going for them). Eg, the star bottle caps or the skillbooks in New Vegas. The star bottle cap style solution is a beat too cheap afaic. I do enjoy going after the skill books (that's a HUGE motivation), but I am worried that in a carefully balanced game like UR skillbooks may not be the best idea.

However, my personal conclusion is the same regardless: An open-world game like UR benefits greatly from having a big variety of must-have resources, like skillbooks, that can then be distributed to various locations and increase their importance.

And here is my question to you: What new subsystems or resources could we add to UR, that would allow us to make more locations must-visit?

Bugs / [] CtD at Blistering Shores Research facility
« on: January 13, 2021, 04:04:04 pm »
I get tons of CtDs at the Blistering Shores Research facility, after summoning the Strongmen. The CtDs happen while the summoned Strongmen are fighting the Natives.

This has happened in both my Expedition playthroughs this far.

Builds / Re: Dragon - Metathermics only psi build on Dominating
« on: January 10, 2021, 04:04:21 pm »
I love posts like this. They are like studies on specific abilities, sometimes overlooked ones (like this one).

Looking forward to your Neurovisual Disruption specialist build.  ;)

Builds / Re: Titan - MAX CON, throwing build on Dominating
« on: December 11, 2020, 01:41:07 pm »
So when you said there is going to be minmaxing, this is not what I had envisioned exactly!
This was the most hilarious one yet. Just picturing the fights in my head was fun.

Has the Aegis availability changed lately? Or is it all trips to the Foundry?

Great writeups! You made me look for my password and sign in just to applaud.

I totally see where Sheepherder is coming from with the self-imposed limitations. When I play pistols with grenades, I basically feel like a Grenadier. I am not determined enough to do what he does, though.

Sheepherder, more writeups like the two you just did, please! Btw, if you have any builds that are not necessarily handicapped, but you found them unexpectedly fun, I would like to read about those too.

(I just saw the latest writeup. Awesome!)

Bugs / [][Coretech] Agent Henderson reports from the afterlife
« on: June 15, 2020, 10:16:55 am »
Coretech questline: I secured the Warehouse and reported back to Harlan. He replied that he already knew, because Agent Henderson had already reported to him. The problem is that Agent Henderson died during the warehouse battle.

As far as I remember, this bug was not there in older versions of the game. 

- A legitimate hair-raising moment for me was when I met a Biocorp scientist in the shafts at DC. I had read about him over some terminal messages, snippets of his life a long time ago, and, all of a sudden, there he is.

- The last quest for the Protectorate. Holy cow.

- Ezra answering the question "Are you blind?" without speaking. I am not sure why, but I find it extremely atmospheric.

General / Re: [Spoiler] Stuck after complete Dude's quest
« on: September 26, 2019, 07:19:59 pm »
Actually, I think there's another way out, but I never go that way. I think if you go NORTH from Dude's cave you'll (immediately? eventually?) find a patch of rocks that you can climb up into the tunnel system, and from there you could find your way back to Core City or Foundry eventually.

Yeah, that's the way I got out, and it is the easiest way. Go north, and then you can climb some rocks to get to the entrance of the Hecate Research Facility. Then you go south past the deserted medical station (which is full of dogs), and you end up on map east to the Foundry.

General / Re: Chemical Pistols
« on: September 25, 2019, 07:15:00 pm »
Fixer buys them sometimes, the medical merchant at Junkyard. I store them close to him until he buys them.

Builds / Re: This guy Sseth apparently will make these forums more popular
« on: September 11, 2019, 05:13:14 am »
Same, Sseth hyped me up and I bought the game yesterday, can't wait to get home and start playing.

Came to the forums to look for a Pistol/Stealth/Trap build, but haven't found one yet.  :(

Here is the (heavily tested and evolved on Hard/Oddity) pistol/grenades/traps build that I was using BEFORE Expedition. It can probably be improved now (especially by using Temporal Manipulation), but it can get you started. Pistols are extremely fun, because there are so many different types of them (firearm pistols, energy pistols, chemical pistols), and there is always the right pistol for each situation (eg, energy pistols against robots, chemical pistols against energy-shielded opponents or if you are a Prodigy fan and like to set things on fire).

The build:

STR 3 DEX 10 AG 3 CON 4 PE 10 WILL 3 INT 7
(On levels 4/8/12/16 you add the free ability point to DEX to reach 14. This is a good number for DEX that lets you fire your pistols a good amount of times per round. On levels 20/24 you can do whatever you want with your free ability points, but I 'd put them in CON)

Lv1: Aimed Shot & Gunslinger
Lv2: Nimble
Lv4: Point Shot
Lv6: Grenadier
Lv8: Quick Tinkering
Lv10: Opportunist
Lv 12:  Execute
Lv 14: Critical Power
Lv 16: Cooked Shot
Lv 18: Mad Chemist
Lv 20: Sharpshooter
Lv 22: Power Management
Lv 24: Three Pointer

Guns (always max points)
Throwing (got to get it to 30 invested points to get Grenadier, then you can drop it or slow down. I want my grenades to be accurate, so I usually take it up to 80 effective points or so)
Stealth (always max points)
Hacking (15 effective points on Lv1, then 5 effective points per level until you reach 130- I am talking about effective points as opposed to invested points, you will understand once you see the level up screen)
Lockpicking (same as Hacking, up until you reach 103 in effective points)
Traps (invest what remains, but you gotta reach 25 invested points to get Quick Tinkering, then slowly reach 115 effective points with no rush)
Mechanics/Electronics/Tailoring (same progression as Hacking, but the maximum numbers for crafting have changed with Expedition and I don't know the new ones)
Chemistry (take it up to 98 effective points at a convenient pace)
Biology (take it up to 70 effective points at a convenient pace)
Mercantile (take it up to at least 10 effective points by the time you are level 10)

I repeat, this is a pre-Expedition build. But it should still work well. You start with firearm pistols, ending up with a Hammerer 0.44. Later you will mostly be using Energy pistols (especially the Electroshock one, but also the laser). After mid-game, you will be using either energy pistols or chemical ones. If you are not doing good damage, you have brought the wrong pistol!

Builds / Re: What will be your first build in Expedition and why?
« on: July 19, 2019, 10:06:26 pm »
Yeah, I know about the chain bouncing, I have played full psi a lot. I still don't find it strong enough.

If there is a doorway, you can always use mines. I do not consider this an important argument (also, gun users have high DEX and Quick Tinkering).

A gun user has way more skill points for Throwing than a full psi. Full psi with crafting, eg, is skillpoint starved.

Finally, a generic gun user can use energy weapons against the robots. He already has PE and DEX. Electroshock pistols do chain bouncing too at a much lower opportunity cost than eating mana.

All in all, I never have problems with guns against robots. With psi, there are a few situations where I have serious problems (eg, playing on Hard, I face problems in the Arke Powerplant and also in RAF- probably several other places too that I don't recall now).

Builds / Re: What will be your first build in Expedition and why?
« on: July 19, 2019, 08:33:05 pm »
@Tamior, do you find psi as powerful as guns against robots? I sure don't. When there are several robots, it is a nightmare, and I often find that the elektrokinesis abilities do not damage them fast enough. I keep thinking to myself "I wish I were a gun build".

That said, from a role playing perspective I don't mind it. It kinda makes sense that psi is not as strong against technology as it is against living organisms.

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