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Messages - ciox

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Sad to hear things are still early but obviously I understand. Hopefully there are more critically-hitting psi abilities in the future as that would address two issues at once (it also partially addresses the complaint some guys have about Psychosis increasing the psi cost of abilities that never crit, since that would be a less common occurence)

I think you're both right, right now only 2 abilities in the Temporal school are likely to crit, making Tranquility seem like the far better option, at the same time Tranquility isn't that great other than the cases where it lets you use a psi ability twice per turn when you couldn't otherwise (30 AP cost reduced to 25), so if you don't have that then it really does seem like Temporal would work well as a support thing with no/limited feats allocated to it.

I should make a list of the abilities that CAN crit really, since there's not that many.

- Cryokinesis
- Pyrokinesis
- Pyrokinetic Stream
- Cryokinetic Orb (best ability for critically hitting with psi)


- Telekinetic Punch
- Electrokinesis (note that Psionic Mania might not work so well with this, not sure if activating it guarantees crit to the bounces and not just the first hit)

Thought Control
- Neural Overload
- Psi-cognitive Interruption (?)

Temporal Manipulation
- Temporal Distortion (? - wiki says it cannot critically hit but that seems kind of overkill to prevent even such a simple ability from critting)
- Entropic Recurrence (?)

In general it seems kinda silly to go the Psychosis route unless you plan to focus on Metathermics, kind of a shame since I'm done with my Metathermics character and want to try other things.

General / Temporal Manipulation - combine with Tranquility or Psychosis?
« on: October 16, 2017, 09:00:27 am »
I'm bored and already theorycrafting a build for Expedition focused hard on shotguns and the new psi school, one of the things I've been wanting to try is a psi Psychosis/Mania/Trance build, but it seems like Temporal Manipulation might not be focused on critical hits very much, with a lot of utility psi abilities in the school that naturally cannot crit and with some uncertainty about whether the offensive psi abilities in the school can crit, since some of the more complex offensive psi abilities in other psi schools cannot crit (like Implosion).

I figured I'd ask since I've been wondering about this for a long time, and who knows, it might bring attention to the issue in the first place.

General / Re: Directions to Doctor's Pouch pls
« on: October 13, 2017, 01:59:34 pm »
It's very random, more spots where I found it:
- shelves inside of the SGS gym
- desk in the Tchortists lecture room in Core City
- inventory of Tchortist minister or other unarmed member

General / Re: Acid Cyclopean Eye
« on: October 13, 2017, 08:17:21 am »
The two-head mutant seems heavily randomized but also always spawning where other mutants are, I also had something happen once where the mutant had spawned on the map, but vanished after I exited (wanted to leave combat to patch up) and returned, I only got him because I remembered he was supposed to be there and reloaded the save. So if you aren't careful you might "erase" the mutant by leaving the map before finding and getting him.

Bugs / Sharpshooter bug
« on: October 08, 2017, 10:39:44 am »
Sorry if it's already been reported, but if you enter combat soon after the Focused buff's icon has appeared on your character's portrait, then open the combat stats panel, you'll sometimes see the Sharpshooter bonus is not applied, e.g you still have 125% critical damage bonus with a Zephyr instead of 155%

Bugs / Re: Managed to racharge energy shield emitter in combat
« on: October 08, 2017, 10:36:58 am »
Small update on this bug, might be intended behavior, if combat has started somehow but the player hasn't been noticed and isn't being targeted yet by anyone (no In-Combat buff on the player) or maybe if you managed to silently kill the only enemy that noticed you out of the group but combat is continuing because there is some kind of in-fighting going on that doesn't involve you, then you might be considered out of combat and able to perform actions like recharge shields.

Bugs / Re: Managed to racharge energy shield emitter in combat
« on: September 27, 2017, 08:04:52 am »
This does happen rarely to me and it's not just energy shields, you are able to do any non-combat action like using bandages.

General / Re: Where do you find high-quality pig leather?
« on: September 10, 2017, 07:58:34 pm »
Thanks, I decided to finally complete 'kill the beast' because of all this (first time after 2 full runs!)

Too bad I had bad luck and only got 75 quality super steel, I only realised fairly late that it was so close to the low end (70 is the minimum) and I already made some pig tabi boots, will have to redo the process before I go to DC.

General / Where do you find high-quality pig leather?
« on: September 10, 2017, 10:47:02 am »
I only know of a few places in the lower underrail caves where pigs will spawn, and they only drop pig leather up to a quality of 50 or so, are there more pigs/warthogs somewhere that are higher-leveled or is this it and you have to infuse and use Skinner to go higher?

General / Re: Faceless Medallion (Spoilers)
« on: August 28, 2017, 07:05:47 am »
I find it funny that when we finally get rid of the game's primary MacGuffin, it immediately hands us another one as reward.

Meanwhile I'm still wondering what this could be since you can keep it until the end of the game after solving the quest if you just pickpocket it from the quest giver after getting the reward. Not that everything should be explained of course.

I wonder if a Monsoon or a Cyclon is better for exploiting these elemental crits.

Typically I use Cyclon so I can use as many special bolts per turn as possible, it's a shame Digital High-Resolution Scope kinda sucks or a Monsoon High-Resolution build would be tempting to get as many of these elemental crits as possible.

A weird idea about shields would be to make them work more like in other games where shields are a thing that's not very strong but quickly regenerates, so you still have to use terrain and crowd control as your shield can't absorb a whole mob's turn of attacks at once, however this might create more "popamole" gameplay where you duck in and out of easy cover.

Direction-based sounds pretty damn interesting too though, Agility builds would have an advantage against some shield users since they could afford to move and shoot at them from the side or back more frequently than other builds.

Bugs / 8.6mm Incendiary Rounds never ignite
« on: July 20, 2017, 06:22:04 am »
Fired several hundred such rounds and nothing has ever ignited, I'm in Deep Caverns and shot most enemies there, which I know can already be ignited with my incendiary grenades, the weapon i'm firing the rounds from is

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #53: Expedition Gameplay Video
« on: July 13, 2017, 02:45:26 pm »
Really interesting shotgun mechanics that I spy, no Aimed Shot or Snipe for you, but there's a feat for doing bonus damage with shotgun at point blank it seems, also if you have a double-barreled shotgun you can choose which of the two shells to fire, I'm glad Styg is adding this real shotgun feel to the game.

This post contains minor spoilers about the expansion from the video. You have been warned!

Everything looks great so far! The new weapons and armor look like a lot of fun to use, the enemies are awesome (that Handmaiden assassin robot thing is giving me System Shock 2 flashbacks), the graphics are stellar, and the new music tracks all seem to fit in perfectly with the atmosphere. My favorite of the new tracks has to be the piece @ 3:54, even though you only let us hear 6 seconds of it. :P

The one thing that has me a bit concerned is the new Hypercerebrix med. Properly built Psi-users are already OP enough as it is with +2 INT Junkyard Surprise, +1 WILL Tchortist Noble Robes, etc. Do we really need another item that gives +2 INT? Well, at least we won't have to save-scum JS for crafting anymore.

Also, lovin' the new Twitch drug. Finally, something that buffs Initiative! Take that, Carnifex!

Keep up the good work, you guys! :)
Sounds interesting but where in the video is this stuff?

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