Author Topic: Report spelling/grammar errors  (Read 240578 times)


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #150 on: January 06, 2016, 05:08:07 pm »


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #151 on: January 19, 2016, 12:07:39 am »
Spelling and grammar mistakes are evolution. Evolution is spelling and grammar mistakes. Loot is life.

contains potential ~~SPOILERS~~

Daphne: "...appears lost in thought, her gaze fixated at some distant spot" --> "her gaze [fixed on] some distant spot"

"But first, allow me to introduce myself first." --> remove one of the "first"s!

"Why are you here what can you tell me about this place?" --> "Why are you here [and] what can you..."
"What can you tell me about Tchortists?" --> "about [the] Tchortists?"

"this Insitute of Tchort" --> "Institute" is missing a T

Cale: "I am the only one who truly mastered the art of being in a state..." ---> "who [has] truly mastered"

"What do you know about Tchortists?" --> "What do you know about [the] Tchortists?"

Maurice? Fella in the corner outside the Tchort Institute: "I though you said something" --> "thought" missing a T

What: "makes him look like he just about to vomit." --> "like he [is] just about to vomit"

Detritus: "...doesn't smell nearly as life-threating as it looks" --> "life-[threatening]" missing "en"

"Heard of drop zone?" --> everyone else in the game capitalizes "Drop Zone" so I assume it should be capitalized here too

"You arelucky to be alive" --> space needed

Efreitor Denzil: "We are... full, so to say." --> "so to [speak]" is the expression

"Their motives, patterns of though or anything about them" --> "patterns of [thought]" missing T

"Just as he wanted to leave, he turns back to you again." --> needs to be in present tense to be consistent with other NPC descriptions. Also "wanted" is a bit awkward here; did you mean "went"? In that case it would be "Just as he [goes] to leave, he turns back"

Preposterous Hippopotamus Praeposter Amelia: "Some things are unique to Institute of Tchort" --> "to [the] Institute of Tchort"

Dialogue choice says "I am a man of the moment" even if player character is female.

"Institute of Tchort is an institution dedicated to study and celebration of Tchort" --> "[The] Institute of Tchort... to [the] study" Just to explain why I keep mentioning this, it would be very unusual for a native English speaker to refer to a place called Institute of X without adding "the."

"the mysterious cube Tchortist stole" --> "Tchortists" plural

"She inserts the needle into your flesh, and while you feel only a little sting, the feeling of uneasiness due to the whole atmosphere." --> This is not a complete sentence. I'm hesitant to suggest a fix because I don't know what you intended to say. Maybe this? "She inserts the needle into your flesh, and while you feel only a little sting, [there is a] feeling of uneasiness due to the whole atmosphere."

"While we are at the subject of the library" --> "While we are [on] the subject of the library"

"The west wing had been in ruins long before the existence of Institute of Tchort" --> "The west wing [was] in ruins long before the existence of [the] Institute of Tchort"
"When a large earthquake of year twenty-four struck" --> if she is talking about a specific well-known earthquake, she would say "[the] earthquake of year twenty-four"
"a discussion took place whether to restore the west wing" --> "a discussion took place [about] whether to restore"

"In year sixty-seven, more than forty years after west wing had been demolished" --> "after [the] west wing"
"It was slow and methodical due to west wing's size" --> "due to [the] west wing's size"

"what creature was capable of manage something like that." --> "capable of [managing] something like that."

Jerre Franz: "as well the rise of violent sports" --> "as well [as] the rise of violent sports"

"the body of knowledge the Tchortist possess" --> "Tchortists" plural

Lazy Lal: "Don't get this the wrong way" --> "Don't [take] this the wrong way" is the expression

Eidein: "We rarely get to witness such valiant effort from those who were yet to become a part of our institution." --> "from those who [have] yet to become"

Provost Vladan: Refers to the PC as "him" even when PC is female. In the same sentence, "which of course does not give him to right to, as you say, barge in" --> "[the] right to" not "to right to"

Episkopos Lydia: "what job does an episkopos perform?... Episkopos oversees and manages all three departments" --> "[An] episkopos oversees..."
"I have been on this position" --> "I have been [in] this position"

Tchortist in cafeteria: "Did you know that Monsignor Gustav was sitting on that same table over there when he choked to death." --> "...was sitting [at] that same table over there when he choked to death[?]" (While it is certainly possible to sit *on* a table, I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant here.)

Buzzer: "worse than the phelgm I cough up" --> "phlegm"

"always look to history when ever you are in doubt" --> "[whenever] you are in doubt"
"I ask you?Of course" --> missing space


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #152 on: January 24, 2016, 06:36:31 pm »
there needs to be a space between "in" and "any" on the 3rd paragraph.


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #153 on: January 27, 2016, 06:25:12 pm »
Both Jack and Azif use phrase "most optimal" in their dialogues. This is tautology.
They surely are obsessed with perfection :)


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #154 on: January 28, 2016, 03:14:57 am »
"most optimal" in their dialogues. This is tautology.
Very rarely, I read people in real life who have mistakenly written "most all". A claim could apply to:
  • none: the entirety is inconsistent with the claim
  • almost none: the vast majority is inconsistent with the claim
  • most: the majority is consistent with the claim
  • almost all: the vast majority is consistent with the claim
  • all: the entirety is consistent with the claim
but hybridising two of these to say "most all" is meaningless. "All" surpasses "most".

So "most optimal" would be better written as one of:
  • mostly optimal
  • almost optimal
  • optimal


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #155 on: January 31, 2016, 12:18:26 pm »
Jon the Beautiful: "The have... what's it called... Oh, " --> "They have... what's it called... Oh, "


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #156 on: February 07, 2016, 05:51:37 pm »
Speaking to Geezer Ford "Did Hopper Jim beat some kind of record of yours by catching that red eel?"

"It ain't about the weight, if that's whatcha thinking, it about principle" -> "It ain't about the weight, if that's whatcha thinking, it's about principle"

Also, not sure, but shouldn't that read's about the principle...? (italicized to highlight)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2016, 05:53:21 pm by fimbri »


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #157 on: February 22, 2016, 01:36:07 pm »
Speaking to Will in Fort Apogee:

though = thought

"3. I though I said goodbye, Will"


Attached: snip of the dialog box


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #158 on: February 26, 2016, 06:59:36 pm »
Where it says "agains", it shoud be "against"


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #159 on: February 26, 2016, 10:21:31 pm »
Tchort U, PI Georgis; his introductory blurb could use a couple small changes:

Scratch the word "of". Not needed.

Correct "relief" to the proper "relieve".

Running v1.0.1.4

see attached..
« Last Edit: February 26, 2016, 10:23:03 pm by Taggart »


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #160 on: February 28, 2016, 11:08:58 am »
Just right at the beggining. When you enter caves for the first time to reactivate the generator:

Old Jonas asks you to retrieve his lost wristwatch. The journal entry for this quest reads:

"Find the Old Jonas watch..."

That "the" article could be suppressed I think. -> "Find Old Jonas watch..."


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #161 on: February 28, 2016, 11:22:00 pm »
Option to climb boxes to gain entrance into Talloski Manor - activator says "Cimb up" rather than "Climb up".


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #162 on: February 29, 2016, 06:22:24 am »
Sophie in Hardcore Bar:

"She drifts off into deep though and remains..."

though = thought


attached - dialog snip


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #163 on: March 02, 2016, 08:22:16 pm »
Twitch in Oculus:

PC to Twitch:

2) I might some surveillance help.

Missing word 'need'.

Should be:

2) I might need some surveillance help.


ref attached


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Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« Reply #164 on: March 22, 2016, 09:14:00 pm »
Brutallity -> Brutality