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Revision as of 14:06, 14 January 2023 by Hazardo (talk | contribs)
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LowerMetro.png Ag2 l.png

RC Deacon.png

Faction Unknown
Role Merchant
Location Rail Crossing
Combat Stats
Combat Stats Level: 20
Shop file

Deacon is a hidden trader in Rail Crossing. His shop is hidden in the back alley behind bar, and you'll need quite high Perception or Snooping to find it. Perception boosters such as Adaptive Goggles, The Juice or Third Eye may help. He carries Security Keycard (Railcrossing Warehouse).

Player interactions

Deacon offers his wares to those who are, according to his words, "initiated" or anyone perceptive enough to find his shop.

Trader inventory

He sells bullets, special bolts, lockpicks, traps, crossbows, combat gloves, knives and sniper rifles.

Notable items sold Looking to buy
Cash available