Handmaiden (pharmacist)

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This page contains content from Underrail: Expedition expansion.

Xpbl lemuriainterior.png Xpbl srobf l.png

LHC pharmacist.png

Role Merchant
Location Lemurian Health Center
Dialog file(s) mc_pharmacist.udlg
Shop file mc_pharmacy.store

Handmaiden is a merchant in the Lemurian Health Center West Wing. She is summoned by knocking on the Pharmacy's door behind the counter. She doesn't show in every playthrough. Handmaiden vanishes after the Investigate Lemurian Health Center quest is completed.


One of the surviving handmaidens in the Lemurian Health Center. She performs simple retail work in the pharmacy in the absence of pharmacist dr. Elton.

Player interactions

Trader inventory

She sells random medicines and chemicals.

Notable items sold Looking to buy
  • Nothing
Cash available
  • None