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Suggestions / A quick-tinkering nerf idea
« Last post by harperfan7 on November 26, 2024, 01:23:35 am »
Not that it's really necessary, but in the interest of fairness, I think it would make sense if quick-tinkering required you to have the trap in a utility slot.  With grenades, you have to pre-select them before the fight starts or else waste AP switching them out.  With quick-tinkering, you just pick something from your inventory.
Builds / Re: My attempt at a Shotgun + Claymore build
« Last post by Dismas on November 25, 2024, 04:20:38 pm »
I see, so the main problem are feats, not skill point investment, that versatility feat provides. In order to scale damage till late game, you have specialize in one direction to pull it off. Even if you have extra 100 points to each (melee/guns), its the feats that are making it work. That's kinda shame, but understandable. In all games something like versatility build either means specializing is not required, therefore making broader build is better, or specialization is required and if so, no versatility build will ever going to work.

No disrespect toward the game or those masochist that made it work on dominating. I guess I will listen to advises here and on reddit and avoid versatility altogether.
Discussions / Re: Drones or Cans?
« Last post by Antalos on November 25, 2024, 12:51:06 pm »
The Drones and the Protectorate are two polarities that I have to choose between, and I really don't like that, and I'm a little angry at Styg for basically shoving an "either this or that" ultimatum in my face, even though neither is a "correct" choice... in fact, it's better not to choose at all, but if you have to, the Protectorate is the only correct choice. The Drones' fight is pointless and merciless, it's doomed to failure, they confidently march to hell ahead of the Protectorate, but they drag innocent people along with them...
Builds / Re: Versattility build, common Questions
« Last post by Dismas on November 25, 2024, 12:50:06 pm »
Thank you, this is very helpful. One more question though, why SMGs and not handguns? Is it rate of fire or anything else that gives it an edge?
Discussions / Re: ''From where do you hail?''
« Last post by Antalos on November 25, 2024, 11:34:43 am »
From Russia, city Murmansk =)
Suggestions / Title (or Rank, or Status) for a character, based on a build
« Last post by Deep Driller on November 25, 2024, 09:43:29 am »
I've seen a couple of build, here and in other places. Those would benefit from having a title (or any other name), when fully/almost fully leveleed up.

So the suggestion would be: when a character gets to high level (25 or 26), they will receive a certain title, based on chosen skills and/or feats — if those fall under a certain title requirement.

For example:

1. Melee over 100+Psychokinesis over 100+Telekinetic Punch (learned)+Improved (or Expert) Unarmed Combat — should give the characted "Mind Knuckle" title (there should be a better name for it).

2. Any two of psi abilities over 150+any four abilities from each school learned and innervated at least once — "Under-Magus" title. Any three of psi disciplines over 120+any four abilities from each school learned and innervated at least once — "Over-Magus" or "Under-Archmagus" title.

You get the idea.

Titles should be purely cosmetic; only a line under the character's name.
Builds / Re: Versattility build, common Questions
« Last post by TheCONMan on November 25, 2024, 02:29:14 am »
Agree with Easyprey that Versatility is kind of a trap. First note of importance is that the Versatility feat alone provides only 60% of your highest weapon skill, and is generally not enough to provide a satisfactory experience in combat. Typically you have to equip the Commando Belt (+10%), and/or invest specialization points into Versatility (2% per point, up to 20%) to pump your non-base weapon skill high enough to be effective in combat.

Also, thanks to specialization points and Commando Belt, any versatility build only starts to come online at level 20 onwards. Before that, you would be stuck with your base weapon. For example, if you level Dex and melee skill, and use Versatility to increase your guns skill, you would probably be stuck using melee weapons for a good part of the game.

Also, weapon skill is only part of the equation. Feats and attribute requirements also determine whether your Versatilitied weapon can be effective or not. For example, in one of my past builds I max strength and melee skill, and used Versatility to provide good guns and heavy guns skill to use assault rifles and lmgs. With no investment into perception, I was not able to get powerful AR and LMG feats. Also, even with Versatility, I still had to invest 80 points into Guns and Heavy Guns each to fulfill the requirements for 2 AR/LMG feats that does not need perception.

Currently, the most successful Versatility build that I have seen is knives/SMGs. It involves over investment into Dex and melee skill, and minimizing investment into Per. The high Dex provides melee skill, crit chance and ap reduction for knives, and also ap reduction for SMGs. The only missing piece of the build is the low guns skill caused by low per, which is fixed through Versatility.

Have fun with your builds!
Builds / Re: My attempt at a Shotgun + Claymore build
« Last post by TheCONMan on November 25, 2024, 01:50:55 am »
No Leading Shot? That's a must have feat for shotguns, it nullifies mobs with high evasion.

Personally, the build feels at odds with itself. High intelligence and mechanics skill for crafting, but using a unique melee weapon. Massive dex investment and versatility, but using a gun that does not benefit from dexterity. Also both shotgun and sword are short range weapons, seems like they overlap a lot in use cases.

But if it works, it works!

PS: 55 points in TM is just a testament to how strong PTC is, lol.

Suggestions / Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Last post by Eidein on November 25, 2024, 01:19:03 am »
Yes I was showcasing peak TC against the hardest fight in the game on DOM, and what do you mean a crapload of specifically chosen feats? yes its a build. Also what do you mean 12 will and int, I think you mean 21 will and 8 int. And wow 3 bots, crazy.

Why would you go to black sea on DOM at lv12, wait till lv16 when you can get a 160q headband (yes its not hard), and TM will destroy all the bots with ease. Temporal distortion shits on bots lol. And why would I use fear or enrage when I can just kill them with neural overload. Don't think I specifically mentioned fear or enrage being strong because I don't use them even though they do work I just spam neural overload and everyone on my screen is dead.

I'm betting you tried TC on a hybrid build with crappy will (below 15) and everyone resisted your spells. Newsflash TC works the best on its own dedicated build it is not something you can slap onto any build and it will work.

You also have no idea what you are talking about relating to psi, just because psi needs a headband doesn't make it weak. Headbands are a core part of psi builds and they aren't particularly hard to acquire. Their crafting requirements are very soft.

If you compare using the thumper at an early level to a TC build which hard scales into the late game then sure of course nade launcher is stronger...

You are either a high tier shitposter or completely dellusional.

You do know I beat DOM without dying once on a TC/TM build right?, 3 con aswell. Saying it doesn't work is hilarious.

Bugs / Re: Spiked Chrome Brass Knuckles cannot be laced with poisons
« Last post by ciox on November 23, 2024, 08:20:54 pm »
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